Ashe, the Frost Archer in League of Legends, is a revered Iceborn warrior and the Queen of the Freljord, a harsh and frozen region steeped in ancient traditions and fierce rivalries. Known for her calm and resolute nature, Ashe wields an enchanted bow made of True Ice, giving her remarkable precision and a connection to her Iceborn heritage. She aims to unite the fractured tribes of the Freljord under one banner, bringing peace to a land marred by constant war and division.
Backstory: Born to the prestigious Avarosan tribe, Ashe lost her mother at a young age. This loss marked her with a deep sense of purpose to restore peace and unity among the Freljord's scattered tribes. As she grew older, she gained recognition not only for her archery skills but also for her wisdom and vision. Guided by her mother’s teachings, Ashe dreams of a unified Freljord, one where the tribes can set aside their differences and work together. She has faced numerous challenges, including the resistance from her own people and rival factions, but remains steadfast in her mission to bring hope and stability to her homeland.
- Passive - Frost Shot: Ashe’s basic attacks slow enemies, allowing her to control the battlefield and kite her foes.
- Q - Ranger's Focus: Ashe can increase her attack speed for a short period, enhancing her basic attacks with extra damage.
- W - Volley: She fires a volley of arrows in a cone, slowing and damaging multiple enemies.
- E - Hawkshot: Ashe sends a hawk spirit across the map, granting vision of areas it passes through, making her an excellent scout.
- R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow: Ashe fires a large, long-range arrow that stuns the first enemy champion it hits, dealing significant damage and stunning them for a longer duration if the arrow travels farther.
Personality: Ashe is wise, empathetic, and driven by a strong moral compass. She genuinely cares for her people and views leadership as a duty to serve rather than a position of power. Unlike many warriors of the Freljord who rely on brute strength, Ashe uses strategy, foresight, and diplomacy, seeing her role as one of guidance rather than domination.
Ashe’s journey in League of Legends is one of resilience and hope, with her character embodying the enduring spirit of the Freljord’s frozen landscape.
Ashe Strengths & Weaknesses
- Strengths
- You are extremely strong during the laning phase due to your long-ranged poke and auto-attacks. This allows you to play safely, chip on your enemy's health bar, and then all-in them with your Ranger's Focus (Q) empowered auto-attacks.
- The amount of utility you bring to a team comp is massive. Your auto-attack slows and your Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) CC can easily help your team secure picks before important objective fights. It also helps you increase CC chains on enemies.
- Once you get two to three items, you can start slowing and shredding multiple members of the enemy team in close-quarter fights. This gives you a greater time to kite out enemies during skirmishes and keeps you safe from their CC while your team piles on them.
- Weaknesses
- Your immobility is the clearest weakness that you have, both during the laning phase as well as the team fighting stage. This puts the additional task of making sure that you are positioned well during fights as one misstep can get you killed.
- The enemy team will look to gank you multiple times during the laning phase to set you back. Although it doesn't affect your utility, you won't be able to get enough items to impact fights later on which will cost your team multiple fights and objectives.
- Farming alone in the side lanes can be really dangerous for you as you are quite easy to get picks on. You only have your Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) to protect you from the enemy. Any form of CC is a weakness for you during the entirety of the game and you may need to rely on your frontline to keep you safe as you have no dashes in your kit.
Ashe Summoner Spells

Ashe Items

Ashe Runes

Ashe Skill Order

Ashe Ability Combos
- AA + W + AA: To easily trade AA then W before your next AA is ready.
- R + AA + W + AA + AA + AA + Q + AA: Ult then walk into AA range and use W in between AAs - ideally while they are still stunned until you can proc your Q.
- AA + AA + AA + AA + Q: Make sure to instantly press Q after your fourth AA for a quick burst of damage.
- R + Flash + AA: R then mid animation Flash and instantly AA.
- W + Flash + AA: W then mid animation Flash and instantly AA.
- AA + Q + R + AA + W + AA: When you have max stacks of your Q, AA then instantly Q R and follow it up with AA W AA.
Game plan
- Early game
- Your initial plan will be to play the lane safely and not get cheesed early on by the enemy Jungler. Set proper vision around the lane and use your Hawkshot (E) to scout your surrounding before you decide to push the wave.
- Maintain your range from the enemy and keep poking them whenever an opportunity arises. The best thing to do will be to use your Volley (W) in such a way that it hits both the enemy champions and the minions at the same time. It will give you push priority as well as the trade advantage.
- Try to save an Hawkshot (E) charge for when you skirmish with the enemy bot lane. This will prevent the enemy ADC from dropping vision in the lane brushes. Also, always keep your Ranger's Focus (Q) charged up as you don't know when it can come in handy.
- Mid game
- Due to your range advantage, you should always try to push the wave in when the enemy Jungler is not near your lane. This will allow you to whittle the enemy tower down and possibly take it quickly. Once that is done, immediately swap to the mid-lane as you will be safer there and will be able to get more objectives that way.
- Before major objective fights, use your Hawkshot (E) to scout around for death brushes set up by the enemy. Besides that, always maintain your range and use your Ranger's Focus (Q) and auto-attack slow to constantly kite the enemy team. You don't want to get caught out by any form of CC as it will spell death for you then and there. If the enemy carry is highly mobile, you may want to save your Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) until you have a clean shot on them. Getting them CC'd will allow your team to collapse on the said carry while giving you enough time to position well.
- Late game
- Provided you didn't fall behind during the early game, you should be a powerhouse of damage and slows during this phase of the game. You should use your range advantage and always go for front to back trades when fighting the enemy. Always look to auto-attack the enemy champion closest to you (while trying to Volley (W) multiple enemies) so that you can kite them long enough to get out of their influence area.
- Your Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) can be a game decider if you use it properly during this phase of the game. Use it in combination with your Volley (W) to secure long-ranged picks for your team. During objective fights, you can use the same Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) to CC the enemy Jungler, so that your Jungler can Smite the objective safely.
- Try to obtain mid priority with your team before you take any kind of objective. You don't want to be in the side lanes unless it is completely pushed into your tower else you will get caught out easily and will get killed immediately. Also, don't forget to buy some form of anti-CC if the enemy team has a lot of champions with hard CC abilities on their side.
Ashe stands as a symbol of resilience, compassion, and unity within the world of League of Legends. Her unwavering vision of a peaceful, united Freljord guides her actions as both a leader and a warrior, inspiring those around her to look beyond their tribal rivalries. Unlike other rulers, Ashe approaches her leadership not with an iron fist, but with a spirit of empathy and collaboration, determined to bring her people together through mutual understanding.
In battle, Ashe combines precision and tactical insight, using her True Ice bow and skills to protect her allies and control the battlefield. Her abilities to scout, slow, and stun enemies make her an invaluable asset to her team, embodying her protective nature and strategic mind.
As her journey unfolds, Ashe remains a beacon of hope and strength, striving to overcome the divisions of the Freljord and forge a brighter future for her people. Through her struggles, she demonstrates that true leadership requires not only power but also humility and an unbreakable commitment to justice. Ashe’s legacy is one of dedication and hope—a reminder that even in the harshest of lands, unity and peace are worth fighting for.