You want to be present in the map and it helps if you make a mistake early

Taking a second point in q usually helps with lane pressure early because of lower q cooldown higher damage and from my experience you wont be using/needing w that early into the game. But if you are more comfortable with w level 3 feel free to do so.

Standard runes. I prefer attack speed over flat ad on the shards because it makes last hitting and early fighting easier. Change second wind for bone plating if enemy laner is a champ that does short trades and dissengages

Good waveclear,damage and tankiness.
- Resourceless. You dont have to worry about using mana or health cost of abilities
- Hard cc. His w and the q e combo make him very good because if he hits one q or the w he can chain the rest
- Mobile. With his e and r he is quite mobile
- Sustain. Great sustain which helps in short trades and you can buff it with runes even more
- Counters ranged. One of the only mele champions that counters ranged ones because you can chose to poke or all in with your q e patterns.
- Falls off. Late game he gets outscaled because of the lack of %damage/true damage in his kit.
- Q focused. Most of your damage comes from q and since it has a slow animation you can get outbursted or they can simply run away
- Mechanically intense. You need to be constantly landing abilities to be able to do damage and it takes a lot of concentration and skill
- Easy to CC. Your e dash range is small and you dont always have ulti so aatrox can be ccd easily and neutralised if the enemy have a good comp
Early Game
Aatrox has one of the weakest level 1-3 in the game and combined with the fact that the junglers now are pathing top most games you want to not push the wave and have it push towards you. In some matchups where walking up is hard you can waste the q1 and get all 3 mele minions with q2. Try to angle abilities so you dont hit the wave if you want to punish enemy last hits. Aatrox when he hits level 4 is a great lane bully. Most important thing is to play with confidence but also not rush into the enemy and be patient. This is the time when you determine how the lane will go if the enemy will be able to farm or not. Try to secure a freeze. That will force them to make a decision you can punish. Dont rush q2 and q3 hold them sometimes just to pressure them into not walking up for cs. Dont be scared if they push you in but on the contrary be a bit agressive because you have 30-60 seconds to fight before the next wave gets there and you arent missing out on anything. Next powerspike is level 6 dont be afraid to just r and run enemy down. You can use the ms to land Q1 and not waste E on it so you can use it in Q2 and also secure an easy W. The enemy will lose a lot of hp,die or waste their summoners to get away. This is a time to push (get a plate if possible) and reset. We should have at least a slight advantage. Another powerspike is level 7-9 or when we finish an item. Try to abuse the enemy as much as possible get an advantage for midgame. Because Q now has such a lot cooldown we have perfect short trade opportunities.
Mid Game
You want to secure a lead on the midgame. Aatrox is at his strongest at 15-25 minutes so you want to use that to get as much done as possible. If you already have destroyed your first tower roam mid and bot and try to get all the first towers. Also help as much as possible in setting up and taking objectives. If you want to split and create pressure make sure you have proper vision so you can back out if they send too much. During teamfights you are tanky enough not to get bursted and should be able to get kills if you land most of your abilities but keep in mind not to overcommit if your team is spread out. Even if you are behind you can still help by just spaming Qs to zone and cc the enemy and to make it harder for them to kill your carries.
Late Game
After minute 25 Aatrox starts falling off and by minute 30 when enemy starts finishing more items and getting more armor you become basically just a peeler for your team trying to dash out as much cc and staying alive as long as possible so your team can clean up. That doesnt mean you can't still execute people but it becomes extremely hard