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Ashethe Frost Archer


Ashe is all about slowing people down and ramping her autos up, so Lethal Tempo is great in the long term.





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Win Conditions
- Use your E to scout vision for your team by shooting it diagonally through the enemies jungle. Your team can see what jungle camps have been taken and which ones are still up. You might also spot the enemy Jungler.
- To initiate team fights, cast your Ultimate R on a target that is isolated or too far forward. Your team can then collapse and focus them down while they’re CC’d.
- If your lane is even and the enemy has little kill threat on you, once recalled, you could shoot your Arrow R straight through the middle of the map to assist your Mid laner.
Weak Against
- Nilah: Her W allows her to take no damage from your autos and she can all in you easily. Play from afar and only use W on her.
- Kog'Maw: Kog'Maw has a lot of range thus making it easier for him to out-trade you, his damage output is also better than yours.
- Veigar: Veigar will outscale you and make your lane a living nightmare. Don't step too close to him.
Strong Against
- Kalista: Your passive and W counter Kalista since she will be slowed down a lot. Make sure she doesn't stack the E since that can be painful.
- Aphelios: You can out-poke and out-range Aphelios so keep being a nuisance to him until the point that you can just all in him.
- Lucian: Lucian can be a bit annoying early game but just play your positioning properly and you have an easy time against him.
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Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game as Ashe, focus on farming and poking your opponents with your long-range basic attacks. Utilize your W to harass and slow down the enemy, and be mindful of your positioning to avoid ganks.
- Mid Game: Transitioning into the mid game, continue to farm and look for opportunities to assist your team with your long-range Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Start rotating to other lanes and objectives, helping your team secure kills and turrets with your crowd control and vision control.
- Late Game: In the late game, Ashe excels as a utility ADC with her strong crowd control. Stick with your team, prioritize objectives like Baron and Elder Dragon, and use your ultimate to initiate fights or catch out-of-position enemies. Your consistent damage and crowd control will be crucial for securing victory in team fights.