Aery's Korean Sivir
Hello my friends, I'm Matheus Everett, I'm OTP Sivir from Brazil, currently on the Master link. In this short guide, I will show you a very interesting option for our Sivir, a build option that comes from South Korea and is great for dealing with champions that don't have much resistance.
Aery's Korean Sivir
In this video, I show in practice how the build with the Aery rune works, the video unfortunately is in my native language (Portuguese - Brazilian)Runes

The Aery rune is very popular in South Korea along with the Build they are doing there, it is a great option to delete champions that do not have much resistance.

I usually start with W, as it is a great starting tool, even to make or receive invasions at level 1, you will spread your auto attacks in invasions and even a great way to aggressive at level 1 in the botlane and want to rush the level 2.

This build is very popular in South Korea, it allows you to have a more powerful Q in the laning phase and also allows you to clear the minion wave much faster. **An important note. Guardian Angel can be replaced by Zhonya's Hourglass, it may be a strange item, but it has an interesting synergy with your Q skill, as it also scales with AP, and also Zhonya's Hourglass gives you armor and can save you in moments of ambush, test this item on Sivir, it's an interesting option.

Ghost is a perfect combination for his ultimate and also combo with his passive, being a perfect ally in the laning phase and in TF'S.