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Ahrithe Nine-Tailed Fox
Rune Page


Skill Order






- Weak Against: Naafiri, Cassiopeia, Akshan.
- Strong Against: Jayce, Yone, LeBlanc.
Win Conditions
- Constantly look to poke and chip away at the enemies health bar before looking for the all-in.
- In team fights, look to peel at first. When an enemy steps too far forward or is caught out of position- look to all-in them.
- If you’re not able to kill the enemy in lane, push the wave and roam with your Ultimate R. Ahri is really good at roaming, so make sure you’re proactive about it.
All in all
- Building AD items on Ahri can amplify her auto-attack damage, especially when combined with her charm, E ability, which briefly immobilizes and amplifies damage against enemies. This makes her a threat in duels and skirmishes, especially against squishy targets. While unconventional, AD Ahri can catch opponents by surprise with her burst damage, mobility, and kiting potential, making her a strong mid lane pick in the right situations.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: Focus on farming and harassing your lane opponent with your Q and auto-attacks, looking for opportunities to land a Charm and secure a kill with your jungler's help. You are playing AD so don't be scared to go for extended trades and throw your autos in.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, roam to other lanes to pick up kills and secure objectives, and use your mobility to catch opponents out of position. In team fights, aim to assassinate priority targets with your burst damage while maintaining good positioning.
- Late Game: In the late game, continue to prioritize assassinations in team fights but be cautious and stay with your team to avoid getting caught out of position. Use your Charm to catch and eliminate key threats to your team. Kite as much as you can and keep an eye on not overstepping.