ULTIMATE The Herta Guide! [Best Light Cones, Relics, Teams, and MORE] Honkai Star Rail 3.0 (HSR)


Video Guide:


Hey everyone, welcome to our guide for the upcoming Ice Erudition five-star character, The Herta. She is set to be released in the second half of patch three point zero of Honkai Star Rail. She is shaping up to be an amazing pure fiction D.P.S., replacing the four star puppet Herta and a must use character in the Simulated Universe or Divergent Universe.

The Herta's Kit:

Now, let's dive into The Herta’s kit. The Herta’s Basic Attack, Wake Me up When Slumber Ends, deals Ice Damage equal to fifty percent, scaling up to one hundred thirty percent of Herta's attack to a single designated enemy target. The Herta’s Skill, Big Brain Energy, deals Ice Damage equal to thirty five percent, scaling up to eighty seven percent of Herta's Attack to a single designated enemy and applies one stack of Interpretation. Then, deals Ice Damage equal to thirty five percent, scaling up to eighty seven percent of Herta's Attack to the initial target and its adjacent enemies. This effect can trigger up to two additional times. The Herta’s enhanced skill, Hear Me Out, consumes one stack of Inspiration. Deals Ice Damage equal to forty percent scaling up to one hundred percent of The Herta's Attack to a designated enemy and applies one stack of Interpretation. Then, deals Ice Damage equal to forty percent scaling up to one hundred percent of The Herta's Attack to the primary target and its adjacent enemies, repeating this effect twice. Finally, deals Ice Damage equal to twenty percent scaling up to fifty percent of The Herta's Attack to all enemies. The Herta’s Ultimate, Told Ya! Magic Happens, costs two hundred twenty energy. It rearranges the Interpretation stacks on all enemies, prioritizing the transfer of higher stack counts to Elite-level targets or higher. Deals Ice Damage equal to one hundred percent scaling up to two hundred fifty percent of The Herta's Attack to all enemies. Upon using Ultimate, The Herta's Attack is increased by thirty two percent scaling up to eighty percent for two turns. After activation, The Herta immediately takes action and gains one stack of Inspiration, which can stack up to two times. While holding Inspiration, The Herta's Skill is enhanced to Hear Me Out. The Herta's talent, Hand Them Over, states that when enemy targets enter battle, The Herta applies one stack of Interpretation to them. When using the Enhanced Skill, if the primary target has Interpretation, the Damage multiplier increases. Each stack provides a four percent scaling up to ten percent boost to Damage on the primary target and a two point five percent scaling up to six point two percent boost on other targets. If at least two characters on the team follow the Path of Erudition, each stack grants an additional four percent scaling up to ten percent boost to the primary target and two point five percent scaling up to six point two percent to other targets. Interpretation can stack up to forty two times. Using the Enhanced Skill resets the number of Interpretation stacks on the target to one. When an enemy target leaves the battle or is defeated by any unit, their Interpretation stacks are transferred, prioritizing Elite-level targets and above. The Herta’s technique, Vibe Check, states that upon using Technique, The Herta's Attack is increased by forty percent at the start of the next battle for two turns. At the start of each wave, all enemies are inflicted with four stacks of Interpretation. If there are Basic Treasures on the current map, using Technique reveals the locations of up to three Basic Treasures. When entering battle using Technique in Simulated Universe or Divergent Universe, Herta deals True Damage equal to ninety nine percent of the target's Maximum H.P. to enemies below Elite level and True Damage equal to thirty percent of the target's Maximum H.P. to Elite-level enemies and above. The Herta's ability-leveling priority is her skill, then her talent, then her ultimate, and lastly her basic attack.

Major traces:

Now, let’s talk about The Herta's major traces, which really enhance her capabilities. In general, The Herta's traces provide ice damage boost, attack, and speed. Major Trace One, Aloofly Honest, states that when allied targets attack, they inflict one stack of Interpretation on the enemy target hit. After The Herta attacks, she regenerates three energy for each target hit by her attack, up to a maximum of five targets. Major Trace Two, Message From Beyond the Veil, states that when entering battle, if the team includes at least two characters following the Path of Erudition, all allies' critical damage is increased by eighty percent. After attacking, The Herta applies one stack of Interpretation to the enemy target with the highest existing stacks of Interpretation among those hit. The Trace Aloofly Honest considers at least three targets when determining the number of targets hit. Major Trace Three, Starved Landscape of Vacua, states that for every stack of Interpretation inflicted on enemy targets, Herta increases her Ultimate's Damage multiplier by one percent, up to a maximum of ninety nine stacks.

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Major trace priority:

The Herta's major trace unlocking priority is first trace two, then trace one, and lastly trace three.

Recommended Endgame Stats:

The Herta's recommended endgame stats are three thousand H.P., one thousand defense, three thousand attack, one hundred thirty four speed, critical rate of eighty percent, critical damage of one hundred sixty percent and an energy regeneration rate of one hundred nineteen point four four percent if using an energy regeneration rate link rope.


For those lucky enough to get The Herta's eidolons, here's a quick rundown of what they offer: Eidolon One, Night at Shorefall, states that when the Enhanced Skill calculates the number of Interpretation stacks, it also includes thirty percent of the stacks present on the two enemies with the highest Interpretation stacks among the Skill's primary target and adjacent targets. Eidolon Two, Wind Through Keyhole, states that after an ally attacks, one stack of Interpretation is applied to the enemy target with the highest existing Interpretation stacks among the hit targets. If an enemy target reaches forty two stacks of Interpretation, The Herta gains one stack of Inspiration. This effect can only trigger once per enemy target. Eidolon Four, The Sixteenth Keys, states that characters following the Path of Erudition in the team gain a ten percent increase in speed. Eidolon Six, Sweet Lure of Answer, states that in Starved Landscape of Vacua, each stack further increases the Ultimate's Damage multiplier by four percent, up to a maximum additional increase of three hundred ninety six percent. The Trace Starved Landscape of Vacua must be unlocked to activate this effect.

Signature Light Cone:

The Herta’s five-star signature Erudition light cone, Into the Unreachable Veil, increases The Herta's Critical Rate by twelve percent, scaling up to twenty percent. When The Herta uses her Ultimate, it increases the damage dealt by her Skill and Ultimate by forty eight percent, scaling up to ninety six percent for three turns. Additionally, if the Ultimate consumes one hundred forty or more Energy, The Herta recovers one Skill Point. This effect can be triggered only once every two turns.

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LC vs E1:

So if you are a light spender and can only go for either her light cone or Eidolon one, I would recommend getting The Herta’s five-star signature light cone because it increases The Herta’s critical rate, damage dealt by her skill and ultimate, and recovers one skill point. Whereas, her Eidolon One only adds thirty percent of the Interpretation stacks from the two enemies with the highest stacks among the primary target and adjacent targets to the calculation for the Enhanced Skill. The Herta’s Eidolon One does not seem to be good, so pulling for her signature light cone is a much better use of your money.

Other Light Cones:

Now, let's talk about other light cone options for The Herta. An alternative limited gacha five star light cone that The Herta can use is Jing Yuan’s signature, Before Dawn which increases The Herta’s critical damage, skill damage, ultimate damage, and follow up attack damage.

A standard gacha five star light cone that The Herta can use is Night on the Milky Way which increases her attack based on the number of enemies on the field and increases damage dealt to enemies who are weakness broken.

A free-to-play five star Herta shop light cone that The Herta can use is Eternal Calculus, which increases The Herta’s attack. It also increases her speed if she hits three or more enemies.

A four star gacha light cone that The Herta can use is Geniuses' Repose which increases The Herta’s attack and increases her critical damage when she defeats an enemy.

A four star battle pass light cone that The Herta can use is Today Is Another Peaceful Day, which increases her damage based on her maximum energy.

A free-to-play four star forgotten hall store light cone that The Herta can use is The Seriousness of Breakfast, which increases her damage. It also increases her attack for every defeated enemy.

Relic Set:

For The Herta’s build, we are looking at the relic set, Scholar Lost in Erudition. Its two-piece set bonus effect increases Critical Rate by eight percent. Its four-piece set bonus effect increases damage dealt by Skill and Ultimate by twenty percent. After using the Ultimate, the damage dealt by the next Skill is further increased by twenty five percent. An alternative relic set is the Hunter of Glacial Forest. Its two-piece set bonus effect increases Ice Damage by ten percent. Its four-piece set bonus effect says that after The Herta uses their Ultimate, their Critical Damage is increased by twenty five percent for two turns.

The Herta’s best planar set is Sigonia, the Unclaimed Desolation. Its two-piece set bonus effect increases The Herta's Critical Rate by four percent. Each time an enemy target is defeated, The Herta's Critical Damage increases by four percent, stacking up to ten times.

Relic Main Stats:

When it comes to relic main stats, for The Herta’s body piece, use either a critical rate or critical damage main stat. For The Herta’s feet piece, use either a speed or attack percent main stat. For The Herta’s planar sphere piece, use either an attack percent or ice damage main stat. For The Herta’s link rope piece, use either an attack or energy regeneration rate main stat. It is currently unknown if energy regeneration is more optimal than attack because The Herta has a large energy cost for her ultimate.

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Relic Substats:

When it comes to relic substats for The Herta, first prioritize speed until the breakpoint of one hundred thirty four speed, then critical rate percent and critical damage percent up to a ratio of one to two, and lastly attack percent.

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For team compositions, you want to use The Herta, Himeko, Robin, and Aventurine. A second team is The Herta, Jade, Robin, and Gallagher. A third team is The Herta, Yunli, Robin, and Aventurine.

Should you pull for The Herta?

With the summon meta just starting, I would not recommend pulling for The Herta and instead pull for Aglaea. I cannot see The Herta being relevant in the memory of chaos or pure fiction. If you already have a pure fiction team with units like Jade, Himeko, Argenti, or Yunli, I would not pull for The Herta.

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Updated 3mo ago

ULTIMATE The Herta Guide! [Best Light Cones, Relics, Teams, and MORE] Honkai Star Rail 3.0 (HSR)

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