Video Guide:
Hey everyone, welcome to our guide for the upcoming Quantum Remembrance five-star character, Castorice. She is set to be released in the first half of patch three point two of Honkai Star Rail. Castorice powercreeps every single unit in the game. She scales heavily off H.P. and needs a strong healer to make optimal use of her dragon memosprite, Pollux. Castorice’s skill and ultimate both consume allies’ current H.P. The most game-breaking part of her kit is a global effect of reviving allies after receiving a killing blow even when she is not in the team. This global effect is not healthy for the game and will actually lead to the downfall of Honkai Star Rail.
Castorice’s basic attack deals Quantum damage equal to fifty percent of her maximum H.P. to a single target enemy.
Castorice’s skill consumes forty percent of all allies' current H.P., dealing quantum damage equal to fifty percent of her maximum H.P. to one enemy and thirty percent to adjacent enemies. If H.P. is too low, it reduces H.P. to one. If Pollux is present, the skill changes to the enhanced skill.
Castorice’s enhanced skill consumes fifty percent of all allies' current H.P. except for Pollux. Castorice and Pollux perform a Joint Attack, dealing Quantum damage equal to twenty four percent and forty-two percent of Castorice's Maximum H.P., respectively. If H.P. is too low, it reduces H.P. to one.
Castorice’s ultimate summons Pollux, advancing its action by one hundred percent, and creates the Lost Netherland Territory, reducing all enemies' All-Type resistance by twenty percent. If Castorice's Talent Damage Boost is active, it extends to Pollux. Pollux has one hundred forty speed and Maximum H.P. equal to one hundred percent of Stamen Nova. After Pollux acts three times or reaches zero H.P., it disappears, and the Territory is dispelled.
Castorice’s talent states that Stamen Nova maxes out at one hundred times the sum of all characters' levels on the battlefield. For each point of H.P. lost by allies, Castorice gains one point of Stamen Nova, increasing Castorice's and Pollux's Damage by twenty percent. This effect can stack up to three times, lasting three turns. When Stamen Nova reaches its maximum, Castorice can use her Ultimate. If Pollux is on the field, Stamen Nova cannot be gained, and Pollux recovers H.P. equal to the H.P. lost by all allies except Pollux.
Pollux’s skill deals Quantum damage equal to thirty percent of Castorice's Maximum H.P. to all enemies.
Pollux’s enhanced skill consumes twenty five percent of Pollux's Maximum H.P. to deal Quantum damage to all enemies equal to thirty percent, thirty four percent or thirty eight percent of Castorice's Maximum H.P. If H.P. is insufficient, it will drop to one, and using this ability will not end the turn. Repeated use enhances the ability until Pollux disappears. When H.P. is twenty five percent or less, the ability triggers the Ebon Wings Over Scorched Ruins effect.
The Ebon Wings Over Scorched Ruins effect consumes all of Pollux’s H.P. and deals six instances of Quantum damage, each equal to fifty percent of Castorice's Maximum H.P. to a random enemy unit.
Pollux’s Talent states that when Pollux is on the field, it acts as backup for allies. If allies take damage, their H.P. can be reduced to one, and Pollux will absorb five hundred percent of the original damage until it disappears. Also, when Pollux is summoned, it reduces the damage dealt by all allies by ten percent for two turns.
Castorice’s ability-leveling priority is first her Memosprite Skill, second her Memosprite Talent, third her Ultimate, fourth her Skill, fifth her Talent, and lastly her Basic Attack.
Castorice’s major trace unlocking priority is first her major trace one, then her major trace two, and lastly her major trace three. If you want to play slow Castorice, consider not unlocking her major trace three because it increases her speed by forty percent when Castorice’s H.P. is greater than fifty percent.
Castorice’s recommended endgame stats are eight thousand two hundred H.P., one thousand four hundred attack, eight hundred defense, twenty six percent effect resistance, eighty-seven speed, sixty-three percent quantum damage boost, a critical rate of seventy percent, and critical damage of two hundred sixty percent.
Castorice’s Eidolon one says that every time Pollux uses its attack, its damage dealt is increased by thirty percent, up to six times. Castorice’s Eidolon two is overpowered and the best stopping point for dolphins. After summoning Pollux, Castorice gains two stacks of ardent will, and this can be used to offset Pollux’ H.P. consumption while also advancing Castorice’s action by one hundred percent. The next enhanced skill also deals one hundred percent more damage.
Castorice’s five-star signature Remembrance light cone increases Castorice’s maximum H.P. by thirty percent. When Castorice or Pollux loses H.P. during their turn, she gets Death Flower, which allows both of them to ignore twenty-four percent of the enemy’s defense. When Pollux disappears, Castorice’s action is advanced by twelve percent.
If you are a free-to-play player and want to pull for either her eidolon one or her signature light cone, I would recommend saving enough pulls for eidolon two because it is really broken with the one hundred percent action advance, which is better than her signature light cone’s action advance. However, if you cannot pull Eidolon two for Castorice, I would recommend pulling her signature light cone because ignoring the enemy's defense and action advance is much better than just increasing damage dealt from her Eidolon one.
Now, let's talk about other light cone options for Castorice. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of options for Castorice since Rememberance is a new path and most of the light cones do not scale off H.P. A five-star limited gacha light cone that Castorice can use is Time Woven Into Gold, Aglaea’s signature light cone. It increases Castorice’s speed, critical damage, and basic attack damage.
A five-star Herta Shop light cone that Castorice can use is Memory's Curtain Never Falls. It increases Castorice’s speed by six percent. After using her skill, the damage dealt by all allies is increased by eight percent for three turns.
A four-star battle pass light cone that Castorice can use is Sweat Now, Cry Less. It increases Castorice’s critical rate by twelve percent. When Pollux is on the field, it increases the damage dealt by Castorice and Pollux by twenty four percent.
A three-star light cone that Castorice can use is Reminiscence. When Pollux’s turn starts, Castorice and Pollux gain a stack of Commemoration, which increases damage dealt by eight percent stacking up to four times.
Honestly, with these small amount of light cone options, I would recommend just pulling for Castorice’s signature light cone.
For Castorice’s build, we are looking at a four-piece relic set of Poet of Mourning Collapse. Its two-piece set effect increases quantum damage by ten percent. Its four-piece set effect increases Castorice’s critical rate by thirty two percent, depending on if her speed is lower than ninety-five.
An alternative four-piece relic set for Castorice is Genius of Brilliant Stars. Its two-piece set effect also increases quantum damage by ten percent. Meanwhile, its four-piece set effect either ignores ten percent defense or twenty percent defense if the enemy has quantum weakness.
Castorice’s best planar set is Bone Collection's Serene Demesne. Its two-piece set effect increases Castorice’s maximum H.P. by twelve percent. When Castorice’s maximum H.P. is greater than or equal to five thousand, her and Pollux’s critical damage is increased by twenty-eight percent.
An alternative planar set that Castorice can use is The Wondrous BananAmusement Park. Its two-piece set effect increases Castorice’s critical damage by sixteen percent. When Pollux is on the field, critical damage increases additionally by thirty two percent.
When it comes to relic main stats, for Castorice’s body piece, use a critical rate or critical damage main stat. For Castorice’s feet piece, use a H.P. percent main stat. For Castorice’s planar sphere piece, use either a quantum damage boost main stat. For Castorice’s link rope piece, use an H.P. percent main stat.
When it comes to relic substats for Castorice, keep her speed as low as possible, first focus on critical rate percent and critical damage percent up to a ratio of one to two, second H.P. percent, third flat H.P., and lastly effect resistance.
Castorice’s best team is Tribbie, Sunday, and Lingsha. Luocha can replace Lingsha if you have him and is especially useful against the Pollux enemy boss. A sustainless team would replace Lingsha with the Rememberance Traiblazer. Castorice can also be used in Dual D.P.S. teams with Mydei, Sunday, and Linghsa or with Blade, the Rememberance Trailblazer, and Luocha. Jingliu might be fine to use with Castorice as well. A completely free-to-play team is Castorice, the Rememberance Trailblazer, Gallagher, and Pela. Honestly, there is not a great free-to-play four-star character for the last slot.