[ARAM] - Guide for Brand (Season 14) - If ARAM had LP, he would be free LP...

Brandthe Burning Vengeance


Brand is a powerhouse in ARAM due to his high area of effect (AoE) damage, ability to apply crowd control, and the explosive potential of his passive in team fights. In the close quarters of the Howling Abyss, Brand can truly shine, turning the tide of battle with well-placed abilities. If you enjoy incinerating multiple enemies with fiery spells and watching their health bars melt away, Brand is the champion for you.

Advantages of Brand in ARAM:

Explosive AoE Damage: Brand's abilities can hit multiple targets, making him a threat to the entire enemy team.

Passive - Blaze: His passive not only deals significant damage over time but can also detonate for massive area damage, perfect for the tight skirmishes in ARAM.

Crowd Control: With his Q ability, Brand can stun targets, providing crucial crowd control.

Poke and Zone Control: Brand can effectively zone enemies and control space with his W and E abilities, making it hard for opponents to engage without taking damage.


Brand's Weaknesses in ARAM:

Squishiness: Brand is relatively fragile and can be easily focused down if caught out of position. Skillshot Reliant: Landing Brand's abilities, especially his crucial Q for the stun, requires precision. Missing these can significantly reduce his effectiveness. • Vulnerable to Hard Engage: Champions that can quickly close the distance can be a problem for Brand, as he lacks escape mechanisms.

BRAND Abilities Breakdown and ARAM Tips:

Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame


Passive - Blaze: Brand's abilities set his targets on fire, causing them to take damage over time. Hitting an enemy with three abilities causes them to detonate, dealing significant AoE damage. In ARAM, aim to spread your passive among as many enemies as possible before detonating it for maximum impact.

Q - Sear: This is Brand's stun tool. Use it on enemies already ablaze to control key targets, especially during team fights.

W - Pillar of Flame: Brand's main poke and wave clear ability. In ARAM, use it to harass enemies grouped up for minions or fighting for health relics.

E - Conflagration: Spreads Brand's passive to nearby enemies. It's great for setting up your W or ensuring your passive spreads during tight fights.

R - Pyroclasm: This ultimate can bounce between enemies, dealing massive damage. In the narrow confines of the Howling Abyss, it's especially potent when enemies are clustered together.

Abilities Breakdown and ARAM Tips:

Passive - Blaze: Brand's abilities set his targets on fire, causing them to take damage over time. Hitting an enemy with three abilities causes them to detonate, dealing significant AoE damage. In ARAM, aim to spread your passive among as many enemies as possible before detonating it for maximum impact.

Q - Sear: This is Brand's stun tool. Use it on enemies already ablaze to control key targets, especially during team fights.

W - Pillar of Flame: Brand's main poke and wave clear ability. In ARAM, use it to harass enemies grouped up for minions or fighting for health relics.

E - Conflagration: Spreads Brand's passive to nearby enemies. It's great for setting up your W or ensuring your passive spreads during tight fights.

R - Pyroclasm: This ultimate can bounce between enemies, dealing massive damage. In the narrow confines of the Howling Abyss, it's especially potent when enemies are clustered together.


Brand Runes Breakdown and ARAM Tips:


Dark Harvest + Precision

Dark Harvest: This keystone excels in ARAM, where its stacking nature can quickly ramp up Brand's burst damage.

Cheap Shot/Taste of Blood: For extra poke damage or a bit of sustain.

Eyeball Collection: Increases your damage as you participate in takedowns.

Ultimate Hunter: Reduces the cooldown of your ultimate, allowing you to use Pyroclasm more frequently in team fights.

Brand Summoner Spells Breakdown and ARAM Tips:


Snowball + Flash

Brand Gameplay Tips for ARAM:

Early Game: Use your W to poke and harass enemy champions, softening them up for potential kills or forcing them to retreat.

Team Fights: Position safely behind your front line, focusing on spreading your passive with E and Q, then detonating it with W or R for maximum damage.

Objective Control: Use your abilities to zone enemies away from health relics and to secure takedowns for your team.


Brand Late Game Strategy:

Poke and Siege: Continue to use your range and AoE damage to poke enemies under their turret and siege effectively.

Team Fight Impact: Your ultimate can change the outcome of a team fight. Look for opportunities to bounce Pyroclasm among as many enemies as possible.

Brand's potential in ARAM is immense, thanks to his ability to deliver game-changing AoE damage and control. Mastering his skillshots and understanding when to unleash his full combo can lead to devastating results and make you a pivotal player on your team. Embrace the chaos of the Howling Abyss, and let the world burn with Brand.

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Updated 11mo ago

[ARAM] - Guide for Brand (Season 14) - If ARAM had LP, he would be free LP...

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