🔥Build Card🔥

⭐Gaming Characteristics
Gaming (Gah-ming) Pyro 4⭐ character with a kit that focuses on his plunge attacks.
Despite his rarity he has a high scaling and with his c6 it will have nothing to envy of a 5 star!
Bestial Ascent (Elemental Skill)

Suanni's Gilded Dance (Burst)

⭐What stats do we need?
Gaming is a DPS so he needs stats that help him do as much damage as possible.
CRIT % ---- > ATK% ---- > EM ---- > ER%
Should you wish for him?
Gaming is a very strong and fun DPS to play, he can work well on many teams using the game's reactions to do a lot of damage.
Unfortunately, however, I don't think it's very friendly with free to play, as if we want very high CRIT statistics we have to rely on 5-star weapons or paid weapons (BattlePass). But this doesn't make him a bad unit because there are still alternatives in the game, that will still make his gameplay quite enjoyable.
Having noted these aspects, as always, the most important rule is only one: if you like the character, you should definitely wish!