Video Guide:
This is a guide to Chasca, the upcoming 5-star Anemo character wielding a bow. Chasca is similar to Xilonen in that she needs at least two Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro characters on her team to maximize her potential. Chasca can be used as an Anemo main D.P.S. on most teams and a sub D.P.S. on some teams. Chasca is a charged attack bow D.P.S. similar to Lyney, Ganyu, and Tighnari. Most people do not like playing charged-attack bow characters, so I do not think she will be that popular. Chasca will need to use three charged attacks and her elemental burst to maximize her damage. Chasca probably plays similar to Wanderer and may be power creeps him slightly.
Chasca’s Normal Attack, Phantom Feather Flurry:
Normal Attack: Fires up to four bow shots in sequence.
Charged Attack: Aimed precision shot with higher damage. Charges with Anemo energy. When fully charged, releases an arrow dealing Anemo damage.
Plunging Attack: Shoots multiple arrows while airborne. Damages enemies along the descent path. Creates A.O.E. damage on landing.
Chasca’s elemental skill, Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt:
The most important part of her kit.
Basic Effect: Causes Nightsoul-aligned Anemo A.O.E. damage. Grants eighty Nightsoul points. Activates Nightsoul's Blessing state.
Nightsoul's Blessing State: Continuously drains Nightsoul points. Ends when points deplete or the elemental skill is reused. Mounts Soulsniper: Ritual Staff, which: increases movement speed, improves interruption resistance, enables airborne state, and uses nightsoul points or phlogiston for movement. Chasca can fly similar to Wanderer in this state.
Attack Modes, Multitarget Fire:
One: Tap Attack. Deals frontal Nightsoul-Anemo damage. Counts as normal attack damage.
Two: hold attack; aiming mode. Loads up to six Shadowhunt shells. Can target multiple enemies. Fires automatically when fully charged.
Shadowhunt Shells: Deal Nightsoul-Anemo damage, which is considered a charged attack type. Last loaded shell fires first. Shells four, five, and six can convert elements based on party: Convert to Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro. Conversion depends on party member elements. Converted shells are called Shining Shadowhunt Shells. Still maintain Nightsoul alignment with the new element.
Chasca’s Elemental Burst, Soul Reaper's Fatal Round:
Main Attack: Fires one Galesplitting Soulreaper Shell. Deals Nightsoul-aligned Anemo A.O.E. damage. Shell splits into six soulreaper shells.
Soulreaper Shells: Attack nearby enemies automatically. Base shells deal Nightsoul-aligned Anemo damage. Elemental conversion system: Two shells convert per party member element. Can convert based on Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro teammates. Converted shells become radiant soulreaper shells. Converted shells deal Nightsoul-aligned damage to the matching element.
Ability Level Priority:
Chasca’s ability level priority is normal attack, then elemental skill, and lastly elemental burst. Elemental skill and normal attack have equal priority because her elemental skill is crucial to her damage and she is a charged-shot bow character.
Chasca’s Passive One, Bullet Trick:
Affects Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt's Multitarget Fire: Spiritbinding Conversion Chance. One element in the party results in a thirty-three percent chance. Two elements in the party result in a sixty-seven percent chance. Three elements in the party result in a one hundred percent chance.
Effect When Triggered: Converts the third Shadowhunt Shell. Changes to a Shining Shadowhunt Shell. Takes on element matching party member's type. Only works with Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro elements. This is a passive enhancement that increases elemental conversion chances based on team composition.
Chasca’s Passive Two, Intent to Cover:
Trigger Condition: Activates when a nearby party member uses a Nightsoul Burst.
Base Effect: Fires a Burning Shadowhunt Shot. Deals Nightsoul-aligned Anemo damage. Damage equals one hundred fifty percent of normal Shadowhunt Shell damage. Targets a nearby enemy.
Elemental Conversion: Converts if party has Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro characters. Converted shots deal matching elemental damage. Damage equals one hundred fifty percent of Shining Shadowhunt Shell damage. Counts as charged attack damage. All damage maintains Nightsoul alignment regardless of elemental type.
Chasca’s Passive Three, Night Realm's Gift: Everburning Heart:
Phlogiston mechanic: When Nightsoul points deplete, switch to using Phlogiston. Allows continued Nightsoul's blessing state.
Nightsoul Transmission In Natlan: Triggers when switching to Chasca while airborne. Grants Nightsoul's Blessing state. Provides thirty-two Nightsoul points. Ten-second cooldown between team uses.
Special Plunging Attack: Available during Night Soul's Blessing. Activated by holding Spirit Rein, Shadow Hunt. Deals nightsoul-aligned damage. Can be canceled to stay airborne. Landing ends Nightsoul's blessing state. Requires Phlogiston Mechanics area in Natlan. Character switch must occur at specific height.

Main Stats:
For Chasca’s sands main stat, use attack percent. For Chasca’s goblet main stat, use either an attack percent, Anemo damage percent, or Pyro damage percent. Pyro damage percent may be a meme, though. For Chasca’s circlet main stat, use critical damage percent or critical rate percent.
Energy Recharge Requirements:
For Chasca’s energy requirements, it is probably around one hundred fifty percent to one hundred seventy percent without a second Anemo character if you use her elemental burst every other rotation. To use her elemental burst every rotation, it is probably around one hundred ninety percent to two hundred twenty percent.
Substat Priority:
For Chasca’s substat priority, prioritize energy recharge until the requirement, then a crit ratio of one to two, and lastly attack percent.
Chasca weapons:
Chasca’s best weapon is obviously her five-star signature bow, Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage. It has a base attack of six hundred eight and a substat of sixty-six point two percent critical damage at level ninety. At refinement level 1, Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage’s effect is that when Chasca triggers Swirl, her attack is increased by twenty four percent for twelve seconds. When the party contains one or two or more characters of a different Elemental Type from Chasca, her Charged Attack damage increases by twenty percent, or forty-eight percent, and Elemental Burst damage increases by ten percent, or twenty-four percent.

Xilonen is the support.

Xilonen is the support.
If you are free to play, you can avoid Chasca's constellations, but I will go over them.
Constellation One, Cylinder, the Restless Roulette: Enhances Bullet Trick passive: Also converts second Shadowhunt Shell. Increases conversion chances: sixty seven percent, one hundred percent, or one hundred percent. Reduces Nightsoul or Phlogiston consumption by thirty percent out of combat.
Constellation Two, Muzzle, the Searing Smoke: Adds A.O.E. damage to Shadowhunt Shells. Deals four hundred percent attack as elemental damage. Triggers once per Multitarget Fire use.
Constellation Three, Reins, her Careful Control: Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt level increases by three. Maximum level becomes fifteen.
Constellation Four, Sparks, the Sudden Shot: When Radiant Soulreaper Shells hit: Restores one point five energy to Chasca. Deals four hundred percent attack as A.O.E. elemental damage. Once per Fatal Round use.
Constellation Five, Brim, the Sandshadow's Silhouette: Soul Reaper's Fatal Round level increases by three. Maximum level becomes fifteen.
Constellation Six, Showdown, the Glory of Battle: After Spiritbinding Conversion triggers: Grants Fatal Rounds state for three seconds. Next Multitarget Fire instantly charges. Increases critical damage by one hundred twenty percent for that attack.
Constellation Stopping Point:
If you are a whale, Chasca’s best constellation stopping point is constellation two because it implements A.O.E. damage to Shadowhunt Shells and deals a lot of extra damage to enemies.
Constellation 1 vs Signature Bow:
For constellation one versus Chasca’s signature bow, I would recommend Chasca’s signature bow because it provides a critical damage substat, increases attack, increases charged attack damage and elemental burst damage. Whereas, Chasca’s constellation one only increases conversion chances for Shadowhunt Shell, which is not as impactful.