Keqing Guide
Written by Muwei_Lotus
Keqing is a 5-star electro unit, released on September 28th 2020. I hope to cover everything someone needs to know to play her optimaly. Hence why, I will mostly only cover Aggravate Keqing. Lastly, if anyone has something to add, feel free to write it with a reply
- Summary
- Talents & Ascencion
- Weapons (Updated)
- Artefacts Sets & Stats
- How to maximise Keqing's DMG & Constellations
- Aggravate
- Who works with Keqing?
- Why Fischl?
- Team Members
- Buffing Weapons & Artefacts
- Other Teams
- Abbreviations
- Credits

Talents & Ascencion
Is lvl 90 a must? Yes, dendro-related reaction also scale on character levels. Other examples are Spread, Hyperbloom or Burgeon. Besides, she also benefits from the Crit DMG Ascencion Stat as a bonus
What are her talent priorities? For an Aggravate Team, she should prioritise Normal Attack, followed by Burst and Skill. All of her Talents contribute to Keqing's overall damage but most of the time her Normal Attack Talent is used the most.
Is it worth using a crown? As she is a dps that also plays the role of a driver, the crowns have more value on a full-fleged DPS. However that does not mean she cannot be crowned. If you choose to crown her talents, then follow the talent priority.
Weapons (In Order)

5-star weapons are at R1 and 4 star weapons are at R5. For more details, check out a theorycrafting website
This ranking is based on the following:
- Number Calculations
- Ease of Procking its passive
Artefacts Sets & Stats (In Order)

- Thundering Fury: Keqing can make good use of the 4-Piece set effect. It buffs her Aggravate damage, as well as reducing Skill Cooldown. The extra skill casts can prevent stamina issues and generate more particles.
Keqing is built like most DPS, she wants crit stats but she also wants ATK and EM.
- Crit Ratio: The general Crit Ratio of 1:2 is a nice recommendation until 70%-75% Crit Rate is reached; the rest can go into Crit DMG. Keqing is not as reliant on Crit Rate as a nuke character, so she does not need very high Crit Rate.
- How much EM?: A general rule of thumb is to stay around 250EM with buffs included. As the more EM you have the less overall DMG it provides.
- What stats on artefacts?: She simply needs ATK% or EM/Electro DMG%/Crit Rate or Crit DMG. Choose between ATK% or EM based on what is needed. The same goes for crit stats. Electro DMG% is generally recommended but with enough Electro DMG% through other means, ATK% can be viable
- Is ER necessary?: No, she generates enough particles for a low burst cost. Especially with Fischl who generates a ton of energy. However, in unforseen circumstances having a bit of energy is not that bad
How to maximise Keqing's DMG & Constellations
- Combo
- Keqing Combos: N1C & N4C with N1C doing the most DMG but also costs more Stamina and N4C sacrificing a bit of DMG but consumes less Stamina
- Charge attack also knocks lightwieght enemies away
- If a mob is too far away, jumping towards it will preserve stamina while dashing towards it is easier to pull off at the cost of stamina
- Skill
- Keqing's Skill allows her to infuse her attacks into electro (press Skill twice)
- Casting it once creates a Lightning Stiletto (Teleport thingy), when casting skill again Keqing gains electro infusion while using charge attack destroy the stiletto.
- Its cooldown starts the moment a Lightning Stiletto appeares, so pressing E before Q, then pressing E again maximises timing (Lightning Stiletto stays for 5s, while Skill Cooldown is 7.5 sec. Electro infusion lasts 5 sec)
- Rotation (Premium Team)
- High HP mobs: Keqing E --> Kazuha E Q --> Nahida E Q --> Fischl Q/E --> Keqing Rotation
- Low HP mobs: Fischl Q/E --> Kazuha E Q --> Nahida E Q --> Keqing Rotation
- Even lower HP mobs: Fischl Q/E --> Kazuha E/Q --> Nahida E --> Keqing Rotation
- Keqing Rortation: E Q E N1C E E N1C N1C (E Q E N1 E E N1C N1C is also possible)
- Essentially: Apply Electro --> Buff Electro --> Apply Dendro --> Place Fischl --> Use Keqing
- ER Req
Constellations are an easy answer, each constellation either provides a small DMG boost or nothing. Therefore getting more is not essential, it is better to wait for losing 50/50
Massive thanks to Daosui for explaining in such details and the pictures
When Dendro reacts to Electro or vice versa, Quicken Status happens (Picture 1). It is important to note that Dendro Icon is visible above the enemies head but that does not mean they are affected by Dendro (Picture 2). It can also be distinguished by leaves when affected by dendro, while Quicken has an electrified dendro look.
Aggravate (Picture 3) happens when Electro is inflicted on an enemy with Quicken Status (Picture 1)
Elemental Gauge Theory
Simplified, certain characters apply one or two units of an element (Beidou applies 2 units of electro with her skill).
Usually the ratio is 1:1 (one unit consumes another unit). This changes if one counters the other (f.i. hydro on pyro). This means applying one unit of hydro consumes two units of pyro or one unit of pyro consumes half of a hydro unit.
Aggravate Notes
- Quicken Ratio is 1:1
- Quicken itself does not do DMG
- Electro on Quicken applifies Electro DMG (detailed in the video)
- The more units of electro and dendro were used, the longer the aura lasts (Estimate: 9 sec for 1:1 / 13 sec for 2:2)
- Quicken and Electro/Dendro can co-exist
- Quicken is also never consumed --> Electro is never consumed in Aggravate
TL:DR: Apply enough Dendro every 9 sec for Aggravate to be consistent
Who works with Keqing?

Why Fischl?
Before I start, jamie explained quite well that Aggravate can also work without Fischl . Kujou Sara and Yae Miko can also be used.
Summarised: Fischl is essentially very strong in an Aggravate Team, with no internal cooldown on both Keqing and Fischl, Fischl's passive can be triggered so often. Additionally, Electro Resonance and Fischl's battery campabilities allows both Keqing and Fischl to rely less on ER (even no additional ER needed). Though having some is always ok if an unforseen circumstance happens.
What Constellations?:
- C2 is a nice small DMG increase when summoning Oz with Skill
- C3 is strong because it increases Oz Damage (2nd best Constellation)
- C4 makes Fischl's Burst do a bit of DMG when casted. It also heals Fischl by a little
- C5 increases Fischl's Intial Burst Cast damage
- C6 extends Oz duration by 2s, performs coordinated attacks if on-field character uses normal attack (best constellation)
Team Members

- Kazuha Burst is essential as it helps with triggering Fischl's passive. He would need around 230% ER to burst off-cooldown, if his skill is only being used once per rotation. Hence why, ER weapons is almost mandatory (f.i. Sacrifical Sword)
- VV is the best artefact set for him, there is no need to consider other options

- As long as Nahida has enough EM and ER to burst off-cooldown, most weapons work
- Deepwood Memories, then Golden Troupe, followed by Gilded Dreams are other options to increase Nahida's DMG. Her BiS is still Tenacity as it gives ATK Buff to Keqing and Fischl
- Her Crit and full EM build are both close in terms of Team DPS, I still recommend a ton of EM as Kazuha will need to sacrfifce EM for ER
Note that Dendro Resonance exists. It increases EM by 50 to the entrie party and 20EM for 6s in Aggravate for the on-field character.
TL:DR, Keqing Fischl Dendro is the core of the team comp
Buffing Weapons & Artefacts

- Things are simple. Get as many buffs as possible for Keqing and Fischl. Weapons that increase defensive utlity are also viable

- These are all the artefact that buff
Other Teams
Due to unforseen circumstances, some enemies require you to think outside of the box or use an entirely different team. The following are some of the reasons:
- Overload is great against Geo Shields
- Your Keqing is hyperinvested
- Testing

- Needs C6
- Can be replaced with Xiangling

- 40k HP and C6 buffs the team DMG even more

- Can be replaced with Xiangling
- ATK = Attack
- ATK% = Attack Percentage
- DMG = Damage
- DMG% = Damage Percentage
- Driver = On-Fielder that helps others do damage
- E = Skill
- EM = Elemental Mastery
- ER = Energy Recharge
- N1C = Normal Attack once into a charge attack
- N4C = Normal Attack four times into a charge attack
- R1/R2/R3/R4/R5 = Refinement 1/2/3/4/5
- Q = Burst
- Jamie : General Speedrunning knowledge
- F2PKeqing : Strongest F2P Keqing I know
- KeqingMains : Additional Stats
- Genshin Impact Wiki: GI General Info
- Daosui: Explained Aggravate