Aglaea Best Teams HSR

Aglaea Team Compositions Guide - Honkai Star Rail
Aglaea Team Compositions Guide - Honkai Star Rail

Aglaea, the powerful five‑star Lightning Remembrance character, has quickly become a hypercarry DPS thanks to her unique summoning mechanics and rapid attack cycles. In her kit, Aglaea summons the Garmentmaker—a memosprite that works in tandem with her attacks. Because her damage largely relies on turn advancement (to keep her summon active and ramp up speed) and on a mix of buffs and energy regeneration, team composition is key.

Below are several team setups that have emerged from both reliable guides and community testing.

1. Best-In-Slot High DPS Setup


Team Composition:

  • Aglaea (Main DPS)
  • Sunday (Turn‑advancing Support)
  • Robin (Damage Buff Support)
  • HuoHuo (Healer/Support & Energy Regeneration)

Why It Works:

  • Sunday’s Role: Sunday is nearly indispensable—his abilities not only provide significant turn advancement for Aglaea (and her Garmentmaker) but also boost her overall damage by ensuring she acts more frequently.
  • Robin’s Support: Robin offers powerful attack and critical damage buffs while also granting extra turns, helping to accelerate Aglaea’s cycle.
  • HuoHuo’s Sustain: HuoHuo provides healing and additional energy, maintaining Aglaea’s uptime and ensuring her ultimate (and summons) remain active.

This team is widely recognized as the optimal choice for general content and high‑damage needs.

2. Pets Meeting

Team Composition:

  • Aglaea (Main DPS)
  • Sunday (Support)
  • RMC (Sub‑DPS)
  • HuoHuo (Healer/Support)

Why It Works:

  • RMC as Sub‑DPS: Replacing Robin with RMC offers extra burst damage while still keeping Sunday’s essential buffing intact. Community discussions have noted that this substitution can help against groups of enemies by adding additional damage output.
  • Sustained Support: With Sunday and HuoHuo on board, the team still benefits from the crucial energy and turn advancement needed for Aglaea’s fast cycles.

This variant is particularly effective when players have access to a strong sub‑DPS in RMC and wish to optimize for AoE or burst scenarios.

3. Sunday‑Free “Sunday Hater” Team


Team Composition:

  • Aglaea (Main DPS)
  • RMC (Sub‑DPS)
  • Robin (Support)
  • Gallagher (Utility/DPS)

Why It Works:

  • Alternative Buffing: While most guides stress the importance of Sunday, some players with limited rosters have experimented with a Sunday‑free lineup. In this version, Robin continues to provide damage amplification and turn‐advancing support, while RMC helps to cover for the loss of Sunday’s buffing.
  • Gallagher’s Role: Gallagher supplies additional utility and DPS, though his role is more about adding damage rather than replacing Sunday’s advanced energy and turn boosts.

Note: Many community voices still consider Sunday nearly irreplaceable because of his unique ability to accelerate Aglaea’s cycle. This composition may be more situational and requires careful rotation management.

4. F2P Aglaea: Maximum Damage Focus

Team Composition:

  • Aglaea (Main DPS)
  • RMC (Sub‑DPS)
  • Tingyun (Buff/Turn Advancement & Energy Restoration)
  • Gallagher (Sustain/Utility)

Why This F2P Version Works:

  • Aglaea (Main DPS):
    Aglaea remains the core hypercarry DPS whose damage output depends on rapidly cycling her summon (the Garmentmaker) and stacking speed buffs.

  • RMC (Sub‑DPS):
    Although many premium setups feature Sunday, RMC is a readily accessible alternative for F2P players. RMC's sub‑DPS role still provides additional damage and—with proper gearing—can help to slightly advance Aglaea’s cycle even if not as efficiently as Sunday. Community feedback has indicated that free rosters often rely on RMC when premium turn‑advancing units aren’t available.

  • Tingyun (Buff & Energy):
    Tingyun’s kit supplies crucial buffs and a degree of turn advancement by helping to trigger Aglaea’s faster cycles. His energy restoration and attack enhancement are especially valuable for F2P players who need to maximize burst potential without relying on premium units.

  • Gallagher (Sustain/Utility):
    Gallagher provides reliable healing and utility through his area‑of‑effect ultimate, ensuring that Aglaea can stay in battle long enough to fully capitalize on her burst windows. His role is particularly important in F2P setups where every bit of sustain helps offset the absence of top‑tier supports.

This team is designed for players who do not have access to premium turn‑advancing supports like Sunday yet still wish to optimize Aglaea’s maximum burst potential.

In this F2P configuration, RMC remains in the team for additional damage output while Tingyun compensates for some of the turn‑advancement and buffing deficiencies that a premium unit might otherwise provide. Gallagher rounds out the team with necessary healing, making the rotation more forgiving during longer encounters. The combination is best used in speed‑clear content and boss fights, where a slightly more intricate rotation can yield high burst damage while still being accessible for players on a free‑to‑play roster.

5. Acheron Stack Generator (For Fun)


Team Composition:

  • Aglaea (Main DPS)
  • Acheron (Sub‑DPS)
  • Jiaoqiu (Support)
  • Gallagher (Utility/DPS)

Why It Works:

  • Stack Generation: In this niche composition, Acheron is employed not only as a damage dealer but also to help generate stacks that boost overall damage. Jiaoqiu supports by ensuring that Aglaea’s attacks can trigger additional effects.
  • High Burst Potential: When executed correctly, this “fun” lineup can deliver enormous burst damage. However, its rotation is more complex and may require advanced timing and familiarity with Aglaea’s mechanics.

This team is recommended for experienced players who enjoy experimenting with non‑meta, high‑risk–high‑reward rotations.

Team Building Considerations

When to Use Each Team:
  1. Best-In-Slot – High DPS: Best for consistent, reliable damage output across a variety of content.
  2. Pets Meeting: Ideal when you need additional AoE damage without sacrificing the core benefits of Sunday’s buffs.
  3. Sunday-Free: Suitable for players without access to Sunday; note that this setup often requires extra care in managing turn order.
  4. F2P Aglaea Perfect for speed‑clearing content and boss fights, where maximizing burst damage is paramount—especially for free‑to‑play players using accessible units like RMC, Tingyun, and Gallagher.
  5. Acheron Stack Generator: Recommended for players looking for a challenging rotation that rewards skillful play with high burst damage.
Key Synergy Factors:
  • Energy & Turn Advancement: Aglaea’s strength lies in her fast cycle and reliance on her summon. Teams that include HuoHuo (for energy regeneration) and Sunday (for turn advancement) provide the best synergy.
  • Damage vs. Sustain: While Gallagher and Tingyun can push damage output, teams that include HuoHuo or similar sustain units are more forgiving in longer encounters.
  • Rotation Complexity: Simpler rotations (with Sunday) tend to be more user‑friendly, whereas lineups like the Acheron stack generator require in‑depth knowledge of Aglaea’s kit.


Aglaea’s versatility means that there is no single “correct” team composition—players should choose based on their roster, preferred playstyle, and content challenges. The consensus among reputable guides is that the Aglaea–Sunday–Robin–HuoHuo lineup delivers the most reliable performance for high‑damage output, while alternative setups (using RMC, Tingyun, or even Acheron) can be viable in the right hands.

Remember, success with any team depends on understanding each unit’s role and mastering the timing of your rotations. As the meta evolves with future patches, so too may the optimal team comps.

Must read: Aglaea Best Relics HSR

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Updated 1mo ago

Aglaea Best Teams HSR

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