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Aurelion SolThe Star Forger


Aurelion's E make it impossible for the enemy to dodge your comet since you suck them in the middle.






Win Conditions
- Aurelion Sol has lots of utility built into his kit. They offer him tons of protection and manoeuvrability. He has tools to stop ganks and protect himself from all-ins.
- Thanks to his Q, Aurelion Sol has good poke and good wave clear. This will make pushing the wave and trading much easier in comparison to a lot of champions.
- Aurelion Sol is a very strong roaming champion thanks to his W. This will allow you to impact your side lanes with ease after pushing your lane.
Weak Against
- Fizz: Fizz is a mobile assassin with high burst damage, and his playful/trickster ability allows him to dodge Aurelion Sol's skills.
- Kassadin: Kassadin is a scaling assassin who can absorb magic damage. Aurelion Sol relies heavily on dealing consistent magic damage, which Kassadin can mitigate.
- Yone: Yone's mobility allows him to get close to Aurelion Sol, making it difficult for the celestial dragon to maintain his preferred range.
Strong Against
- Zoe: Aurelion Sol can harass Zoe effectively. His ability to maintain a safe distance makes it challenging for Zoe to land her skill shots, and his crowd control can disrupt her mobility.
- Azir: Aurelion Sol's Q can reach Azir behind his sand soldiers, allowing him to harass and push the wave effectively.
- Malzahar: Malzahar is a relatively immobile mage, making him susceptible to Aurelion Sol's roaming capabilities. Aurelion Sol's damage can burst down Malzahar's Voidlings, and his crowd control can interrupt Malzahar's ultimate.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game, Aurelion Sol should focus on pushing waves with his Q. Be aware of the map for potential roams, using your E to surprise side lanes and secure kills.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, Aurelion Sol's roaming potential becomes a key strength. Continue to push lanes and then roam to other lanes, assisting in skirmishes and setting up kills with your powerful crowd control abilities. Prioritize vision control, coordinate with your team for objectives, and maintain map pressure with your roams.
- Late Game: In the late game, Aurelion Sol's teamfighting presence is immense. Position yourself well, using your R to disrupt enemy formations and peel for your carries. Be mindful of your positioning, as you lack mobility, and prioritize zoning enemies and dealing consistent damage from the outskirts of fights. Coordinate engages with your team, and use your zoning abilities to control the flow of late-game teamfights.