See khymtft's Twitch channel
Difficulty Level
Easy Mode: 3 Acts to end the show
- You must select 10 characters to participate in the challenge
- Character has reached Lv. 60
- You can invite 1 Supporting Cast Character
Normal Mode: 6 Acts to end the show
- You must select 14 characters to participate in the challenge
- Character has reached Lv. 60
- You can invite 1 Supporting Cast Character
Hard Mode: 8 Acts to end the show
- You must select 18 characters to participate in the challenge
- Character has reached Lv. 70
- You can invite 1 Supporting Cast Character
Monster List
Elemental Type Requiements
Pyro, Electro and Anemo
Opening Characters

Alternate Cast

Because the number of enemies is quite large, Sucrose, Venti and Kazuha are highly appreciated for their grouping ability. Moreover, Viridescent Venerer is compatible with the Pyro and Electro DPS.
If you are lack of characters, Traveler can be a temporary option.

Bathysmal Vishap Herd

Nemesis of Coppelius



Toy Medal