ULTIMATE Mavuika Guide! [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.3


Video Guide:

Mavuika Copypasta:

I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Mavuika. I try to play diluc. My Mavuika deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My Mavuika deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My Mavuika deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Mavuika. I want to play raiden, childe. They both want Mavuika.

She grabs me by the throat. I cook for her. I give her the Earth Shaker. She isn't satisfied. I pull Skyward Pride. "I don't need er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with A Thousand Blazing Suns."

I can't pull for A Thousand Blazing Suns, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs her Flamestrider and rides off into the sunset. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.

Mavuika's Kit:

This is a guide to Mavuika, the Pyro Archon, who wields a claymore. Mavuika’s mainly an onfield main D.P.S., but can be used off-field due to her tap elemental skill, which has rings following the active character. Xiangling power creep is finally here; no more copypasta. New Mavuika copypasta at the end of the video. Mavuika’s damage scaling seems to be really good, probably rivaling Neuvillette. Mavuika’s hold elemental skill summons a Flamestrider, basically a motorcycle, which allows her to traverse on any terrain and in the sky. Her normal attacks’ pyro damage cannot be overridden. Mavuika periodically applies Pyro to targets using her Elemental Skill, triggering the effect every two seconds. Unlike traditional Elemental Bursts that require energy, her burst uses a unique Nightsoul Point system. This system accumulates points from onfield character normal attacks, with a range between one hundred and two hundred points. When activated, her Elemental Burst delivers a powerful initial strike followed by a party-wide damage boost. The damage enhancement can reach up to a five percent increase and gradually diminish over time. Furthermore, Mavuika gains additional damage potential for her normal and charged attacks during this period. Xilonen grants Mavuika the ability to independently activate her Elemental Burst State without external assistance or additional requirements. Mavuika's Second Passive Talent says that upon activating her Elemental Burst, she grants the active party member a dynamic damage enhancement. The bonus damage scales directly with the number of Nightsoul points consumed during the burst's activation, potentially reaching up to a fifty percent damage increase. This powerful boost gradually diminishes over the following twenty seconds, ultimately returning to zero. Mavuika's Natlan Talent says that once Nightsoul points are exhausted, Mavuika transitions to using Phlogiston to sustain her motorcycle. Within Natlan regions equipped with Phlogiston mechanics, she can activate the Nightsoul Transmission ability. When the current active character is engaged in dynamic movement—such as sprinting, climbing, swimming, airborne, or utilizing movement-based talents—switching to Mavuika triggers a unique state. She dramatically enters the field riding her motorcycle, immediately entering the Nightsoul's Blessing state and acquiring half the standard quantity of Nightsoul points. This Nightsoul Transmission mechanism can be activated once every ten seconds, exclusively by the player's own party members. Mavuika's Third Passive Talent: Upon activating her Nightsoul Burst, Mavuika replenishes twenty Phlogiston for the entire party. This restoration effect is region-specific and does not apply within domains, trounce domains, or the spiral abyss.


For Mavuika’s artifact set, use either the Obsidian Codex or the Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City. Obsidian Codex should be used for on-field Mavuika, while Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City should be used for off-field Mavuika.

Obsidian Codex
Obsidian Codex
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City

Artifact Main Stats:

For Mavuika’s sands main stat, use attack percent. For Mavuika’s goblet main stat, use Pyro damage percent. For Mavuika’s circlet main stat, use either critical damage percent or critical rate percent. But keep in mind that she receives critical damage percent from her ascension stat.

Energy Recharge Requirements:

There are no energy recharge requirements for Mavuika because her elemental burst does not use energy. Instead, you must adjust your playstyle to include normal attacks to charge up Mavuika’s elemental burst.

Artifact Substats:

For Mavuika’s substat priority, prioritize a crit ratio of one to two and attack percent.


Mavuika’s weapons:

Mavuika’s best weapon is obviously her five-star signature claymore, A Thousand Blazing Suns. It has a base attack of seven hundred forty-one and a critical rate of eleven percent, which likely increases to more at level ninety. Upon casting an Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst, activate Sacred Flame's Blessing, which provides a temporary boost to combat capabilities. The blessing enhances critical damage and attack with a scaling progression, ranging from initial values of twenty four percent critical damage and twenty two percent attack to maximum levels of forty eight percent critical damage and sixty four percent attack. This enhancement lasts for six seconds and can be triggered once every ten seconds. While the blessing is active, executing normal or charged attacks extends its duration by two seconds. This extension is limited to once per second, with a maximum additional duration of six seconds. When Mavuika enters the Nightsoul's blessing state, the Sacred Flame's blessing effects are amplified by fifty percent. Notably, the blessing's duration remains unaffected when Mavuika is not actively on the field.

Alternative five-star claymore options for Mavuika include the Verdict, Fang of the Mountain King, Wolf's Gravestone, Beacon of the Reed Sea, and Song of Broken Pines.

A four-star battlepass claymore that Mavuika can use is the Serpent Spine, which has a damage increase passive with the caveat of being taking more damage.

A craftable four-star option is the Earth Shaker, which increases Mavuika’s elemental skill damage and works even when she is off-field.

Favonius Greatsword could be used by Mavuika, but you have to quickly switch to another character to give them the energy particles.

Sacrificial Greatsword might be good if the hold and tap elemental skills can be combined.

A three-star weapon option is Bloodtainted Greatsword, which increases damage dealt to enemies affected by Pyro.

Fang of the Mountain King
Fang of the Mountain King
Wolf's Gravestone
Wolf's Gravestone
Beacon of the Reed Sea
Beacon of the Reed Sea
Song of Broken Pines
Song of Broken Pines
Serpent Spine
Serpent Spine
Earth Shaker
Earth Shaker
Favonius Greatsword
Favonius Greatsword
Sacrificial Greatsword
Sacrificial Greatsword
Bloodtainted Greatsword
Bloodtainted Greatsword

Mavuika’s best teams:

Mavuika’s best team is herself, Furina, Xilonen, and Bennett. Another team is Mavuika, Clorinde, Fischl, and Chevreuse. In this team, Mavuika is an off-field D.P.S. A burning plus bloom team that Mavuika can be a part of is herself, Kinich, Bennett, and Furina. Furina could probably be replaced with Emilie for a pure-burning team. Lyney’s best team is now Mavuika, Xilonen, and Bennett. Since Mavuika is a universal off-field D.P.S., she can be used on several teams and probably on every team that Xiangling is used on. Maybe even Arlecchino, Mavuika, Chevreuse, and Fischl. Because of her elemental burst not requiring energy and charges with nightsoul point consumption, she will benefit the most with Natlan characters. So, Mavuika will probably be the best in slot for all Natlan character teams. For Mualani, that’s Mavuika, Xilonen, and Furina. For Chasca, that’s Mavuika, Furina, and Bennett. Ororon can replace Bennett on this team. For Citlali, that’s Mavuika, Kazuha, and Bennett.


Constellation vs Signature Weapon:

If you are free to play, you can avoid Mavuika's constellations, but they will undeniably be overpowered. Comparing Mavuika’s constellation one to her signature claymore. I would recommend pulling for Mavuika’s claymore because it provides way more to Mavuika than her constellation one. A Thousand Blazing Suns provides critical rate, critical damage, and attack percent, and this effect increases by fifty percent when Mavuika uses her Nightsoul's Blessing state. This weapon provides so much value to characters that it might in fact be the best weapon in the game. It is possible that other claymore characters can make use of A Thousand Blazing Suns.

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Updated 3mo ago

ULTIMATE Mavuika Guide! [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.3

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