Kaeya is a 4-star Cryo sword user functioning as an off-field DPS. I'll go over artifacts, teams and weapons :)

Here are some weapon options for Kaeya! (Keep in mind these are only 5 choices and many can be used given the cirumstances)
Uraku Misigiri is a great stat stick for Kaeya with the hefty 88.2% Crit Damage substat at Lv.90. Although the passive in't great unless you're using Kaeya on-field and not as a Cryo applicator, then this option is purely for the stats. However, on-field Kaeya with this sword and Zhongli could work well, in theory. I don't have the sword or Zhongli (just my luck) so I can't put this to the test, however.
Amenoma Kageuchi is a weapon great for refunding Kaeya's energy reliably, with a max of 18 energy after using three skills and using your burst. The ATK substat isn't half-bad either, it just means you need to rely on Crit value heavily (2(Crit.Rate)+Crit.DMG) in the circlet and substats.
Wolf-Fang is more useful for off-field Kaeya. His skill can't get the passive's Crit.Rate boost reliably as an on- field DPS with it's 6.0 second second cooldown and burst's 8.0 second duration, meaning you can only get one skill in per rotation, two if you can. But off-field Kaeya can take advantage of the passive and get the max 8% Crit.Rate boost per rotation. Even if you can take advantage of the passive as an on-field DPS, there are better options .However, in both situations the 27.6% Crit.Rate boost at Lv.90 is great for being able to lean into Crit.DMG more.
The Alley Flash has a small Elemental Mastery boost that can help with Melt DMG. But if you want to go into more EM, Iron sting can be better and give an Elemental DMG boost equal to the Alley Flash's pure DMG boost at R5. But the Alley flash does have a higher base ATK, so it has that going for it.
Harbinger Of Dawn can be considered the Slingshot of Sword characters. But the Harbinger Of Dawn has a high Crit.DMG boost and rivals many 4 and 5 star weapons if it is R5, which can be easy if you wish every now and then. This weapon is very versatile and is great for Kaeya.
Kaeya's Artifacts

4-piece Blizzard Strayer is a great on-field build, especially for freeze. The Crit.Rate boost let's you focus on Crit.DMG and even if you are off-field, it isn't bad either.
A two-piece combo of EM, ATK, Blizzard Strayer, Noblesse Oblige or even Emblem of Severed Fate can be as good as 4-piece Blizzard Strayer in certain cases like Melt.
4-piece Emblem of Severed Fate can perform great if you are investing into his burst but you need a minimum of 140% ER or a two piece of Noblesse Oblige will outperform the artifact set.
Kaeya's Teams

A Kaeya DPS Melt team consisting of the usual characters: Noblesse Bennet, two-piece ATK ATK Shenhe and VV Shred Kazuha. And of course, Kaeya with a two-piece of EM and ATK, but Blizzard Strayer two-piece instead of ATK or EM works fine. The rotation should be: Kaeya E - Kazuha E - Bennett Q, E - Kazuha Q- Shenhe E, Q (Use maximum amount of charges on E if higher constellations) - Kaeya Q, E, NA spam until Q duration expires (E when available)

A usual perma-freeze teem consisting of VV Shred Kazuha, Ocean-Hued Clam Kokomi, two-piece ATK ATK Shenhe and Blizzard Strayer Kaeya. Kokomi can also use Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers, so you can swap Shenhe and Kokomi's place in the rotation below if the weapon is equipped. An optimal rotation would be: Kokomi E - Kazuha Q - Shenhe E,Q - Kazuha E - Kaeya E,Q, NA and E spam until burst expires (switch to Kokomi and use skill or burst to heal if needed)
Overall, Kaeya is a free alternative to other better Cryo DPS characters, but in the early game he is great. He can do a great job but only with maximum investment and by then, it's worth more to focus on other characters like Ayaka, Rosaria or even Wriothesley. But as always, if you like hispersonality and character, no one can stop you from playing your favourite character.
Thanks for reading this guide! Expect a Lisa guide soon and have a good day :)