Kit Summary, Levels & Talent Priority
Powerful On-Field Main DPS who relies on Vaporizing her hits. Damage is Normal Attack Damage done during her Nightsoul Burst state that is enabled while her Skill is active. Use an off-filed pyro applicator like Xiangling to apply pyro to the enemy, build 3 stacks using her Skill shark surfing nightsoul state, and normal attack to deal huge damage.
Skill is worth crowning, level 9 minimum Ult can be worth crowning if you main her, level 8 or 9 is fine Ignor Normal Attack Level 90 is very important for damage
Artifact set

The only set truly worth farming. Can use heart of depth or 2pc hydro damage or 2pc HP if you're using a high refine battle pass option, as the Obsidian set gives so much crit rate you can easily overcap, but overall it's much better just to farm her signature set as it gives an insane amount of stats. Ideally use HP sands, Hydro goblet, Crit Damage circlet, but substituting any of these for HP or EM can be worth it if significantly better than your other options.
Weapons Tier List (semi-ordered)

Burn-Vape (see video for more options and details)



Non-Xiangling (not really recommended but can be ok in Single Target)

VV Vape (tricky)
