Bel’Veth: The Void Empress
Bel’Veth, the Void Empress, is a unique and highly versatile champion in League of Legends. With her ability to stack attack speed permanently and transform into a monstrous true form, she brings a playstyle that’s equal parts devastating and dynamic. Whether you enjoy quick skirmishes or extended team fights, Bel’Veth has the tools to dominate the Rift.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Bel’Veth
- Strengths:
Scalability: Bel’Veth’s passive, Death in Lavender, allows her to scale endlessly by gaining permanent attack speed stacks from taking down large minions, monsters, and champions. This makes her incredibly powerful in the late game.
High Mobility: Her Void Surge (Q) provides dashes in multiple directions, enabling her to navigate fights effectively and chase down enemies.
Crowd Control and Survivability: With Above and Below (W) and Royal Maelstrom (E), she can disrupt enemy formations, deal sustained damage, and heal herself during intense skirmishes.
Massive Power Spike with Ultimate: Endless Banquet (R) transforms her into her true form, enhancing her stats significantly and granting her the ability to summon Void remora for additional map control after consuming epic monster Void coral.
- Weaknesses:
Squishy Early Game: Bel’Veth’s early game can be weak, especially if she is unable to secure takedowns or farm large monsters to gain her attack speed stacks.
Skill-Dependent: Landing abilities like Above and Below (W) and managing dashes with Void Surge (Q) are essential for her effectiveness in combat.
Vulnerable to Crowd Control: As an auto-attack-reliant champion, heavy CC can shut down her damage output and mobility.
Ultimate Dependency: Bel’Veth’s true power lies in her Endless Banquet (R), making her heavily reliant on Void coral remnants to maximize her impact.
Bel’Veth Tips and Tricks
- General Tips:
Focus on farming large jungle camps and securing kills early to stack your passive, Death in Lavender.
Utilize Void Surge (Q) to reposition during fights, evade skill shots, and maximize your damage by hitting enemies from different angles.
Use Above and Below (W) to initiate or disrupt fights, ensuring you’ve set up for a strong follow-up with basic attacks and Void Surge (Q).
Activate Royal Maelstrom (E) strategically when surrounded by enemies or needing to outlast burst damage, as it provides lifesteal and damage reduction.
Weave in as many auto-attacks as you can to make full use of your kit and damage.
Go for extended trades as much as possible. Your Death in Lavender PASSIVE and basic abilities work well in conjunction with one another when you go for longer fights.
Avoid using your Royal Maelstrom E aggressively during the laning phase unless the enemy is unable to escape. They can quickly disengage while you’re standing still.
- Ultimate Usage:
Always look for opportunities to consume Void coral remnants from epic monsters like Rift Herald or Baron Nashor to extend the duration of Endless Banquet (R).
Time your transformation wisely in team fights to maximize its duration and leverage the bonus stats for a decisive impact.
- Team Fight Strategies:
Dive onto the backline using Void Surge (Q) and Above and Below (W) to disrupt squishy carries.
Stay aware of your position and avoid overcommitting without backup, as Bel’Veth thrives when she can sustain and reposition effectively.
Capitalize on moments when your team secures objectives to use Endless Banquet (R) and summon Void remora, which can shift the momentum of the game.
Bel'Veth Summoner Spells

Bel'Veth Runes

Bel'Veth Items

Bel'Veth Ability Order

Bel'Veth Ability Combos
- Q + AA + Q + AA + W + E: Use your Q, AA, Q AA, W and then E.
- Q + W + AA + Q + AA + Q + AA: Use your Q, W, AA then Q, AA and finish with another Q, AA.
- Q + AA + Q + AA + W + AA + Q + AA + Q + E: Use your Q, AA, Q, AA then your W, AA, Q AA, Q AA and finish with your E.
- E + W + Q + AA + Q + AA + Q + AA + Q + AA: Start with E then W, Q, AA, Q, AA, Q, AA, Q, AA.
- W + E + Q + AA + Q + AA + Q + AA + Q + AA: Start with W then instantly E, then Q, AA, Q, AA, Q, AA, Q, AA.
- Q + AA + Q + AA + FLASH + Q + AA + Q + AA + E: Use your Q, AA, Q, AA, then Flash and Q, AA, Q, AA and finish with E.
- W + R + Q + AA + Q + AA + E + AA: First use your W and then instantly R, then Q, AA, Q, AA, E and AA.
Game plan
- Early game
- Your goal in the early game is to gain as much gold and Xp as quickly as you can. You wanna prioritize ganking lanes with low mobility or for allies with early CC as the strength of your basic abilities at level 3 and 4 is pretty significant.
- Try and secure early objectives as you can take them pretty quickly and if you kill them you can turn into your True Form as use this to take down any nearby enemies.
- Mid game
- In the mid game you focus is to snowball your lead and get those core items to spike as early as you can. The more big items you get, the quicker you will become unstoppable.
- Continue to focus on securing those objectives and consider fighting over them, all it takes is one piece of Void Coral to pop off and start carrying those fights in your True Form.
- Don’t be afraid to take down structures in your down time too. You’re an attack speed champion, so after taking down enemies in lanes, make sure to punish them further by killing their turrets as well as the usual strategy of clearing their camps.
- Late game
- Late game you become an unstoppable attack speed carry with an insane amount of mobility, consistent damage output and also good survivability too. Try to time your fights around your teammates initiation, and always be the follow up rather than the initiation. You’re going to struggle to be taken down as long as you aren’t caught out alone, and use your Q’s mobility to dodge as many major CC abilities as possible in teamfights. When amongst multiple targets, don’t forget to use your E to keep yourself alive aswell as priorizing those Void Corals from fallen enemies.
- The focus remains the same about fighting around objectives. If you take down a Baron at this point it can easily decide the game with that extended empowered True Form you get from consuming its Void Coral. Focus on this as much as you can without forcing it with a 50/50.
Bel’Veth is a champion who thrives in the hands of players who enjoy scaling power and precise mechanics. With her ability to stack attack speed, dash through enemies, and transform into a powerful Void form, she offers a rewarding experience for those willing to master her unique playstyle. While she has clear weaknesses in the early game and against crowd control, a well-played Bel’Veth can take over games with unstoppable momentum. Take time to learn her mechanics, optimize her scaling potential, and dominate the Rift as the Void Empress!
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Good luck to you! – Cheng