Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful, is a unique ADC in League of Legends with a complex kit and multiple weapon combinations that allow him to adapt to various situations. Due to his high damage potential and lack of mobility, Aphelios benefits from support champions who can protect him, peel for him, or help set up kills. Here are some of the best supports to pair with Aphelios, each bringing out different strengths in his kit and helping him unleash his full damage potential.
The best supports to play with Aphelios in LoL
Aphelios was a game-changer to LoL. He is the first marksman with the ability to wield 5 different weapons, each with distinctive strengths. While he sounds incredibly overpowered, the champion is also one of the toughest champions to master. Up until today, there aren’t many players who can bring out his maximum potential, making him a high Elo-specific pick.
That being said, even the strongest players in the world need to have synergizing supports for Mr. 200 years. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of the 5 best supports you should be playing with Aphelios. Let’s see how each duo works.

- Thresh
- Thresh is one of Aphelios’ best partners, offering protection, crowd control, and initiation tools that Aphelios needs to survive and thrive. His Q (Death Sentence) can catch enemies from a distance, giving Aphelios an opportunity to follow up with high burst damage. Thresh’s W (Dark Passage) is invaluable for Aphelios, providing a shield and a quick escape tool, which can help Aphelios avoid dangerous situations or reposition safely. His E (Flay) disrupts diving enemies, and his R (The Box) creates a zone that protects Aphelios by slowing enemies trying to engage. Thresh’s utility and peel potential allow Aphelios to focus on maximizing his damage output without worrying as much about his positioning.
- Thresh
- Lulu
- Lulu’s shields and buffs make her a fantastic support for Aphelios, especially for players looking to maximize his attack speed and survivability. Lulu’s E (Help, Pix!) shields Aphelios, keeping him safe during trades or skirmishes, while her W (Whimsy) provides a movement speed and attack speed boost that lets Aphelios kite or deal more damage in teamfights. Lulu’s R (Wild Growth) is a crucial tool for Aphelios, granting him additional health and a knock-up effect, which helps him survive in high-pressure situations. With Lulu’s constant support, Aphelios can play more aggressively and rely on her to protect him when enemies try to dive onto him.
- Lulu
- Milio
- Milio is a powerful support for Aphelios, bringing shields, healing, and crucial crowd control removal. His E (Warm Hugs) provides a shield and movement speed, which helps Aphelios survive engages and dodge skill shots. Milio’s Q (Ultra Mega Fire Kick) is a knockback ability that can peel for Aphelios, keeping dangerous enemies away from him. The true highlight of Milio’s kit, however, is his R (Breath of Life), which removes all crowd control effects from allies and heals them. This ability can be game-changing for Aphelios, allowing him to escape dangerous situations and continue dealing damage. With Milio, Aphelios gains a mix of offensive and defensive utility that helps him stay alive and dish out damage.
- Milio
- Nautilus
- Nautilus is an excellent choice for Aphelios when you want a support that can initiate fights and provide solid protection. Nautilus’s Q (Dredge Line) hooks enemies and brings them closer, setting up Aphelios to follow up with his abilities. His E (Riptide) slows enemies in an area, giving Aphelios better opportunities to land skill shots and chase down fleeing opponents. Nautilus’s R (Depth Charge) targets a specific enemy and knocks up all enemies in its path, creating excellent disruption and allowing Aphelios to deal massive damage. With Nautilus’s tankiness and crowd control, Aphelios gains the protection and engage potential he needs to play with confidence in both skirmishes and full teamfights.
- Nautilus
- Rell
- Rell’s crowd control and ability to initiate fights make her a strong support for Aphelios, especially in aggressive bot lane duos. Her W (Ferromancy – Crash Down) allows her to engage directly onto enemies with a stun, creating an opening for Aphelios to follow up with his burst damage. Her E (Attract and Repel) provides a stun between her and Aphelios, adding extra control over enemies who try to dive him. Rell’s ultimate, R (Magnet Storm), pulls enemies together, which is perfect for Aphelios to deal high damage with his area-of-effect abilities, especially if he has his Infernum (Flamethrower) weapon equipped. Rell’s tankiness and crowd control help Aphelios stay safe while giving him ample opportunities to output damage.
- Rell
Aphelios is a powerful but vulnerable ADC who excels with supports that provide protection, crowd control, or peel. Thresh and Nautilus offer initiation and peel, allowing Aphelios to play aggressively, while Lulu and Milio bring shields and buffs that increase his survivability and damage output. Rell, with her high crowd control and tankiness, allows Aphelios to dominate teamfights. Each of these supports complements Aphelios’ playstyle, helping him reach his full potential and carry his team to victory.
By pairing Aphelios with the right support, you can unlock his full potential and make him an unstoppable force on the Rift, ready to carry the game with his powerful damage.
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