ULTIMATE Mizuki Guide! [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.4


Video Guide:


This is a guide to Mizuki, the upcoming five-star Anemo character wielding a catalyst, likely from Inazuma. Mizuki seems to be either a sub-D.P.S. or support. Support will most likely be her best role, while D.P.S. and solely healing are probably more memey.


Her elemental skill periodically deals A.O.E. anemo damage and increases the damage of Swirl based on Elemental Mastery. She also heavily relies on Elemental Mastery stats; as a result, even her signature catalyst provides her with Elemental Mastery. Mizuki’s elemental burst also deals A.O.E. anemo damage, but this time it pulls in enemies, which allows for grouping as well as summoning a Tapir. The Tapir makes a snack that your party can interact with. If the teammate who interacts with the snack has seventy percent or more H.P., then the snack explodes and deals damage to nearby enemies. If the teammate has less than seventy percent H.P., instead they are healed for a small amount of time. Otherwise, if the snack is not picked up in time, it will explode by itself. Mizuki’s passive one states that while in her elemental skill state, triggering swirl extends the state’s duration by two point five seconds, stacking up to two times. Mizuki’s passive two states that when hydro, pyro, cryo, or electro characters in your party hit an enemy, she gains one hundred elemental mastery. I do not think Mizuki will power creep Kazuha.

Ability Level Priority:

For Mizuki’s ability level priority, first level her elemental skill, second her elemental burst, and lastly her basic attack. If you want to use Mizuki as mainly a healer in Furina teams, you want to level her elemental burst before her elemental skill.



For Mizuki’s artifact set, a generalist set that she can use is Viridescent Venerer, which increases anemo damage bonus by fifteen percent as its two-piece set effect. Its four-piece set effect increases swirl damage by sixty percent and decreases enemies’ elemental resistance to the element infused in the swirl by forty percent for ten seconds. Since her passive two includes hydro, pyro, cryo, and electro characters, make sure to bring any of them in your team to increase Mizuki’s elemental mastery while decreasing enemies’ elemental resistance. If you decide to build Mizuki as solely a healer, you can use one of Song of Days Past, Ocean-Hued Clam, or Maiden Beloved. If you decide to build Mizuki as a main D.P.S. with Furina, you should use Marechaussee Hunter because of the H.P. decrease from Furina and the healing from Mizuki.

Viridescent Venerer
Viridescent Venerer
Song of Days Past
Song of Days Past
Ocean-Hued Clam
Ocean-Hued Clam
Maiden Beloved
Maiden Beloved
Marechaussee Hunter
Marechaussee Hunter

Artifact Main Stats:

For Mizuki’s sands, goblet, and circlet main stats, use Elemental Mastery because she scales mainly on Elemental Mastery. If you decide to build Mizuki solely as a healer, use an energy recharge sands, elemental mastery goblet, and healing bonus circlet. If you decide to build her as a main D.P.S., use an Elemental Mastery sands, an Anemo Damage Bonus goblet, and either a critical rate or critical damage circlet.

Energy Recharge Requirements:

For Mizuki’s energy recharge requirements, aim for around two hundred percent energy recharge as a solo anemo character without Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex. Aim for one hundred sixty percent energy recharge with Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex. I do not think you will be playing Mizuki with another anemo character, but if you do, expect needing around one hundred percent with Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex to one hundred ten percent energy recharge without Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex. She might have to use her elemental burst every other rotation without Fa­vo­ni­us Co­dex and as a solo anemo character.


Artifact Substats:

For Mizuki’s substat priority, prioritize energy recharge until the optimal requirement, then prioritize elemental mastery, next prioritize H.P. percent, then flat H.P., and lastly defense percent. If you build her as a healer, prioritize the same substats. If you build her as a main D.P.S., prioritize energy recharge until the optimal requirement, then prioritize critical rate and critical damage until a one-to-two ratio, then prioritize elemental mastery, next prioritize attack percent, and lastly, flat attack.


For Mizuki’s weapons, obviously her five-star signature catalyst is the best for her. It has two hundred sixty-five elemental mastery. Its effect reads that for six seconds after triggering swirl, it increases elemental mastery by one hundred twenty. For nine seconds after hitting an opponent with an elemental skill, it increases elemental mastery by ninety-six. For thirty seconds after hitting an enemy with an elemental burst, it increases elemental mastery by thirty-two.

An alternative five-star catalyst for Mizuki is A Thousand Floating Dreams, which is Nahida’s signature catalyst and has an elemental mastery main stat.

A four-star craftable catalyst that Mizuki can use is prototype amber because it provides energy and heals allies. In addition to Mizuki’s healing, this should be more than enough to be the sole healer in Furina teams.

A four-star gacha catalyst is Favonius Codex, which provides elemental particles for critical hits. With this catalyst, Mizuki needs a critical rate main stat on her circlet or critical rate substats to trigger Favonius Codex’s effect more often.

A three-star catalyst that Mizuki can use is Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers since it provides an attack percent increase when switching characters.

Wandering Evenstar
Wandering Evenstar
Magic Guide
Magic Guide
Sacrificial Fragments
Sacrificial Fragments
A Thousand Floating Dreams
A Thousand Floating Dreams
Prototype Amber
Prototype Amber
Favonius Codex
Favonius Codex
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers


For Mizuki’s teams, she can be used as a replacement for Kazuha or Sucrose. As a result, Mizuki is a universal character and can fit on most teams that benefit from Swirl. She will need at least one of hydro, pyro, cryo, or electro to trigger swirl. Mizuki can be used in free-to-play quicken teams with herself, Kirara, Fischl, and Electro Main D.P.S. such as Clorinde, Cyno, Keqing, Sethos, or Raiden Shogun. With Ganyu and Shenhe rerunning in the five-point three Chronicled Wish banner, you might want to use Mizuki with them and Mona to build a freeze team. Mizuki can replace Kazuha in the Childe international team with Xiangling and Bennett or the national team with Xingqiu. An Arlecchino team with Mizuki would include Xingqiu and Bennett. An electrocharged team with Mizuki would include Ororon, Xingqiu, and an Electro Main D.P.S. Mizuki can also be used as the fourth team member in any mono element team.



If you are free to play, you can avoid Mizuki’s constellations, but I will go over them.

Mizuki’s constellation one applies a debuff to a nearby enemy every three point five seconds while in her elemental skill stats. Once the debuffed enemy takes Anemo damage, triggering swirl, Mizuki deals an additional swirl damage equal to nine hundred percent of her elemental mastery.

Mizuki’s constellation two states that for every point of elemental mastery Mizuki has, she is granted a zero point zero two percent elemental damage bonus to hydro, pyro, cryo, and electro teammates while in her elemental skill state.

Mizuki’s constellation four removes the restrictions of her elemental burst snack mechanic. With constellation four, picking up the snack now concurrently deals damage, heals, and regenerates five energy for Mizuki. This can be triggered up to four times. Typical Hoyoverse: creating a problem and selling the solution.

Mizuki’s constellation six states that swirl triggered by teammates can now crit while in her elemental skill state. The critical rate is fixed at thirty percent, while the critical damage is fixed at one hundred percent. This will improve Mizuki’s damage output but is too costly to purchase, especially for a support.


Constellation 1 vs Signature Weapon:

If you are a dolphin or a low spender and want to decide between Mizuki’s constellation one and her five-star signature catalyst, I would recommend pulling her five-star signature catalyst first because it provides her with more elemental mastery, which will increase her swirl damage. Meanwhile, her constellation one only deals a large amount of damage based on her elemental mastery. However, if you value one instance of big damage more than increasing swirl damage, then you can get Mizuki’s constellation one first.

Constellation Stopping Point:

Mizuki’s constellation stopping point is constellation one because of the big nuke of damage. Constellation two does not seem to be that good, but I could be wrong. Constellation four solves a problem Hoyoverse created, and Constellation six is just not worth it. If you are a whale, a constellation six D.P.S. is better than a constellation six support, in my opinion, unless the constellation six makes the character a D.P.S. like constellation six Furina or Chiori.

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Updated 2mo ago

ULTIMATE Mizuki Guide! [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.4

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