Genshin Impact Chasca Build Guides, Weapons, Artifacts, and Teams

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Chasca is a 5-star Anemo Bow Character in Genshin Impact that best functions as an Elemental DPS! See Chasca's best builds, artifacts and weapons, materials, kit, and all known info about her here!

Unique to Chasca is that her kit works in diverse elemental teams as she infuses her bullets with Pyro, Hydro, Electro, or Cryo (PHEC) based on your party composition, effectively making her the first multi-element carry, and can trigger all reactions related to the aforementioned elements at once.

After further testing, Chasca has the benefit of not needing specific rotations as she just needs any PHEC elements in her team to do her job. While her best performance still relies on the supports who are already being used in other teams, Chasca has access to more than half of the game's off-field roster at her disposal.

Her bullets split into six when she locks onto multiple enemies, and each of them only attack one enemy. Thus, her damage is primarily single-target, which is great against bosses but distributed in AoE situations. Against multiple targets, while she doesn't exactly outright one-shot her opponents, her bullets enable Chasca to apply Elements which can then be triggered with subsequent rotations, which means she doesn't struggle as hard in the long run.

When talking about constellations, Chasca at C2 solves her major issues in AoE and makes her less restrictive in team-building. On top of that, the damage and reliability it gives makes her a top-tier damage dealer alongside Neuvillette and Arlecchino. Only consider going to C2 if you want to invest vertically with Chasca who's strictly on-field unlike Raiden Shogun.

I. Chasca Strengths and Weaknesses

  1. Strengths
  • Is capable of triggering any Elemental Reaction that the team can do on her own.
  • Chasca can function in almost all teams that are based on Pyro, Hydro, Electro, and Cryo.
  • Elemental Skill lifts her into the air, offering Chasca a way to avoid most forms of melee damage.
  • Variety in damage allows her to use an ATK Goblet, which makes building her easier.
  • Exploration ability lets Chasca traverse most vertical areas in the game as she can fly over them.
  1. Weaknesses
  • Chasca doesn't have AoE as her bullets are mostly single target, which is only solved at C2.
  • Requires interruption resistance from a shielder as she can get knocked out of the sky.
  • Reliance on Elemental Reaction teammates prevents her access from Zhongli as a shielder unit and most non-PHEC buffer unless she is at C1.

II. Chasca Best Builds

Chasca DPS Builds:

Chasca's main mechanic is her Elemental Skill that shoots out elemental bullets, which deal the corresponding element's damage, making Chasca's build more versatile especially when it comes to Sands and Goblet choices.

While CRIT is her main focus, Chasca's Sands can either be ATK or EM depending on what you need, whereas her Goblet can be either ATK, EM, or whichever Elemental DMG is dominant on your team.

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Obsidian Codex DPS

As an Anemo DPS, Chasca takes advantage of using other elements to buff her DMG. Using a 4-pc. set of the Obsidian Codex is a good way to buff her overall DMG even more.

This will often be Chasca's go-to build by virtue of being a Natlan character who can make use of Obsidian Codex's Nightsoul's Blessing requirement.

Anemo Swirl DPS

Since Chasca's Elemental Skill provides Swirl, you can also build her with a 4-pc. Viridescent Venerer set to further increase her Anemo DMG and reduce your opponent's Elemental RES.

With this, Chasca can opt to mix and match her Sands and Goblet to invest into ATK% as a general option, or stacking Elemental Mastery to lean more towards being an Anemo Driver.

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Chasca Talent Priority

1st (Elemental Skill) > 2nd (Elemental Burst) > 3rd (Normal Attack)

Most of Chasca's damage comes from the elemental bullets discharged from her gun during her Elemental Skill, which makes this the highest priority to level up.

Next up is her Elemental Burst, which should be leveled as much as possible as it also contributes a major improvement to her damage. Her Normal Attacks can be saved for last as her damage does not scale on it.

III. Chasca Best Artifacts

Obsidian Codex Would Be Best:

4-pc. Obsidian Codex was made for Natlan characters like Chasca because of the 40% CRIT Rate increase which will virtually always be active, followed by Shimenawa's Reminiscence if you are still farming for 4-pc Codex.

If running her as a Swirl DPS, then you may opt to use 4-pc. Viridescent Venerer as it still retains its title as the premier Artifact Set for Swirl units.

Chasca Artifact Rankings

Obsidian Codex
Obsidian Codex
Viridescent Venerer
Viridescent Venerer
Shimenawa's Reminiscence
Shimenawa's Reminiscence

1st (Obsidian Codex):

  • 2-PC: While the equipping character is in Nightsoul's Blessing and is on the field, their DMG dealt is increased by 15%.
  • 4-PC: After the equipping character consumes 1 Nightsoul point while on the field, CRIT Rate increases by 40% for 6s. This effect can trigger once every second.

2nd (Viridescent Venerer):

  • 2-PC: Anemo DMG Bonus +15%
  • 4-PC: Increases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent's Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s.

3rd (Shimenawa's Reminiscence):

  • 2-PC: ATK +18%.
  • 4-PC: When casting an Elemental Skill, if the character has 15 or more Energy, they lose 15 Energy and Normal/Charge/Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 50% for 10s. This effect will not trigger again during that duration.

IV. Chasca Best Weapons

Take Weapons That Boost Elemental DMG:

Chasca's best option is likely to be her Signature weapon, Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage. You can also choose other alternative weapons that give ATK and Elemental DMG like Aqua Simulacra or The First Great Magic.

As for her Swirl DPS options, you can opt to make use of her Signature weapon for personal damage, or weapons like Hunter's Path and Elegy for the End for their synergy to Elemental Mastery-focused builds.

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Chasca Weapon Rankings

Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage
Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage
Aqua Simulacra
Aqua Simulacra
The First Great Magic
The First Great Magic

1st (Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage):

  • Base ATK: 608
  • Bonus Stat: CRIT DMG 66.2%
  • Skill Effect: For 12s after triggering a Swirl reaction, ATK increases by 24%. In addition, when 1/2 or more characters in the party are of a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the DMG dealt by the equipping character's Charged Attacks is increased by 20%/48% and Elemental Burst DMG dealt is increased by 10%/24%.

2nd (Aqua Simulacra):

  • Base ATK: 542
  • Bonus Stat: CRIT DMG 88.2%
  • Skill Effect: HP is increased by 16%. When there are opponents nearby, the DMG dealt by the wielder of this weapon is increased by 20%. This will take effect whether the character is on-field or not.

3rd (The First Great Magic):

  • Base ATK: 608
  • Bonus Stat: CRIT DMG 66.2%
  • Skill Effect: DMG dealt by Charged Attacks increased by 16%. For every party member with the same Elemental Type as the wielder (including the wielder themselves), gain 1 Gimmick stack. For every party member with a different Elemental Type from the wielder, gain 1 Theatrics stack. When the wielder has 1/2/3 or more Gimmick stacks, ATK will be increased by 16%/32%/48%. When the wielder has 1/2/3 or more Theatrics stacks, Movement SPD will be increased by 4%/7%/10%.

V. Chasca Best Team Comps

Chasca Thrives in Rainbow Teams:

Due to Chasca's Elemental Skill converting up to four of her bullets into one of four elements based on her teammates, running her in a Rainbow team is best to take advantage of her skill.

Even if her allies do not use their Elemental Skills and Burst, Chasca is still able to take advantage of these elements with her Shadowhunt Shells, and can even opt to shift her build towards a certain element.

1. Chasca Rainbow Teams

These teams consist of Chasca mixed with exactly three other elements to give her Elemental Skill the most amount of differing bullets, allowing Chasca to trigger as many Elemental Reactions as possible.

This build sees more value if Chasca is on-field as the Anemo Driver for these reactions, as this allows her to create more instances of different reactions as she swirls them.

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2. Chasca Mono Element Teams

Due to Chasca's Elemental Conversion mechanic converting up to four of her bullets, she can be ran with the premier support of each element, along with using the corresponding element's DMG Bonus Goblet.

This allows four of her six shots to always be a single element, and for the last two shots to swirl that element around.

3. Chasca Vaporize Teams

Chasca can also make use of the Vaporize reaction with her Elemental Conversion, which helps trigger both ends of Vaporize as well as Swirl it around.

This also has the added benefit of giving Chasca access to either Furina, Bennett, or even Xilonen if Chasca uses a Pyro DMG Bonus Goblet, which helps in ensuring that her own personal damage is still respectable.

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4. Chasca Electro-Charged Teams

With Chasca's Elemental Conversion, she can facilitate the Electro-Charged reaction together with Ororon and other Electro and Hydro units as her bullets will be able to swirl and trigger the reaction.

This will likely be great in scenarios where there are multiple opponents that need to be shot evenly, and having Chasca's bullets hit all opponents ensures that there are multiple sources of Electro-Charge.

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5. Chasca Overload Teams

Chasca can also slot into Overload teams as her bullets can lock onto targets and trigger Overload with almost every hit when paired with allies with high Elemental application.

This is especially good with Chasca as the main DPS with her Elemental Skill's lock-on mechanic, which counters the innate possibility of Overload units accidentally splitting up their opponents in a fight.

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VI. Chasca's Ascension and Talent Material Summary

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Genshin Impact Chasca Build Guides, Weapons, Artifacts, and Teams

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