Welcome to the Itto Main's Guide!
Here I will provide all you need to know about Itto, including:
- Best Weapons
- Best Teams
- Best Artifacts
- Gorou

A Quick Rundown Of The Basics
Talent Priority
Normal attack - Burst - Skill
Energy Requirements
Depending on the teams, Itto's energy requirements can also vary. I suggest aiming for:
3+ Geo units: 110-120% ER 2 Geo units: 135-140% ER Solo Geo: 150%+ ER
c1: Good c2: ok c3: meh c4: meh c5: ok c6: great
Best Weapons for Itto

Itto's best weapon is his signature, Redhorn Stonethresher However, the Whiteblind is a free 4 star weapon that can be crafted in game, and is a great option for F2P players. If you managed to get the Serpent's Spine from the battlepass, it is also a very good weapon to use.

Itto's best artifact set is the Husk of Opulent Dreams. Due to the defense and Geo damage it provides, it is by far his best choice.
itto's best teams are generally mono-geo teams, because geo characters usually only synergise with themselves.

Zhongli provides the team with a sturdy shield, activating geo resounance and shredding the Geo resistances of nearby enemies.

In this team, gorou is buffing both Itto and Chiori, whilst also providing healing to the team with his 4th constellation. Gorou can effectively use the exile's set, reducing energy requirements of the entire team.

Chiori is a 5 star sub-dps that provides great unconditional damage to teams (requiring a Geo construct), greatly improving the total DPS of mono geo teams

This is widely considered Itto's best team, bringing high single target and aoe damage.
- Versatile in single target and AOE
- No circle impact
- comfortable, especially with Gorou's c4
- Great team against geo shields
- No healer without gorou's c4
- Not a great team against any elemental checks other than geo
Itto is not a versatile character in team building. Itto's best teams revolve around mono geo, and there arent that many characters in the game that synergise well this way. However, Itto's mono geo teams tend to be versatile in combat, being able to work in most types of combat.
Gorou: Itto's main support
Gorou is one of Itto's best supports. When pulling for Itto, gorou is usually also on his banner. Gorou was made to work with Itto, and using Itto without gorou is often inefficient.
Even without constellations or any kind of investment, gorou brings to mono geo teams:
- a great defense buff
- resistance to interruption
- a 15% geo damage bonus
Gorou's constellations also bring:
- Extra defense buffs at c3
- Slight healing at c4
- Crit damage bonus for Geo teams at c6
Mono Geo teams work well around Gorou, especially when more than one character can capitalise off of Gorou's defense buff. For example, both Albedo and Itto can use the defense gorou provides simultaniously, making Gorou's buffs even more effective
Gorou's best artifacts

Depending on the situation, Gorou's best artifact set may vary:
Gorou's only investment needed for increasing his buff is through his talents. Any artifact set on gorou can be used without affecting how capable of a geo-buffer he is. Thanks to this, Gorou can utilise a 4 star artifact like Exile to provide a great energy boost to the entire team without handicapping himself. This is why many people consider Exile's set to be his greatest option in mono geo teams!
Thanks to his ability to pull crystalize shards in with his burst, Archaic Petra becomes a viable option whenever you can use the damage increase for Pyro/Electro/Cryo/Hydro characters. For example, if Xiangling is used on a team with gorou, gorou can effectively provide a damage bonus to Xiangling with crystalise shards he provides.
Whenever attack is useful for the team, Noblesse Oblige will always be a great option.
If you want to maximise his damage or healing, Husk of Opulent Dreams is the best set to use.
Gorou's best weapon

Favonious Warbow is hard to beat for gorou. It is free, he does not need the base attack for anything, and has fairly high energy requirements. Therefor, you might as well throw him on favonious warbow to provide energy to himself and the team. Don't forget to build him with crit rate when using this weapon!