ULTIMATE Aglaea Guide! [Best Light Cones, Relics, Teams, and MORE] Honkai Star Rail 3.0 (HSR)


Video Guide:


Hey everyone, welcome to our guide for the upcoming Lightning Rememberance five-star character, Aglaea. She is set to be released in the first half of patch three point zero of Honkai Star Rail. She is shaping up to be an amazing summon D.P.S. Aglaea is the first limited gacha rememberance character in Honkai Star Rail; the rememberance trailblazer is free. Sunday is out, so you want to pull him to make your Aglaea even better with his summon buffs. Aglaea is the first solely summon-focused character, bringing in the advent of the summon meta.

Aglaea's kit:

Now, let's dive into Aglaea's kit. Aglaea's Basic Attack, Thorned Nectar, inflicts a targeted enemy with a lightning-based attack, dealing damage equivalent to fifty percent at the initial level or one hundred thirty percent at the highest level of Aglaea's attack power. Aglaea's Enhanced Basic Attack, Slash by a Thousandfold Kiss, states that Aglaea and Garmentmaker combine their powers to unleash a devastating lightning attack. The primary target is struck with a combined lightning strike dealing one hundred ten percent up to one hundred forty percent of Aglaea's attack power and one hundred ten percent up to one hundred forty percent of Garmentmaker's attack power. Additionally, adjacent targets are hit with a less intense lightning discharge, receiving forty-four percent up to fifty-six percent of Aglaea's attack power and forty-four percent up to fifty-six percent of Garmentmaker's attack power. Aglaea's skill, Rise, Exalted Renown, heals Garmentmaker for twenty-five percent up to sixty-two percent of its maximum health. If Garmentmaker is not currently present on the battlefield, the ability instead summons the memosprite Garmentmaker, who immediately takes an action. Aglaea's Ultimate, Dance Destined Weaveress, costs three hundred fifty energy. Aglaea summons the memosprite Garmentmaker. If Garmentmaker is already on the battlefield, fully restores its health to maximum. Aglaea enters the Supreme Stance state and immediately takes action. Supreme Stance says that Aglaea inherits speed boost stacks from Garmentmaker's Memosprite Talent. Each speed boost stack increases Aglaea's speed by ten percent up to seventeen point five percent. Basic Attack is transformed into Slash by a Thousandfold Kiss. Aglaea cannot use her regular skill while in this state. Garmentmaker becomes immune to Crowd Control debuffs. Countdown Mechanic details. A special countdown is added to the action order. Countdown has a fixed speed of one hundred. When the countdown's turn begins, Garmentmaker self-destructs. Upon Garmentmaker's disappearance, Aglaea's Supreme Stance state is immediately dispelled. Aglaea's talent, Rosy-Fingered, has Memosprite Garmentmaker’s characteristics. It has an initial speed of forty, a maximum H.P. calculated as forty-four percent up to seventy-seven percent of Aglaea's maximum H.P. plus a base value of one hundred eighty up to nine hundred ninety. While Garmentmaker is present on the field, Aglaea's attacks apply the seam stitch state to the target. Seam Stitch is a unique status effect that only activates on the most recently targeted enemy. Aglaea's technique, Stellar Ripper, summons the memosprite Garmentmaker and initiates a coordinated forward attack. Upon entering battle, the joint attack deals Lightning damage equal to one hundred percent of Aglaea's attack power to all enemy targets. Additionally, the attack randomly applies the Seam Stitch state to one or more enemies. Garmentmaker’s, Memosprite, information is presented next. Memosprite Skill, Thorned Snare, deals lightning damage to enemies. Primary target is dealt fifty-five percent up to one hundred fifty-four percent of attack. Adjacent targets are dealt thirty-three percent up to ninety-two percent of attack. Memosprite Talent, A Body Brewed by Tears states that after attacking an enemy with Seam Stitch, it increases the unit's speed by forty-eight up to sixty-nine and can stack up to six times. Memosprite Talent, The Speeding Summer, states that upon summoning, it immediately advances the unit's action by one hundred percent. Memosprite Talent, Bloom of Drying Grass, states that when Garmentmaker disappears, it regenerates twenty energy for Aglaea.

Ability Level Priority:

Aglaea's ability-leveling priority is her talent, then her basic attack, then her skill, and lastly her ultimate. Aglaea's talent affects the H.P. value of her memosprite, Garmentmaker, so that is important to level first. Since Aglaea is a main D.P.S., her damage mainly comes from her enhanced basic attack, so level it up. Aglaea’s skill only restores Garmentmaker’s H.P., so it is not as important as the damage-dealing abilities. Her ultimate summons Garmentmaker, but leveling it up only increases Aglaea’s speed, so it’s not too important.


Major traces:

Now, let’s talk about Aglaea's major traces, which really enhance her capabilities. In general, Aglaea's traces provide lightning damage boost, critical rate, and defense. Major Trace One, The Myopic's Doom, states that while in the supreme stance state, increases the Attack of both Aglaea and Garmentmaker by seven hundred twenty percent of Aglaea's Speed plus an additional three hundred sixty percent of Garmentmaker's Speed. Major Trace Two, Last Thread of Fate, states that when Garmentmaker disappears, the character can retain up to one stack of the speed boost from the Memosprite Talent. Upon Garmentmaker's subsequent summoning, the character will automatically regain the corresponding number of previously retained speed boost stacks. Major Trace Three, The Speeding Sol, states that when Garmentmaker uses a Skill or enters combat, their damage is increased by thirty percent and this damage boost lasts for five turns. While Aglaea is in Supreme Stance, Garmentmaker maintains this damage boost effect regardless of its duration.

Major trace priority:

Aglaea's major trace unlocking priority is first trace one, then trace three, and lastly trace two.

Recommended Endgame Stats:

Aglaea's recommended endgame stats are three thousand H.P., nine hundred defense, three thousand two hundred attack, one hundred thirty four speed, critical rate of ninety percent, critical damage of one hundred eighty percent and an energy regeneration rate of one hundred nineteen point four four percent if using an energy regeneration rate link rope.


For those lucky enough to get Aglaea's eidolons, here's a quick rundown of what they offer:

Eidolon One, Drift at the Whim of Venus, states that when Aglaea or Garmentmaker takes consecutive actions, their damage ignores twenty-five percent of the target's defense. This effect can stack up to two times and remains active until any unit other than Aglaea or Garmentmaker uses an ability.

Eidolon Two, Sail on the Raft of Eyelids, states that the maximum stack limit of the speed boost effect from the Memosprite Talent is increased by one. Additionally, after Aglaea uses an attack, Garmentmaker can also receive the speed boost effect from the Memosprite Talent.

Eidolon Four, Flicker Below the Surface of Marble, states that enemies afflicted with Seam Stitch take eight percent increased damage. Additionally, when Aglaea's or Garmentmaker's attack hits a target with this effect, twenty energy is regenerated.

Eidolon Six, Fluctuate in the Tapestry of Fates, states that while Aglaea is in Supreme Stance, both she and Garmentmaker gain a twenty percent increase in Lightning resistance penetration. Additionally, when Aglaea or Garmentmaker receives an action advance effect, the damage multiplier for their next use of Slash by a Thousandfold Kiss increases by an amount equal to zero point four percent of their respective speed.


Signature Light Cone:

Aglaea’s five-star signature remembrance light cone, Time Woven Into Gold, increases Aglaea’s base speed by twelve to twenty. After Aglaea’s and her memosprite attack, gain one stack of Brocade. Brocade stacks provide the following bonuses: Critical damage increased by fifteen percent up to twenty-five percent per stack. A maximum of 3 stacks can be accumulated. Upon reaching maximum stacks, each Brocade stack also increases Basic Attack damage by fifteen percent up to twenty five percent.

E1 vs LC:

So if you are a light spender and can only go for either her light cone or Eidolon one, I would recommend getting Aglaea's five-star signature light cone because it increases Aglaea’s base speed, provides a critical damage increase, and increases basic attack damage. Whereas, her Eidolon One only ignores the target enemy’s defense. Although ignoring enemy’s defense is very strong, the signature light cone offers much more for the same amount of money.

Other light cones:

Now, let's talk about other light cone options for Aglaea. Since the remembrance path was just released, there are only a few light cone options available for Aglaea. A four star remembrance lightcone is Geniuses' Greetings, it increases Aglaea’s attack by sixteen percent up to thirty two percent. After she uses her ultimate, the light cone additionally increases Aglaea and her memospirte’s attack by twenty percent up to forty percent for three turns. This is good for Aglaea because she has a memosprite and is a main D.P.S. who wants more attack stats.

Another four star remembrance lightcone is Victory In a Blink. It increases Aglaea’s Critical Rate by twelve percent up to twenty percent. When Aglaea's memosprite is present on the battlefield, increases Aglaea's damage dealt by twenty four percent up to forty percent and increases the memosprite's damage dealt by twenty four percent up to forty percent. Critical rate is really important for Aglae and increasing damage dealt is great for a main D.P.S.

A three star remembrance light cone that Aglaea can use is Shadowburn. When Aglaea summons her memosprite for the first time in a battle, recovers one Skill Point and regenerates twelve up to twenty energy for her.

Another three star rememberance light cone that Aglaea can use is Reminiscence. When the memosprite's turn begins, both Aglaea and the memosprite gain one stack of Commemoration, each Commemoration stack increases damage dealt by eight percent up to twelve percent and can accumulate up to four stacks. Commemoration stacks are removed from both Aglaea and the memosprite when the memosprite disappears.

Relic Set:

For Aglaea’s build, we are looking at the new relic set, Hero of Triumphant Song. Its two-piece set bonus effect increases attack by twelve percent. Its four-piece set bonus effect states that while Aglaea's Memosprite is active on the field, increases her speed by six percent. Additionally, when the Memosprite attacks, both Aglaea and the Memosprite gain a thirty percent increase in Critical Damage for two turns.

Aglaea’s best planar set is The Wondrous BananAmusement Park. Its two-piece set bonus effect increases Aglaea’s critical damage by sixteen percent. If Aglaea has a summoned target on the field, her critical damage is further increased by an additional thirty two percent.


Relic Main Stats:

When it comes to relic main stats, for Aglaea’s body piece, use a critical rate or critical damage main stat. For Aglaea’s feet piece, use a speed or attack percent main stat. For Aglaea’s planar sphere piece, use either an attack percent or lightning damage main stat. For Aglaea’s link rope piece, use either an attack or energy regeneration rate main stat. It is currently unknown if energy regeneration is more optimal than attack because Aglaea has a large energy cost for her ultimate.

Relic Substats:

When it comes to relic substats for Aglaea, first prioritize speed until the breakpoint of one hundred thirty four speed, then critical rate percent and critical damage percent up to a ratio of one to two, and lastly attack percent.



For team compositions, you want to use Sunday, Remembrance Trailblazer, any sustain unit, and Aglaea. If you do not pull Sunday, then you can replace him with any other harmony unit like Robin, Ruan Mei, or Sparkle. However, Sunday will significantly improve Aglaea’s damage because he directly advance forwards Aglaea and her memosprite.

Should you pull for Aglaea?

With the summon meta just starting, I would highly consider pulling for Aglaea as she is the best summon main D.P.S. as of now. But, there is a chance she gets powercrept. However, we can look to previous characters like Acheron who was released in the beginning of the patch two point zero lifecycle and was meta relevant for the whole year. So, I would recommend pulling for Aglaea over The Herta since she is a part of the summon meta. Also, pull for Sunday if you are going to pull for Aglaea.

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Updated 3mo ago

ULTIMATE Aglaea Guide! [Best Light Cones, Relics, Teams, and MORE] Honkai Star Rail 3.0 (HSR)

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