Aurora Abilities Rundown | #LeagueOfLegends

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Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds is a solo laner, with the flexibility to play in both the top and mid lanes. A skirmisher mage with the ability to enter into a "spirit mode," Aurora is a unique addition to the champion roster in gameplay, background, and personality.

Passive - Spirit Abjuration

  • If Aurora damages an enemy 3 times with her spells and attacks, she will deal magic damage and exorcise a spirit to her, entering Spirit Mode and gaining movement speed and empowering her healing for 3 seconds.
  • For every additional spirit following Aurora, the bonuses from Spirit Mode are increased by 5%.

Q - Twofold Hex

  • Fire a blast of cursed energy in a direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and marking them with spirit energy.
  • Recast: End the curse, drawing back the spirit energy to herself, dealing magic dealing to enemies passed through.

W - Across the Veil

  • Hop in a direction. Upon landing, enter the spirit realm, becoming Invisible and entering Spirit Mode for several seconds.
  • Takedowns on enemy champions reset the cooldown of this ability.

E - The Weirding

  • Send out a blast of spirit magic dealing magic damage in an area and slowing them.
  • Aurora will hop backwards slightly on cast.

R - Between Worlds

  • Send out a pulse of spirit energy that deals magic damage and slows enemies.
  • The area merges with the spirit realm, granting Aurora an empowered spirit mode, and allowing her to travel from one end of the area to the other.
  • Enemies who try to cross the threshold will take magic damage, be slowed, and be pushed back toward the center of the area.
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Updated 7mo ago

Aurora Abilities Rundown | #LeagueOfLegends

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