FIREFLY REPLACEMENT! Best Rappa Guide & Build [Best Relics, Light Cones & Teams]


Video Guide:


Hey everyone, welcome to our guide for the upcoming imaginary erudition five-star character, Rappa. She is set to be released in patch 2.6 of Honkai Star Rail, and she is shaping up to be an incredible A.O.E. D.P.S. with a unique playstyle. Rappa is the first imaginary erudition unit in Honkai Star Rail. She is incredibly efficient for free-to-play players to build because she synergizes well with break-effect units such as the imaginary trailblazer and Ruan Mei.

Basic attack - Ninjutsu: Rise Above Tumbles:

Now, let's dive into Rappa's kit. Her basic attack, Ninjutsu: Rise Above Tumbles, deals imaginary damage to a single target, scaling off her attack.


Enhanced basic attack - Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade:

The first two hits of her enhanced basic attack, Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade, deal imaginary damage scaling off Rappa's attack to one designated enemy unit and to adjacent targets; the 3rd hit damages all enemy units. When attacking enemies that don't have imaginary weakness, an Enhanced Basic attack can still deal toughness reduction equal to 50% of the original toughness reduction value but is unable to recover skill points. This effect makes Rappa incredibly efficient for free-to-play players to build because Rappa can be used against enemies that are not weak to imaginary and still be effective.

Skill - Skill Ninja Strike: Rooted Resolute:

Her skill, Skill Ninja Strike: Rooted Resolute, deals imaginary damage scaling off Rappa’s attack to all enemy units. Her Ultimate, Nindō Supreme: Lovedeep, costs 160 energy. Its effect: enters the sealform state. Immediately gains 1 extra turn and 3 points of chroma ink. At the same time, it increases weakness break efficiency and break effect for Rappa. While in Sealform, enhances basic attack but cannot use Skill and Ultimate. After using the Enhanced Basic attack, it consumes 1 point of chroma ink. When it's depleted, Rappa exits the Sealform state.

Talent - Ninja Tech: Endurance Gauge:

Rappa’s talent, Ninja Tech: Endurance Gauge, states that whenever an enemy target's weakness is broken, Rappa deals Toughness Reduction that ignores weakness type to adjacent targets and deals Break damage scaling off Rappa's Imaginary Break damage.


Technique - Ninja Dash: By Leaps and Bounds:

Let's not forget about Rappa's technique, Ninja Dash: By Leaps and Bounds, where she enters the graffiti state for 20 seconds. After entering combat by actively attacking enemies, ignores weakness type to deal Toughness Reduction to each enemy target, deals break damage equal scaling off Rappa's Imaginary Break damage to the targets, and deals break damage scaling off Rappa's Imaginary Break damage to the adjacent targets. At the same time, it regenerates some energy for this unit.

Major Trace 1 - Ninjutsu Inscription: Sky High:

Now, let's talk about Rappa's major traces, which really enhance her capabilities. First, we have the Ninjutsu Inscription: Sky High, which says that when an enemy target's weakness gets broken, Rappa regenerates 2 energy. If the target is an elite enemy, she additionally regenerates 8 energy. This is great for energy management, as she can easily get her ultimate.

Major Trace 2 - Ninjutsu Inscription: Sea Echo:

Next is the Ninjutsu Inscription: Sea Echo, which says that during Sealform, after Rappa uses Enhanced Basic attack to deal damage to a Weakness Broken Enemy target, she converts the Toughness Reduction from this instance of damage to 1 instance of 60% Super Break damage. This major trace makes it so that she can deal super break damage; therefore, she is not entirely reliant on the imaginary trailblazer to use super break.


Major Trace 3 -Ninjutsu Inscription: Withered Leaf:

Finally, there is the Ninjutsu Inscription: Withered Leaf, which says that when an enemy target's weakness gets broken, it increases the break damage it takes by 3%. This value is additionally increased by 1% for every 100 of Rappa's current attacks that exceed 2000, up to a maximum additional increase of 12%. This effect lasts for 2 turns. So, Rappa’s optimal attack stat value is 3200 to make the most of this trace’s effect. These traces really cement Rappa's role as a super-break powerhouse and make her break effect efficiency even more potent.

Major trace priority:

Rappa’s major trace priority is Ninjutsu Inscription: Withered Leaf, then Ninjutsu Inscription: Sea Echo, and lastly, Ninjutsu Inscription: Sky High. The traces provide Rappa with attack percent, speed, and break effect.

Recommended endgame stats:

Rappa’s recommended endgame stats are two thousand nine hundred H.P., nine hundred defense, three thousand two hundred attack, fifty percent critical rate, one hundred percent critical damage, one hundred forty-five speed, and three hundred fifty percent break effect.



For those lucky enough to get Rappa's eidolons, here's a quick rundown of what they offer: Eidolon 1, Returned Is the Revenant With No Ferry Toll, states that during the Sealform state entered by using Ultimate, damage dealt by Rappa ignores the targets' defense. After exiting the sealform state, it regenerates some energy. Eidolon 2, Free Is the Mind Enlightened by Haikus, states that during Sealform, Break Effect additionally increases, and the Toughness-Reducing effect of Enhanced Basic attack against enemies without Imaginary Weakness additionally increases. Eidolon 4, Lost Is the Nindō Devoured by Time states that during Sealform, Rappa increases all Party units' speed. Eidolon 6, Righteous Is the Wrath That Spares No Evil, says that the break damage multiplier in the talent's effect on adjacent targets increases. Moreover, the break damage dealt and the toughness-reducing effect inflicted will also apply to all enemy targets besides the weakness broken target. While these eidolons are powerful, remember that Rappa is still highly effective at Eidolon Zero for us free-to-play players.


For Rappa's build, we are looking at Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge as her best relic set. The two-piece effect increases the break effect by 16%, while the four-piece effect says that at greater than 150% break effect, it ignores 10% enemy defense for break damage, and at greater than 250% break effect, it also ignores 15% enemy defense for Super Break damage.

Planar Set:

For her planar set, Talia: Kingdom of Banditry is the way to go. It synergizes perfectly with superbreak teams, boosting Rappa’s break effect but requiring her to have one hundred forty-five to use its second effect to additionally increase break effect by even more.


Relic main stats:

When it comes to relic main stats, we are aiming for attack percent on the body piece, speed on the feet piece, attack percent on the planar sphere, and break effect on the link rope. This build maximizes her damage output while ensuring she can efficiently break the enemies weaknesses.

Relic sub stat priority:

Rappa’s relic substat priority is speed until one hundred forty-five speed, then attack percent until three thousand two hundred attack, and lastly break effect.

Light cones:

Now, let's talk light cones. Rappa's signature light cone, Ninjutsu Inscription: Dazzling Evilbreaker, is incredible, boosting her break effect, regenerating energy, and advancing Rappa’s action. That’s obviously the best choice, but a gacha four-star option is After the Charmony Fall. It increases the wearer's break effect, and after the wearer uses Ultimate, it increases speed, lasting for 2 turns. Another four-star gacha option is Geniuses' Repose, which increases Rappa's attack. When Rappa defeats an enemy, Rappa's critical damage increases for 3 turns. Unfortunately, Geniuses' Repose is optimal during a conditional effect of Rappa defeating an enemy, which makes it worse than After the Charmony Fall. For us free-to-play folks, Eternal Calculus is an excellent option. It increases Rappa’s attack. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases attack. This effect can stack five times and lasts until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, Rappa's speed increases, lasting for 1 turn. The Seriousness of Breakfast is another free-to-play four-star light cone option that increases Rappa's damage but has the conditional effect that for every defeated enemy, Rappa’s attack increases, stacking up to 3 times. A three-star light cone option is Sagacity, which states that when Rappa uses her Ultimate, it increases her Attack for 2 turns.


Team compositions:

For team compositions, Rappa works best with break-effect characters. A team of Rappa, Imaginary Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, and Lingsha is considered optimal. If you are free-to-play or do not have Ruan Mei, you can replace her with Hunt March 7th. If you do not have Lingsha, you can replace her with Gallagher.


Rappa is an exciting addition to the roster by being a replacement for Firefly and Boothill in the super break team. Whether you are free-to-play or a light spender, she's definitely a character to consider pulling for.