Ambessa is an exciting new jungler in League of Legends, offering a powerful and versatile playstyle that appeals to players who enjoy high burst damage and surprise attacks. With her unique skill set, Ambessa can dominate the jungle and exert significant pressure across the map, making her a thrilling pick for aggressive players.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Ambessa
- Strengths of Ambessa
Massive Burst Damage: Ambessa has impressive burst potential, able to eliminate squishy targets in seconds with a well-executed combo. This makes her a constant threat to the enemy backline, especially if she can reach her target unscathed.
High Mobility: Ambessa's abilities allow her to navigate the map quickly and maneuver over obstacles, making her a versatile ganker. Her mobility enables her to close in on opponents or escape danger with ease, allowing for strategic positioning during ganks and skirmishes.
Strong Early Game Ganks: Even at early levels, Ambessa can apply significant pressure to lanes thanks to her damage and ability to quickly burst down enemies. This makes her highly effective for controlling the game from the start, securing an advantage for her teammates.
Self-Sufficient Jungle Clear: Ambessa can handle jungle camps efficiently without relying heavily on teammates for assistance. This independence makes her an excellent choice for players who enjoy a solo carry playstyle, allowing her to farm and scale at her own pace.
- Weaknesses of Ambessa
High Skill Ceiling: To maximize Ambessa’s potential, players need to have sharp mechanics and a good understanding of her combo sequences. Misusing her abilities or mistiming her combo can make her vulnerable, particularly in teamfights.
Item Reliance: Ambessa needs specific items to reach her full damage potential. If she falls behind early or struggles to farm, her impact on the game can diminish significantly, and it may be challenging to catch up.
Vulnerability to Crowd Control: Ambessa is susceptible to crowd control effects when she dives into the enemy team. If she gets stunned or immobilized, her high-damage potential is greatly reduced, making it essential for her to pick her fights carefully.
Ambessa Jungle Tips and Tricks
Utilizing Ambessa's passive, Drakehound's Step is incredibly important as each ability cast allows you to dash, and each attack regenerates your energy as well.
Even though Ambessa can dash, it's impossible for her to dash over jungle walls. Cunning Sweep deals percentage of health as damage to enemies that are hit by the edge of the ability. This comes in handy during jungle clears and high health objectives such as the Herald and Dragons, so position yourself properly!
Ambessa's generic combo goes like this: Cunning Sweep → Lacerate → Repudation → Sundering Slam. It is crucial to auto attack after each skill to generate energy enough for additional rotations.
Since she doesn't have any real crowd-control ability before level six, as Ambessa you'll want to path into lanes which can set you up for the ganks. Once Public Execution is available, you're able to gank any lane you'd like.
Ambessa Summoner Spells

Ambessa Items

Ambessa Runes

Ambessa Abilities

Skill Leveling Order: Q > E > W
Ambessa Ability Combos
Before diving into Ambessa’s combos, the first thing you need to know is to always combine her abilities, the Drakehound’s Step passive, and basic attacks. This will help Ambessa maximize her damage, close in on targets, and activate Conqueror quickly. As for skill leveling order, prioritize maxing Q, then E, followed by W, and level up R at the appropriate levels.
Regarding combos, accurately describing Ambessa’s combos is quite challenging, as her abilities are effective on their own, can be combined with her dash passive, and allow for reactivating Q upon hitting a target. You may find it easier to understand and remember the combos through hands-on experience, but I’ll describe some notable combos as follows. Q, W, E, and R are her abilities, P is her passive, and A represents basic attacks.
Basic Combo: Q/W/E/R + P + A. This combo allows Ambessa to use her abilities, deal damage, and dash to continue into the next combo sequence.
Trade Combo: Q + P + A + W + P + A + E + P + A + Q + P + A
Solo/Dive on Priority Target: R + P + A + W + P + A + Q + P + A + E + P + A + Q + P + A
Long-Range Engage: E + P + Q + P + R + P + A + W + P + A + Q + A + E + A…
With a champion like Ambessa, who has flashy combos, continuous dashes, tons of damage, and great gap-closing abilities, there’s no need to worry too much about perfecting every single move. I think after just a few games, you'll be able to get familiar with her and perform solidly.
Ambessa's power might be hard to balance, just like when K’Sante was first introduced, so make sure to take advantage and experience her right when she’s released. Good luck and have fun!
Ambessa is an excellent pick for jungle players who enjoy high-damage, high-risk champions. While she requires precision and quick decision-making to succeed, her potential to burst down enemies and take control of the map makes her a rewarding champion for skilled players. If mastered, Ambessa can create game-changing plays and carry games with her intense burst damage and calculated ganks.