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Aniviathe Cryophoenix
Sorcerer's Shoes
Sorcerer's Shoes
Rod of Ages
Rod of Ages
Archangel's Staff
Archangel's Staff
Liandry's Torment
Liandry's Torment
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rabadon's Deathcap

Season 14, the Rod of Ages stands out as a fantastic item for Anivia enthusiasts. Its affordability makes it an appealing choice, providing a cost-effective solution for enhancing Anivia's capabilities. The synergy between Rod of Ages and Anivia's kit is remarkable, as the item aligns seamlessly with her playstyle, amplifying her effectiveness in the mid to late game. What makes it truly exceptional for Anivia is its dual benefits – not only does it fortify her offensive capabilities, but it also grants her significant tankiness. This added durability allows Anivia players to sustain in team fights and withstand enemy assaults. Furthermore, the deep mana reservoir provided by Rod of Ages ensures that Anivia can consistently unleash her potent abilities without fear of running out of resources, solidifying its place as a key item for Anivia in Season 14.

Liandry's Anguish emerges as a stellar choice for Anivia in Season 14 due to its synergistic properties with her kit. The burn effect inflicted by Liandry's complements Anivia's ultimate exceptionally well, creating a sustained damage output that can be devastating in team fights. While Liandry's no longer provides mana, Anivia can compensate for this through other core items like Malignance, Seraph's Embrace, and Rod of Ages. These mana-focused items collectively ensure that Anivia maintains a robust mana pool, allowing her to unleash her powerful abilities without restraint. With Liandry's in her arsenal, Anivia can capitalize on both the immediate burst and prolonged damage over time, making it a pivotal component in her Season 14 itemization.

In Season 14, Malignance emerges as a distinctive addition, catering to a select group of champions, among which Anivia stands out as a prime beneficiary. This novel item seamlessly complements Anivia's kit, especially her ultimate, by synergizing with the burn effect from Liandry's. The combined power of Malignance and Liandry's results in a potent synergy that not only inflicts significant damage over time but also addresses Anivia's mana needs effortlessly. With Lost Chapter as part of its build path, Malignance offers flexibility in playstyle, allowing Anivia players to choose between prioritizing it as a starting item or opting for the more traditional Rod of Ages route. This adaptability empowers Anivia users to tailor their itemization to their preferred approach, solidifying Malignance as a compelling choice for those seeking an optimized blend of sustained damage and mana sustainability in Season 14.

Archangel's Staff maintains its perennial strength as a compelling choice for Anivia in Season 14, continuing its legacy as a cornerstone item in her arsenal. The inclusion of a Chapter and Tear of the Goddess in its build path alleviates Anivia's mana concerns during the mid to late game, providing her with the sustained resource pool needed to toggle her ultimate efficiently. Anivia, with her ability to stack Tear effortlessly from the moment she unlocks her ultimate at level 6, benefits immensely from the item's scaling nature. Furthermore, the shield granted by upgrading to Seraph's Embrace synergizes seamlessly with Anivia's passive and items like Zhonya's Hourglass, transforming her into an undying phoenix on the battlefield. Archangel's Staff not only addresses Anivia's mana needs but also enhances her survivability, making it an enduring and strategic choice for Anivia players seeking a potent mix of damage output and resilience in Season 14.


★ Electrocute is extremely easy to proc with Anivia's kit, increasing your burst and giving you heavy kill pressure from level 2. Arcane Comet is an alternative rune you can take if you want to poke your enemy laner down; landing the stun from Flash Frost helps the comet land, making it a decent choice all around.

Cheap Shot ★ Cheap Shot synergizes with Frostbite's passive, dealing double damage if you have stunned an enemy, or if they have been dealt damage by a fully formed Glacial Storm. We take advantage of this, and increase the damage with Cheap Shot, making it an insane burst tool.

Eyeball Collection ★ Eyeball Collection increases your AP per champion takedown you acquire, so it's a very strong rune if you're focusing on teamfighting, or roaming; or if you have a free midlane and your jungler is going to gank you consistently.

Relentless Hunter ★ Relentless Hunter helps Anivia to move faster, which increases our roam potential as outside of Teleport, she's very immobile and slow. Relentless Hunter is generally the best choice on this row as the other runes are basically dead for us - we're on the backline most of the time, so we don't need the healing, Ultimate Hunter is pointless as our ult is low cooldown anyway and we don't take any active items to make us of Ingenious Hunter

Presence of Mind ★ Presence of Mind increases mana regeneration when we damage an enemy champion, and takedowns restore 15% of our maximum mana. Anivia heavily relies on mana, and this rune is a staple in her kit.

Coup de Grace ★ Coup de Grace means we deal more damage to enemy champions under 40% HP, and since Electrocute is focused on bursting down targets quickly, we should easily be able to hit this threshold, and take them down.

Flash Frost
Flash Frost
Glacial Storm

Periodically, upon taking fatal damage, Anivia dispels all debuffs and transforms into Eggnivia, while also recovering all of her health.

Eggnivia cannot act but gains -40 to 20 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance. After 6 seconds, if Eggnivia is still alive, Anivia is reborn with Eggnivia's current health.

Guardian Angel and Chronoshift take precedence over Rebirth. If Anivia use Teleport before she takes fatal damage, she will blink to her target as eggnivia - a very useful tip!

	Flash Frost (Q)

RANGE: 1075 COST: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 mana COOLDOWN: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 Anivia launches a massive chunk of ice which flies toward the target location, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies it passes through by 20% − 40% (based on Glacial Storm's Rank) for 3 seconds. Flash Frost can be recast after the cast time.

RECAST: Anivia shatters the orb, dealing the same magic damage to enemies within the detonation and stunning them for a duration (up to 1.5s at rank 5). At maximum range, Flash Frost detonates automatically. If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.

	Crystallize (W)

TARGET RANGE: 1000 COST: 70 MANA COOLDOWN: 17 Anivia summons a wall of ice at the target location perpendicular to her facing, knocking all units away from it. The wall lingers as impassible terrain for 5 seconds.

Crystallize's displacement triggers in-combat effects such as drawing turret aggro, applying Elixir of Sorcery and Sudden Impact. Anivia is granted an assist if the wall touches an enemy champion.

	Frostbite (E)

TARGET RANGE: 600 COST: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 mana COOLDOWN: 4 Anivia blasts the target enemy with a freezing wind, dealing magic damage.

If the target was hit by Flash Frost or inside a fully formed Glacial Storm within the last 3 seconds, Frostbite's damage is doubled. The damage of Frostbite is calculated once it hits. If the target's mark from being hit by Flash Frost or a fully formed Glacial Storm wares off while the projectile is traveling, the damage is not doubled. Frostbite has a different sound effect when it hits a target for double damage.

	Glacial Storm (R)

TARGET RANGE: 750 EFFECT RADIUS: 200 - 400 (based on time active) TETHER RADIUS: 1000 COST: 75 mana + 35 / 45 / 55 per second COOLDOWN: 6 Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail at the target location, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds to enemies within, slowing them for 1 second. Glacial Storm can be recast after 1 second.

The blizzard increases in size over 1.5 seconds. At maximum size, enemies within the area take 300% damage and suffer a 50% stronger slow which lasts 1.5 seconds.

Glacial Storm deactivates if Anivia gets too far away or she does not have the sufficient amount of mana to pay for the ability's cost. Additionally, Glacial Storm will be deactivated by all forms of interrupting crowd control.

RECAST: Anivia deactivates Glacial Storm, dealing one last tick of damage.

Glacial Storm's slow leaves a trail that is visible even if the target is stealthed. Stasis (such as Zhonya's Hourglass) does not interrupt Glacial Storm.


During laning phase, farming and playing safe is generally what Anivia wants to focus on - poking the enemy whenever they step up to CS. If your enemy has potential kill pressure on you, you want to save Flash Frost and don't use it to poke as they can take advantage of this, it being your only form of CC/self peel pre 6. If you have a jungler with point and click CC, you can wait for them to cast theirs before you Flash Frost, guaranteeing the stun and successfully landing a kill.

With Rebirth, Anivia has a very safe laning phase, especially if you have Flash available, but that doesn't mean she is immune to ganks and death. She's a very immobile mage with no dashes or escapes, so you need to use your Stealth Ward and keep an eye on the mini map, as burning your passive and summoner spell, and still dying will put you at a huge disadvantage.

Anivia, as stated, is a slow, immobile and squishy mage - if you're vs a Talon, Zed, Katarina etc, and they start to roam early - ping ping ping your allies, and push midlane as hard as you can. It's too hard for you to follow their roams, and they can easily dash out and outplay you if you facecheck their jungle.

Anivia has insane push potential post 6, and you should look to push in your enemy and then roam. If your allies have point and click CC, you can easily CC an enemy into death, or cut off their escapes with your Crystallize. Taking objectives such as Dragon 's or Rift Herald , or even a tower is priority.


During the mid - late game, you want to be pushing in lanes and looking for roams, objectives and kills. Anivia has some of the best CC for picks, with her stun, slows and massive wall to cut off enemy escapes.

During team fights, you can play multiple roles depending on what your team needs, such as countering engage with your Flash Frost into Crystallize, cutting off an engage champion from their team and stopping their escape. You can also help peel for your ADC if it's a hypercarry such as Jinx. You can also help catching out an enemy and get a quick kill, making it a 5v4.

Anivia is basically a hypercarry as a mage, and has insane burst potential late game, along with sustained damage onto tanks with her Glacial Storm. Playing in the backline is your safe zone, and barraging the enemies with empowered Frostbite's is your primary goal, using Crystallize to cut off escapes, or enable your team to get out of a pinched situation.

Make sure to prioritize objectives once you have secured picks/kills, as they are what primarily win the game. Rift Herald spawns twice now, so you can prioritize taking one, if not both, to secure extra tower plates and net you some more gold, allowing you to quickly move forward in your chosen build path.


Flash is the best summoner spell in the game, it is your escape tool and engage tool. Anivia has no mobility, so helps mitigate this weakness slightly.

Ignite is extremely powerful on Anivia, giving her that extra bit of kill pressure that she needs, and helps snowball if you take Electrocute. It also offers Grievous Wounds, which is very useful against champions with high healing, such as Vladimir and Akali.

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