Table of Contents
- My Build
- How To Clear
- Weapons
- Artefact Set
- Artefact Stats
My Build

How to Clear
Here is my clear in video format
- Set-Up your Plunge in the opposite side of big hilichurl spawn point
- The big hilichurl will spawn on the other side & Plunge does the most DMG
- Once started, make sure to get the buff by destroying the 3 balloons, then plunge down
- This will help you clear both hilichurls faster
- Move one hilichurl closer to the other & Best to use NA to preserve Stamina
- Can target both at the same time (it is more ideal to push them to the middle and not the left like I did. This allows your next plunge to hit them too which is a time-saving-move)
- Plunge and hit both hilichurls
- Hitting 3 balloons gives buff
- Hit both with Charge, if not displaced or hit them both with NA to preserve stamina
- Depending on your displacement luck, you have to choose between these two options (finish before the dendro orb spawns)
- DO NOT TOUCH the green orb!!!!! until the big hilichurl is affected by Dendro
- This allows your Keqing to do more DMG to the big hilichurl
- Let big hilichurl touch the green orb and you, ideally, take the buff from balloons
- This allows max DMG output
- Attack with everything but also preserve stamina if necessary (Burst & CA on Quicken Aura will add additional DMG)
- Not much to say (finish before the next dendro orb spawns)
- DO NOT TOUCH the green orb!!!!! until the ruin grinder spawns
- This allows your Keqing to do more DMG
- Let ruin grinder touch the green orb and you, ideally, take the buff from balloons
- This allows max DMG output
- Attack with everything but also preserve stamina if necessary (Burst & CA on Quicken Aura will add additional DMG)
- Not much to say, simply repeat since it is the last oponnent

Which weapon to use is very simple, anything that buffs Keqing DMG without relying on teammates/reaction will be more advantageous. Moreover, since Keqing will run into more Stamina issues, she will normal attack more often. Hence why, NA buffs are viable.
- Some other weapons are also viable but I find them underwhelming
Check out my Keqing Guide
Artefact Set

If you pick EM or Dendro related set --> Pick some EM (250 EM max). Your DMG will be the highest during Aggravate (High - Low DMG)
If you picked set that buffs NA/CA --> Build like a standard DPS with EM being ok during Aggravate (Balanced DMG)
If you picked physical set --> Build like a physical carry (No Buffs, Only Physical DMG)