Hello, Trailblazers!
Light Cone Event Warp Period for this phase is 2025/02/05 12:00:00 – 2025/02/25 15:00:00 (server time), and includes the following content:
- Light Cone Event Warp: "Brilliant Fixation"
● During the event, the drop rates of the exclusive 5-star Light Cone "Time Woven Into Gold (Remembrance)" and 4-star Light Cones "Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)," "Subscribe for More! (The Hunt)," and "Dance! Dance! Dance! (Harmony)" will be boosted.
■Event Period
- 2025/02/05 12:00:00 – 2025/02/25 15:00:00 (server time)
■Drop Rate Boost: 5-Star Light Cone
- Time Woven Into Gold (Remembrance)
■Drop Rate Boost: 4-Star Light Cones
- Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)
- Subscribe for More! (The Hunt)
- Dance! Dance! Dance! (The Harmony)
- "Coalesced Truths: Sailing Towards a Second Life" Light Cone Event Warp
● During the event, the drop rates of the exclusive 5-star Light Cone "Sailing Towards a Second Life (The Hunt)" and 4-star Light Cones "Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)," "Subscribe for More! (The Hunt)," and "Dance! Dance! Dance! (Harmony)" will be boosted.
■Event Period
- 2025/02/05 12:00:00 – 2025/02/25 15:00:00 (server time)
■Drop Rate Boost: 5-Star Light Cone
- Sailing Towards a Second Life (The Hunt)
■Drop Rate Boost: 4-Star Light Cones
- Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)
- Subscribe for More! (The Hunt)
- Dance! Dance! Dance! (The Harmony)
- "Coalesced Truths: Flowing Nightglow" Light Cone Event Warp
● During the event, the drop rates of the exclusive 5-star Light Cone "Flowing Nightglow (Harmony)" and 4-star Light Cones "Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)," "Subscribe for More! (The Hunt)," and "Dance! Dance! Dance! (Harmony)" will be boosted.
■Event Period
- 2025/02/05 12:00:00 – 2025/02/25 15:00:00 (server time)
■Drop Rate Boost: 5-Star Light Cone
- Flowing Nightglow (Harmony)
■Drop Rate Boost: 4-Star Light Cones
- Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)
- Subscribe for More! (The Hunt)
- Dance! Dance! Dance! (The Harmony)
- "Coalesced Truths: Incessant Rain" Light Cone Event Warp
● During the event, the drop rates of the exclusive 5-star Light Cone "Incessant Rain (Nihility)" and 4-star Light Cones "Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)," "Subscribe for More! (The Hunt)," and "Dance! Dance! Dance! (Harmony)" will be boosted.
■Event Period
- 2025/02/05 12:00:00 – 2025/02/25 15:00:00 (server time)
■Drop Rate Boost: 5-Star Light Cone
- Incessant Rain (Nihility)
■Drop Rate Boost: 4-Star Light Cones
- Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)
- Subscribe for More! (The Hunt)
- Dance! Dance! Dance! (The Harmony)
※ Among the above Light Cones, the limited Light Cone will not become available in the Stellar Warp event.
※ During the event, the limited 5-star Light Cone "Time Woven Into Gold (Remembrance)" can only be obtained from the Light Cone Event Warp Brilliant Fixation, while the limited 5-star Light Cone "Sailing Towards a Second Life (The Hunt)," "Flowing Nightglow (Harmony)," and "Incessant Rain (Nihility)" can only be obtained from the Light Cone Event Warp Coalesced Truths.
※ After the event ends, 4-star Light Cone "Geniuses' Greetings (Remembrance)" will be added to Version 3.1's Stellar Warp but will not be added to Departure Warp.
※ This event is considered a Light Cone Event Warp. The cumulative Warp count for a guaranteed 5-star Light Cone in any Light Cone Event Warp will always be carried over to other Light Cone Event Warps, but is independent of and unaffected by other types of Warps.
※ "Coalesced Truths" Light Cone Event Warp will become available during irregular periods in future version updates. For more details, please stay tuned for official announcements.
※ For more information, please head to the Warp screen.