The BEST Guide to MAXIMIZE Feixiao! | Relics, Light Cones, Teams


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Hey everyone, welcome to our guide for the upcoming Wind Hunt five-star character, Feixiao. She is set to be released in patch 2.5 of Honkai Star Rail, and she is shaping up to be an incredible single-target D.P.S. with a unique playstyle. Feixiao is the first limited Wind Hunt unit in Honkai Star Rail, and she is bringing a fresh mechanic to the table with her Flying Aureus points. She is incredibly efficient for free-to-play players to build because she synergizes well with follow-up attack teams, which we have seen become increasingly popular.

Basic attack, Boltsunder:

Now, let's dive into Feixiao's kit. Her basic attack, Boltsunder, deals Wind damage to a single target, scaling off her attack.

Skill, Waraxe:

Her skill, Waraxe, not only deals Wind damage equal to 240% of Feixiao’s attack to a single target enemy but also advances her next action by 10%, making her faster on the field.


Ultimate, Terrasplit:

The real star of the show is her Ultimate, Terrasplit. It consumes 6 up to 12 points of Flying Aureus to unleash a barrage of attacks on a single enemy, dealing wind damage of 840% up to 1680% of Feixiao’s Attack. The more points you consume, the more damage you deal. What is cool is that it reduces the target's Toughness regardless of their Weakness Type, making Feixiao a versatile pick for any content. If the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 100%. During the attack, Feixiao first launches Boltsunder Blitz or Waraxe Skyward multiple times, until Flying Aureus is depleted. After that, she launches the final hit: For every point of Flying Aureus consumed, deal Wind damage equal to 10% of Feixiao's attack to the target. If the target is Weakness Broken, the damage multiplier increases by 15%. From hit number 6 onward, if the target's H.P. is 0, reserve the remaining Flying Aureus and launch the final hit immediately. Boltsunder Blitz deals Wind damage equal to 75% of Feixiao's attack to a single enemy. If the target enemy is Weakness Broken, the damage multiplier increases by 40%. Waraxe Skyward deals Wind damage equal to 75% of Feixiao's attack to a single enemy. If the target enemy is not Weakness Broken, the damage multiplier increases by 40%. So pick wisely when using her ultimate.

Talent, Thunderhunt:

Feixiao's talent, Thunderhunt, is what makes her truly shine. Feixiao gains 1 point of Flying Aureus for every 2 attacks used by allies, and she launches follow-up attacks to the primary target or a random enemy if there is no primary target after her teammates' actions, dealing Wind Damage equal to 200% of her attack once per turn, which is reset at the start of her turn. Attacks from Feixiao's Ultimate are not counted. The Ultimate can be activated when Flying Aureus reaches 6 points, up to 12 points. This makes her an excellent fit for teams that take a lot of actions, primarily the follow up attack team.

Ability leveling priority:

Feixiao’s ability leveling priority is Ultimate or Talent, then Skill, and lastly, Basic Attack.

Technique, Stormborn:

Let's not forget about Feixiao's technique, Stormborn. It's a game-changer in exploration and combat. When activated, Feixiao enters the onrush state for 20 seconds. During this time, she pulls in nearby enemies, gets a 35% speed boost, and gains a Flying Aureus point when entering battle. What's really cool is that her attacks in this state hit all pulled enemies. Plus, when she enters battle, she deals massive A.O.E. wind damage that's guaranteed to crit. The more enemies she pulls in, the higher the damage multiplier, up to a whopping 1000% increase! This technique makes Feixiao incredibly potent against groups of enemies, complementing her single-target focus in regular combat.


Major traces:

Now, let's talk about Feixiao's major traces, which really enhance her capabilities. First, we have Boltcatch, which increases her follow-up attack critical damage by a whopping 60%. This is huge for her damage output. Next is Formshift. This trace makes her Ultimate count as a follow-up attack, which synergizes incredibly well with her relics and team compositions. Finally, there's Heavenpath. This gives Feixiao a head start with 4 Flying Aureus points at the beginning of the battle. Plus, if she's the last one standing, she'll gain an extra point each turn, ensuring she can still use her Ultimate in tough situations. These traces really cement Feixiao's role as a follow-up attack powerhouse and make her Ultimate even more potent.

Major trace priority:

Feixiao’s major trace priority is Heavenpath, then Formshift, and lastly, Boltcatch.

Recommended endgame stats:

Feixiao’s recommended endgame stats are three thousand H.P., eight hundred defense, two thousand five hundred attack, sixty percent critical rate, one hundred twenty percent critical damage, and one hundred thirty four speed.


For those lucky enough to get Feixiao's eidolons, here's a quick rundown of what they offer: Eidolon 1, Skyward I Quell, adds extra wind damage to her Ultimate's final hit for each Flying Aureus point used. Eidolon 2, Moonward I Wish, makes it easier to gain Flying Aureus points, allowing for more frequent Ultimate use. Eidolon 3 boosts her Ultimate and Basic Attack levels, while Eidolon 5 increases her Skill and Talent levels. Eidolon 4, Stormward I Hear, is a game-changer. It turns her basic attack and skill into follow-up attacks, massively increasing her damage potential. Finally, Eidolon 6, Homeward I Near, is the crown jewel. It adds wind resistance penetration to her follow-up attacks and dramatically boosts her talent's follow-up attack damage, treating it as ultimate damage. While these eidolons are powerful, remember that Feixiao is still highly effective at Eidolon 0 for us free-to-play players.


Relic Set:

For Feixiao's build, we're looking at The Wind-Soaring Valorous as her best relic set. The two-piece effect increases her attack by 12%, while the four-piece effect boosts her critical rate and ultimate damage after follow-up attacks.

Planar Set:

For her planar set, Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves is the way to go. It synergizes perfectly with follow-up attack teams, boosting Feixiao's follow-up damage and critical damage.

Relic Main Stats:

When it comes to relic main stats, we're aiming for attack percent on the body and link rope, speed on the feet, and wind damage on the planar sphere. This build maximizes her damage output while ensuring she acts frequently. She could also use either a critical rate or a critical damage main stat body piece.

Relic Substats:

Feixiao’s relic substat priority is attack percent, then speed, then critical rate, and critical damage if you want to focus on a good crit ratio.


Light cones:

Now, let's talk light cones. Feixiao's signature light cone, I Venture Forth to Hunt, is incredible, boosting her Critical Rate and allowing her Ultimate to ignore defense. That’s obviously the best choice, but for us free-to-play folks, Cruising in the Stellar Sea is an excellent option. It increases Critical Rate, especially against weakened enemies, and boosts attack after defeating an enemy. If you're willing to try your luck on the gacha, there are two great 4-star light cone options for Feixiao. First, we have Only Silence Remains. This light cone boosts Feixiao's attack by 32% at superimposition level 5, which is always useful. But it really shines in boss fights or against small enemy groups, providing an additional 24% Critical Rate when there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field. The second option is Swordplay. This light cone is perfect for Feixiao's single-target focus. Every time she hits the same target, her damage increases by 16%, stacking up to 5 times. That's a potential 80% damage increase! Just remember, this effect resets when switching targets. Both of these light cones can be powerful alternatives if you don't have Feixiao's signature light cone or the free-to-play option we discussed earlier.


For team compositions, Feixiao works best with characters who can trigger lots of follow-up attacks. A team of Feixiao, Robin, Topaz, and Gallagher is considered optimal. Robin and Topaz provide plenty of follow-up opportunities, while Gallagher offers sustain. Robin also increases Feixiao’s follow up attack damage with her major trace, Impromptu Flourish. In terms of free-to-play options, you could pair Feixiao with characters like Hunt March 7th, who was given for free, and Tingyun for energy regeneration and buffs. Add in a free sustain unit like Gallagher, and you've got a solid team. You could also use Harmony Trailblazer instead of Tinyun to improve Feixiao’s break effect damage.


Feixiao is an exciting addition to the roster, offering a unique playstyle that rewards strategic team building and quick action cycles. Whether you're free-to-play or a light spender, she's definitely a character to consider pulling for.

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Updated 6mo ago

The BEST Guide to MAXIMIZE Feixiao! | Relics, Light Cones, Teams

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