1v9 Top Lane Champions Tierlist + Tips


What is a 1v9 top laner and why should I play them?

Im new to this platform so this is gonna be scuffed. I reached diamond on 3 accounts in one split so I have some credibility. Overall, the term "1v9" means that alongside the enemy, u play against your team too which happens often in zoloq. Are u tired of other teammates ruining your climb? Are you stuck in emerald ? Just get better. (for real) And, check out my tierlist down here

1v9 champion on top should have:

  • Good/Decent waveclear to match early recall timers and tempo
  • High mobility or other ways to compensate
  • Good splitpush (can take turrets fast and optionally take demolish in runes)
  • Good early game and late game (depends on matchups of course)
  • Can do jungle camps (10+ cs per min, we playing for those neutral resources baby)
  • Self peel
  • Way of healing / shielding / utility (cc or lockdown ability)
  • High damage enough to kill any champion class
  • Good at teamfighting / can sidelane against multiple champions
  • Good matchups / can lane or scale against counterpicks

Of course no champ is good at everything, but they need to have some of these traits. If u wanna blindpick them, good luck, u will realize that these champs are not actually easy mechanically (most of them) and have counterpicks to consider banning as well as learning every matchup to maximize you winning lane to later carry the game. I will also name some otp's if i know who are worth mentioning and are really good at their champion.

One more thing, these champs are not really good at learning the game and this tierlist isn't made for that. If you feel confident enough, pick them up, see if they suit your playstyle and you should play what you enjoy playing.

Riventhe Exile


Watch AloisNL or Viper, u have a lot of their vods on Youtube as well as on Twitch and I highly recommend one tricking this champion. If you win your lane, u have all the tools to carry the game.

Things to consider:

  • Demands practice and practice for certain combos like (fast q, q delay, E-R-Q engage, how to cancel certain abilites, double cast etc.)
  • Can be hard to pull of against certain drafts if ur the main engage
  • No sustain, good luck
  • A lot of skins (my personal fav Broken Covenant)
Fiorathe Grand Duelist


Broken, watch Potent. If you are good enough, you can hit rank 1 with this champion and stomp every elo. Every matchup is playable

Things to consider:

  • Probably the highest skill cap top laner
  • U can lose yourself practicing combos and trade patterns in practice tool for hours (which is fun for me)
  • Need to know how to sidelane as its your strongest point
  • Hard to pull of in teamfights if not really good or not fed
  • U get countered by range comps but u can manage

Max health true damage

Kaylethe Righteous


Watch Kayle1v9 if u wanna watch some high elo Kayle. One of my favorites, Kayle the Transcended is your power late game fantasy. Reach lvl 16 and gg

Things to consider:

  • Kayle is not weak early especially lvl 1 and can play aggressive into certain champs with runes like PTA or Lethal Tempo
  • There is currently the "Exodia" build now which is -> Kraken-Rageblade-Terminus-Jak Sho-Botrk/Wits end/Titanic but u can also go full ap
  • Really fun actually
  • If u prefer to chill in lane instead of contesting every minion this may be your go to
GwenThe Hallowed Seamstress


The Lolita Gwen. For gwen otp's I would recommend KilllaaG. Basically AP Riven

Things to consider:

  • Most of the matchups are enemy sided (u lose against S tier champs) but u scale really good
  • U have inbuilt healing gg
  • Turrets are nothing but easily cut by your scissors
  • Gwen is immune
  • Nashors rush is really good in certain matchups instead of Riftmaker
Yonethe Unforgotten


Are u trying to be Dzukill? If you are otp good but this champs some hard matchups and is hard to carry with.

Things to consider:

  • Used to be broken with hullbreaker, now he is still good but harder
  • Has broken kit, lethal tempo also got nerfed so bit weaker than before
  • U can splitpush, teamfight, take jungle camps, scale, everything u would want
  • Still wouldn't recommend
Ireliathe Blade Dancer


So fun blind picking this champion. If u wanna hell on earth, try playing against Zac, Warwick, Volibear, Trundle, Jax, Renekton and cry if u die once.

Things to consider:

  • Really fun (im currently playing her alongside Riven and she can actually win hard matchups if u manage correctly)
  • Can be unstoppable once fed, but teamfights can be really hard
  • Once you go in or enemies collapse on you, someone will die
  • After 30-35 min you stop being relevant in teamfights mostly because you get outscaled
  • Hard to pull of, In my opinion Riven is easier to carry with (Irelia is more punishing)
  • Low mobility around the map - u feel like snail without minion wave or target to dash to
Camillethe Steel Shadow


If u love spacing this pick is for you. U need to manage your early game and play for your items spikes. U win levels 1-5 most matchups and lose 6 to Trinity spike.

Things to consider:

  • Really high catch potential
  • U can move fast around the map
  • True damage, scaling and melting turrets
  • Once u go in there is no out
  • Hard matchups would be Jax (ban), Renekton, Darius, Poppy etc.
YorickShepherd of Souls


Yeah Yorick is really good at farming towers, minions, jungle camps, drakes, barons, u name it. Although u don't have mobility, your ghouls have and u have tools to play around with. Most players don't know how to play against you, so u have that advantage. Watch Slogdog . Scales pretty good with lethality, u can have 6 items without boots full build. Falls off in super lategame because u depend highly on your ghouls and maiden to teamfight.

Things to consider:

  • Backdoor dopamine
  • Trapping enemies ghouls with Maiden and dancing around them
  • Farming Gromp while being on lane
  • Has some hard matchups and is harder to pull of higher elo you go
  • Can one shot people, good synergy with hail of blades
  • Variety of rune pages (first strike, conqueror, hail of blades, arcane comet, grasp)
SionThe Undead Juggernaut


What do you mean Sion can 1v9? Hear me out, if enemies dont have percent max health damage in their kits and items and you have 3+ items - Ur a raidboss

Things to consider:

  • Worst toplaner currently but can win lane against certain matchups (Garen, Jax, Teemo, Rumble...)
  • U play for lategame when u can carry teamfights (always go Teleport + Ghost)
  • You can also split push, can farm jungle, can deal a lot of damage with Titanic Hydra + Hearsteel
  • NEVER blind pick only counter pick
Kai'SaDaughter of the Void

AP Kai'sa

Im a Druttut fan yeah, but the pick is really good. If you get to late game and u don't hard int your lane, you can be the highest damage dealer in the game and 1v9

Thing to consider:

  • Fits in almost every teamcomp (no need to teamfight if enemy cant engage on your team because of your W spam)
  • Scales really good with items and gold
  • Can suck to play if their jg camps you (u can't do anything about that)
  • Pray your team doesn't ff before you get your item spikes
  • Exp. build (Manamune, Ludens, Cryptbloom, Shadowflame, Rabadon) or u can go Nashors instead of Ludends for E evolve
  • Sell boots for 6th item slot Phantom Dancer and EXPLODE
  • Or play this champ on adc like a normal being would...

If you actually read this guide, wow...thank you. I hope you like it <3

And remember -> This is from my experience during my climb to diamond and testing picks (there may be other good 1v9 toplaners but I didn't include them because I didn't play them). Hope that makes it clear.

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