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Akalithe Rogue Assassin
Match History

Rune Page


Skill Order






- Weak Against: Zac, Sion, Urgot.
- Strong Against: Gwen, Tryndamere, Jax.
Win Conditions
- Keep a constant eye on your energy levels and avoid trading unless you have a lot of energy to spare.
- In team fights, look to assassinate the squishiest member of the enemies team. Play around and inside your Shroud W to stay alive for longer.
- Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. If you’re against a ranged champion, you need to remain healthy at all times otherwise you’ll not be able to trade with them. Stand back when you’re not looking to last hit or trade.
All in all
- Akali's kit, with her combination of burst damage, mobility, and shroud, makes her well-suited for the top lane. The top lane environment, with longer lanes and more extended trades, allows Akali to utilize her burst damage and deceptive maneuvers effectively.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game with Akali, focus on farming safely and poking your opponent with your Q. Look for opportunities to engage and secure kills using your shroud for cover and your E and passive for burst damage.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, roam to other lanes and try to snowball your advantage. Participate in skirmishes and help secure objectives. In team fights, assassinate the enemy carries and use your shroud to create chaos and confusion.
- Late Game: In the late game, continue to focus on eliminating key targets and using your mobility to outmaneuver opponents. Stay vigilant about positioning, as getting caught can be detrimental, and use your shroud for escapes and crowd control.