Ultimate Abyss Guide (Genshin Impact)


Welcome to my Abyss Guide


  • Floor 1 To 11
  • Who Is Flexible?
  • How To Build Teams
  • How To Adapt Your Team
  • What If Adapting Is Not An Option?
  • What Are Reasons People Fail?

Floor 1 to 11

When it comes to early floors, there is no need to rush.

  • Floor 1-8 tend to be not only a DPS check but also elemental check, so bring the right elements to it.
  • Floor 9-11 are not the same each abyss, but if you build 2 teams, then those 3 floors should be no issue. There might be some occasional hard counters like needing AoE or heavy Geo shields, hence why upgrading some flexible units on the side is also recommended
  • If it is still hard to beat, consider the floor 12 guide and apply them to your specific floor
  • Official Genshin Impact Discord Channel also has a guide and people who help

Who is flexible?

Kaedehara Kazuha
Raiden Shogun
Sangonomiya Kokomi
  • Consider all these units as they fit in most teams. This is from my experience though.

  • These characters have to fit into your team though. This is very important

How to build teams

Team Building is actually quite simple.

  1. Choose your Favourite
  2. Look up videos and listen to their kit explanation
  3. Look at what teammates were suggested
  4. Understand why (no need for the entire kit, just the necssary basics and why)
  5. Watch the videos about teammates for what you are looking for
  6. Rince and Repeat

With enough information, you will be able to build your own teams while also knowing what exactly to look at. Consider building a team like the following:

  1. Pick your favourite food
  2. Learn how to cook it
  3. Look at the dish variations that exist
  4. Try to understand why certain ingredients were used
  5. Watch some additional information on those ingredients
  6. Rince and Repeat

Rince and Repeat allows you to organise your information and be prepared to add new information. I use the analogy of

  1. Walking into a room that was empty (Current Knowledge)
  2. Filling it with paper (information)
  3. Pin the papers on a wall or put them in a drawer to organise (making sure that information solidifies)
  4. Add more paper
  5. Repeat

It is important to note that considering units that suit your team in case of a something check, like wave check (more on this later)

  • My sources Zajeff77, Zy0x, SevenPls, IWTLG
  • Do not that, some guides can be too old, so once you gained a decent understanding, simply looking up a specific character's guide will be easier. However, start with a trustworthy source


Prototype Amber
Marechaussee Hunter
Fleuve Cendre Ferryman
Golden Troupe
Kaedehara Kazuha
Iron Sting
Viridescent Venerer
Favonius Sword
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City

Neuvillette is considered an on-fielder who does most of his dmg when he is used. This naturally makes all the other on-fielders not viable. As for the rest, he is quite flexible; using some units may lose out on damage so do not sacrifice too many damage dealers.

Things to consider on Neuvillette

  • Passive --> ideally uses 4 different elements (if must be, only sacirifce one of that slot; Furina is the exception)
  • Has strong AoE and quite high damage (some single target DPS outperform him in numbers) --> buffers make his damage so high that even in single target he destroys (Hence why Furina Kazuha Xilonen)
  • need a shielder? replace Xilonen (others can be replaced if must be)
  • Furina is used somewhere else, use an off-fielder damage dealer (Fischl)

Those are the basics, there is more but we will not get into it

Let us look at example 2:

Lion's Roar
Thundering Fury
Golden Troupe
Kaedehara Kazuha
Favonius Sword
Viridescent Venerer
Magic Guide
Tenacity of the Millelith

To keep things simple, Keqing workst the best in Aggravate, which consists of Electro and Dendro. The dendro character only needs to apply dendro every now and then. Due to the nature of tht reaction, Fischl is often times a necessary component. Moreover, Keqing does dmg and drives Fischl's passive.

This leaves us with --> Keqing Fischl Dendro

Most of the time Nahida is replaced with a defensive unit because Kazuha's kit fits this team too well. For a more detailed guide, check out my Keqing Guide


How to adapt your team

It is no secret floor 12 is the hardest. Here are some situations that can happen

  1. Single Target (ST) Check --> Fighting Bosses
  2. Area of Effect (AoE) Check --> Enemies that like to spread out
  3. Middle Ground (MG) Check --> Not spread out enough so that even ST characters can shine
  4. Damage (DPS) Check --> Needing enough numbers
  5. Waves Check --> Spawns enemy/-ies; once finished, spawns next.
  6. Elemental Check --> Enemies that can only be defeated with a specific element (ususally shields)
  7. Grouping Check --> Enemies that are so spread out, making a grouper necessary
  8. Agggressive Enemies --> Enemies that like to stun a lot

Let us consider Abyss 5.1 with Neuvillette as he is the most flexible unit(Examples):

  1. With Furina Kazuha Xilonen buffing Neuvillette his ST damage is checked (12-1-1)
  2. Neuvillette has strong AoE, so he checks this too. Fischl Kazuha Charlotte; considering Furina might be used on the other side (12-1-2)
  3. Since Neuvillette Furina Kazuha Xilonen checks 1. and 2., this is not even an issue (12-2-1)
  4. Neuvillette Furina Kazuha Xilonen is one of the highest team damage numbers in the game (Cleared the abyss fast)
  5. A ton of enemies spawned in waves (12-1-2)
  6. Geo was somewhat needed, so Zhongli did enough (12-1-2)
  7. There was no grouping rip
  8. I had to freeze (Charlotte) to prevent them from hitting too much (12-1-1)

This is a good example as to why Neuvillette is OP

What if adapting is not an option?

When adapting is not possible, consider

  • Leveling supports that are flexible for your team or are flexible in general
  • Choose an entirely different team that tackles the weankesses your main team can't

What are reasons people fail?

When people fail, then that means the following are the reasons:

  • Your DPS is too restricted to specific supports

--> Consider another team that covers all the weaknesses your main team cannot

--> Niche: Some small downsides can be covered if you simply learn enemy patterns

  • No way of choosing something that counters a mechanic

--> Switch team that can counter the specific mechanic or adapt your 3 teammates into something that has enough damage but are not the best for your favourite character

--> If possible, find a way to use enemey mechanics to counter a specific mechanic (f.i. geo shields need specific things to counter it, overload being one of them. However, you only have Keqing and Kazuha; with the geo golem doing pyro attacks, you can swirl pyro and use electro from Keqing to trigger Overload)

  • Team is not equipped for the scenario (ST and AoE for instance)

--> Choose Team/Characters that are fit for the scenario

--> Understand the enemies so that you can easily push them into each other (for ST teams)

  • Damage is too low

--> Play optimally by studying enemies, so that you do not lose damage windows. This makes running healerless also possible

--> Switch to a team with higher numbers

  • Your reactions are too slow

--> This is harder to fix instantly, I can only recommend characters that are not reliant on fast reactions

  • Unnecessarily restricing yourself with not wanting to play half the roster

--> Most people play games because they like it. However I want everyone to understand that the moment we use a material (in this case whatever platform you use to play), you already restrict yourself with only one device. The same goes for choosing a game, you intentionally choose a game with certain freedom and restrictions. Therefore, consider what is more important, clearing the abyss or using who you want? Are you willing to sacrifice that moment of "good feeling" to clear the abyss? If yes, you can always pull for who you want (Make sure to pull around that character to have an optimal team though) or use characters you do not want to use as the last option

  • Unsynergistic Teams

--> Simple, make it synergistic. This includes the enemies

  • Build Issues

--> Upgrade what is necessary for your DMG or defensive utility

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Updated 4mo ago

Ultimate Abyss Guide (Genshin Impact)

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