ULTIMATE Pyro Traveler Guide! [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.3


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After waiting through three Natlan patches, the Pyro Traveler is finally making their debut in Patch five point three of Genshin Impact. This is an exciting addition, especially since we have been eager to attune with Pyro until now. After taking a closer look at their kit, it turns out the Pyro Traveler has some solid use cases, making them a decently good unit among Traveler standards. Let’s dive right into the details of the Pyro Traveler’s kit.

The Pyro Traveler is a five-star Pyro sword user that focuses on attack. Like other Elemental Travelers, the Pyro Traveler has both off-field and on-field capabilities and can be played either as an off-field support providing power application and buffs or as an on-field Pyro main D.P.S. Like previous regions, the traveler’s kit is similar to the region’s archon’s kit; in this case, the pyro traveler’s kit is similar to Mavuika with her on-field and off-field playstyles.


Normal Attack, Foreign Blaze, performs up to five rapid strikes, dealing Pyro Damage. Charged Attack consumes a certain amount of stamina to unleash two rapid sword strikes. Plunging Attack plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing A.O.E. damage upon impact.

The pyro travaler’s Elemental Skill is Flowfire Blade. Tap: Calls forth flames in a raging blaze. When used, the Traveler gains forty two Nightsoul points and enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state, summoning a Blazing Threshold that follows the current active character. When the Blazing Threshold gets close to opponents, it deals Nightsoul-aligned Pyro damage to nearby enemies at intervals.

Hold: Unleashes fire in a composed manner, dealing Nightsoul-aligned A.O.E. Pyro Damage to nearby opponents. When used, the Traveler gains forty two Nightsoul points and enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state, summoning a Scorching Threshold that follows the current active character. When the active character within a Scorching Threshold deals damage to opponents, the Threshold launches a Coordinated Attack that deals Nightsoul-aligned Pyro damage based on the Traveler's attack. This effect can occur once every three seconds.

Nightsoul's Blessing continuously consumes Nightsoul points. The Traveler's Nightsoul's Blessing state lasts up to twelve seconds at maximum, and the state ends when Nightsoul points are exhausted or if the skill is used again. Blazing and Scorching Thresholds disappear once the Nightsoul's Blessing state ends, and only one Blazing or Scorching Threshold summoned by the Traveler can exist at any one time.

The pyro traveler’s Elemental Burst is Plains Scorcher. Condenses the flames into a mark, dealing Nightsoul-aligned A.O.E. Pyro Damage to opponents ahead. Within the next four seconds, the Traveler restores seven Nightsoul points per second, totaling twenty eight Nightsoul points. It has a seventy energy cost and an eighteen-second cooldown. For support scenarios, you primarily use this to extend the Traveler's duration of power application.

The pyro traveler’s Passive One is True Flame of Incineration. When the Traveler has over twenty Nightsoul points, the attack A.O.E. of the Blazing and Scorching Thresholds from the Elemental Skill Flowfire Blade is increased.

The pyro traveler’s Passive Two is Embers Unspent. After the active character inside a Blazing or Scorching Threshold triggers Burning, Vaporize, Melt, Overloaded, Burgeon, a Pyro Swirl, or a Pyro Crystallize reaction, the Traveler regains five Energy. This can occur once every twelve seconds. Additionally, when a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, the Traveler regains four Energy.

Ability Level Priority:

The pyro traveler’s ability leveling priority is elemental skill, then elemental burst, and lastly basic attack if you are using the pyro traveler as a main D.P.S. There is no need to level the basic attack if you are using the pyro traveler as an off-field D.P.S.



The pyro traveler’s Constellation One is Starfire's Flowing Light. While Blazing Threshold or Scorching Threshold are active, the current active character deals a six percent increased damage. If the character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, they deal an additional nine percent damage.

The pyro traveler’s Constellation Two is Ever-Lit Candle. Within twelve seconds of using Flowfire Blade, after nearby party members trigger Burning, Vaporize, Melt, Overloaded, Burgeon, a Pyro Swirl, or a Pyro Crystallize reaction on an opponent, the Traveler regains fourteen Nightsoul points. Each use of Flowfire Blade can restore up to twenty eight Nightsoul points this way.

The pyro traveler’s Constellation three is Relayed Beacon. Increases the level of Flowfire Blade by three. This enhances the additional damage dealt by the Blazing and Scorching Thresholds.

The pyro traveler’s Constellation four is Ravaging Flame. After using Plains Scorcher, the Traveler gains a twenty percent Pyro damage Bonus for nine seconds, boosting their Pyro damage output significantly.

The pyro traveler’s Constellation five is The Fire Inextinguishable. Increases the level of Plains Scorcher by three, enhancing its damage output and Nightsoul point restoration capabilities.

The pyro traveler’s constellation six is The Sacred Flame Imperishable. While in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, the Traveler's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks are converted to Nightsoul-aligned Pyro damage that cannot be overridden, and the Critical Damage of these attacks is increased by forty percent. This constellation alone allows the Pyro Traveler to be played as a Pyro main D.P.S.


For support builds, common five-star support weapons like Freedom-Sworn and Key of Khaj-Nisut are great choices. Among four-star options, Favonius Sword is a reliable pick since critical hits have a chance to generate elemental particles and regenerate energy for the Pyro Traveler, but a potentially better option is Sacrificial Sword, which has a chance to reset the cooldown of the Pyro Traveler’s elemental skill after using it. The Traveler's skill cooldown is twenty seconds, which can be quite annoying, so resetting this cooldown can be beneficial, and Sacrifical Sword also provides energy recharge with its base substat. With Sacrificial Sword, you can avoid building teams around this lengthy cooldown.

For Overload teams, building the Pyro Traveler with full Elemental Mastery is ideal, so any sword that provides Elemental Mastery as a substat can work fine. As a main D.P.S., the Pyro Traveler focuses on normal attack and critical scaling, so weapons that boost these stats will be solid choices. Five-Star Weapon Examples include the Mistsplitter Reforged, Haran Geppaku Futsu, and Primordial Jade Cutter. Four-Star Weapon Examples include the Black Sword, Finale of the Deep, and Calamity of Eshu.

Key of Khaj-Nisut
Key of Khaj-Nisut
Favonius Sword
Favonius Sword
Sacrificial Sword
Sacrificial Sword


For a support Pyro Traveler build, the optimal artifact set is the Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City, which enhances their power application and provides a damage bonus for the main D.P.S. Prioritize Energy Recharge to maintain Nightsoul's Blessing state. Utilize Sacrificial Sword to manage the skill cooldown effectively.

For an on-field D.P.S. pyro traveler build, the Obsidian Codex four-piece set is the best choice, offering significant stat boosts. Focus on normal attack and critical scaling. Use weapons that provide high attack percent and critical stats.

For an Overload team, build the Pyro Traveler with full Elemental Mastery to maximize Overload reactions. Use artifacts and weapons that enhance Elemental Mastery as a substat. Two-piece artifact combinations include Wanderer's Troupe, Gilded Dreams, Flower of Paradise Lost, and Instructor. The pyro traveler can use the four-piece set of Gilded Dreams.

Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City

Artifact Main Stats:

Support - For artifact main stats, use an energy recharge percent sands, pyro damage percent goblet, and a critical rate percent circlet if using a Favonius sword or H.P. percent.

Main DPS - For artifact main stats, use an attack percent sands, a pyro damage percent goblet, and either a critical rate percent or a critical damage percent circlet.

Overload - use elemental mastery on all pieces.

Artifact Substats:

Support - For substats, first prioritize energy recharge, then attack percent, and lastly critical rate or critical damage.

Main DPS - For Substats Priority, first prioritize Energy Recharge, then Critical Rate or Critical Damage, then Elemental Mastery, and lastly attack percent.

Overload - Elemental Mastery, then energy recharge, and lastly attack percent.

Energy Recharge Requirements:

For energy recharge requirements, aim for around two hundred percent recharge as a solo pyro character and one hundred fifty percent energy recharge as with another pyro character, assuming that you use the Pyro Traveler’s elemental burst every rotation.


Pyro Traveler’s Team Compositions as Support:

Kinich Burning Teams include the Pyro Traveler, Kinich, Bennett, and another support like Emilie. Applying Burning with the Pyro Traveler extends the burning aura, enhancing overall team damage.

Overload Teams include the Pyro Traveler, Electro main D.P.S., Chevreuse, and Bennett. Chevreuse provides a forty percent Electro damage bonus, significantly boosting Overload reactions.

Pyro Traveler’s Team Compositions as a Main D.P.S.:

Vaporize Teams include the Pyro Traveler, Hydro Support, Bennett, and Xilonen. The pyro traveler maximizes vaporize reactions for massive damage output.

Mono Pyro teams include the Pyro Traveler, Bennett, Lan Yan, and Kazuha.



Overall, the pyro traveler is mid and not worth heavily investing in, just like most other travelers. Just pull for Mavuika if you want a great on-field and off-field D.P.S. or use Xiangling.

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Updated 2mo ago

ULTIMATE Pyro Traveler Guide! [Best Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, and MORE] Genshin Impact 5.3

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