Lisa is a Electro 4-Star Catalyst and can be used in all categories of team contribution! (By that, I mean DPS, Sub-DPS and Support). I'll talk about weapons, artifacts and teams in this guide and probably a brief overview on how to play her.
Lisa's Weapons

Here are some weapon options for Lisa! (Keep in mind these are only 5 choices and many can be used given the cirumstances)
Along with Yae Miko, Lisa is the only character who can take full advantage of Kagura's Verity's passive, giving an Elemental DMG Bonus after using a skill 3 times. The Crit.DMG substat is great for those thumbnail numbers as well (You're welcome)
LPTSW (I'm not typing out the full name) is a great stat stick for Lisa, gifting her a hefty Crit.Rate boost to give you thumbnail-worthy screenshots consistently without camera bugs! Although, as she doesn have a long field time as she has done her role after using her burst or skill, which means you won't get the full DMG bonus.
The Widsith is another Crit.DMG weapon that a lot of people probably have (Mine's at R2, let's not make it R3) and a passive that is great for Lisa with either an EM boost, ATK boost or Elemental DMG Bonus.
Solar Pearl is a great option! It's usually preferred on a Main-DPS Lisa with good Energy Recharge, but I'm not the boss of you.
TTDS (Again, I'm not typing out the full name) is great, not for the substat, but the passive, like Harbinger Of Dawn and Slingshot, is very good. The ATK buff it gives to the next character, Noblesse Oblege as well as her DEF shred (Spoilers for my kit. overview?) makes her a good support. Shame we don't have an OP Claymore.
Lisa's Artifacts

- Noblesse Obliege is used primarily as a Burst Support Lisa with the 4-piece.
- Thundering Fury is preferred for Main-DPS Lisa as her unnecessarily long cooldown on her skill makes it almost required to use this set's 4-piece.
- Gilded Dreams can be used as well as an alternative to Thundering fury as a Main-DPS in Quicken comps. As long as you have two characters of a different element and an Electro character other than Lisa, you will be getting a chunk of both EM and ATK when triggering an Elemental Reaction with the 4-piece.
- Golden Troupe is a subpar but okay set for Lisa as she can take advantage of the 2 and 4-piece. But as she needs to be on-field for the skill to function, she can't use the 4-piece passive usefully.
- Any of these sets or ATK sets' two-piece can be used with Lisa if you have better substats.
Lisa's Teams

This team for Lisa is an Aggravate team with her as the Main DPS with any of the sets as long as you have a good amlunt of EM, Nahida hopefully build on a lot of EM (But she can be replaces with someone like Baizhu, Dendro MC etc.), Fischl with Golden Troupe or a 2-piece of TF and ATK artifact 2-piece (Can be replaced with Kuki for utility) and Kazuha with the Standard Max EM VV build (The same build can be used for Sucrose in this team). The standard rotation would be: Fischl E - Kazuha E or E,Q - Nahida E,Q - Lisa 3(Press E), Hold E - Repeat

This is a more niche team with Lisa: Burst Support. Since her A4 Passive gives a 35% DEF Shred when opponents enter her burst field. Because of this, people started to use her as a budget Bennet: Using her burst to debuff enemies and using Noblesse obliege to buff party members. This side of Lisa has faded into obscurity because people decided that Raiden Shogun was a better character who, even though she didn't do what Lisa could, Raiden could be a DPS and Burst Support, meaning she was BiS for teams like the one above. But since it's still a good F2P option, I decided to keep it in. This isn't the only team Support Lisa can be used in, she can also be used in any team needing Electro characters, such as Dendro, Electro-Charged etc.
What are my thoughts on everyone's likely first crush in the game? Like all starter characters, subpar and there are better options in the world. But like always, this won't stop you from choosing Lisa (That might as well be the slogan of these guides). Thanks for reading again! I'm so sorry I haven't posted this, I've just not had enough motivation as always (I might've said that last guide) Hope you liked it and look out for a [Insert text here] guide! Bye~