Ashe, the Frost Archer, is a powerful ADC known for her consistent crowd control, poke, and utility with abilities like Volley and her iconic ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Ashe’s kit excels in setting up plays and kiting, but her lack of mobility makes her vulnerable to dives and burst damage. Because of this, Ashe works well with supports who can protect her, enhance her poke, or help her control the battlefield. Here’s a breakdown of the best supports to pair with Ashe and how each one complements her strengths.
The best supports to play with Ashe in LoL
Despite being played as a support in the last two years, Ashe has gone back to her traditional role as a DPS scaling ADC in the recent meta. The mid-season changes as well as the nerfs to the support items ended up pushing her as one of the best blind picks.
She offers great utility and the ability to dictate engages with her own ultimate which is rare for most marksman champions. She also boasts a relatively simple kit, making her one of the best LoL beginner champions, perfect for newbies to play while offering great satisfaction once mastered.
That being said, Ashe’s power can be fully unleashed only with certain supports. Not all champions can empower her to the same degree, and it’s crucial to know which ones are strong with her.
If you’re not sure which champions you should be playing with Ashe, we have compiled a list of the best supports that yield the greatest results. By explaining their strength and weaknesses, you will know better how a specific duo functions.

- Lulu
- Lulu is a fantastic support choice for Ashe, providing shields, crowd control, and attack speed boosts that amplify Ashe’s potential in fights. Lulu’s E (Help, Pix!) shields Ashe, giving her extra survivability during trades, while her W (Whimsy) can polymorph an enemy to stop an incoming threat or boost Ashe’s movement speed and attack speed. This buff allows Ashe to kite enemies and enhance her damage output. Lulu’s ultimate, Wild Growth, provides bonus health and a knock-up, which is invaluable when Ashe gets engaged on by high-burst enemies. With Lulu, Ashe gains both protection and increased damage potential, making them an ideal duo for poke and sustain in the bot lane.
- Lulu
- Seraphine
- Seraphine is another excellent support for Ashe, especially for players who enjoy poke-heavy, sustain-based lanes. Seraphine’s abilities like Q (High Note) and E (Beat Drop) let her poke down enemies from a distance, making it easier for Ashe to land her own poke and set up fights. Her W (Surround Sound) provides shields and heals for Ashe, which helps during extended trades and teamfights. Seraphine’s ultimate, Encore, is a game-changer that can charm and lock down multiple enemies, setting up Ashe for a follow-up Enchanted Crystal Arrow or allowing her to use her DPS safely. Together, Ashe and Seraphine can control teamfights and poke enemies down from afar.
- Seraphine
- Braum
- Braum is a great support choice for Ashe if you want strong peel and protection. His passive, Concussive Blows, pairs well with Ashe’s attack speed and poke, allowing them to quickly apply stuns and control the enemy bot lane. Braum’s E (Unbreakable) serves as a shield, blocking incoming damage and projectiles aimed at Ashe, which can be critical in protecting her from bursty enemies. His Q (Winter’s Bite) slows enemies, making it easier for Ashe to land her autos and kiting effectively. Additionally, Braum’s R (Glacial Fissure) provides a knock-up and slows, giving Ashe more room to maneuver or capitalize on the crowd control for extended DPS. This duo shines in teamfights where Braum’s peel enables Ashe to stay alive and keep outputting damage.
- Braum
- Senna
- Senna’s range, poke, and sustain make her an ideal support for Ashe in lanes focused on poke and outlasting opponents. Senna’s Q (Piercing Darkness) heals Ashe while simultaneously damaging enemies, providing sustain in lane. Her W (Last Embrace) roots enemies after a delay, which can set up perfect opportunities for Ashe to follow up with her own crowd control or poke. Senna’s E (Curse of the Black Mist) also offers situational camouflage, allowing Ashe to reposition or avoid ganks. Finally, her R (Dawning Shadow) provides global shielding and damage, helping Ashe survive and contribute to fights even at a distance. Together, Senna and Ashe make a strong poke and sustain lane, able to whittle down enemies and control fights from afar.
- Senna
- Thresh
- Thresh is one of the best supports to pair with Ashe due to his versatile kit, which offers peel, crowd control, and initiation options. His Q (Death Sentence) can catch out enemies, giving Ashe a chance to engage or follow up with her ultimate. Thresh’s W (Dark Passage) provides Ashe with a lifeline, letting her escape sticky situations or reposition in fights. His E (Flay) disrupts enemies who try to dive onto Ashe, giving her more breathing room, while his R (The Box) creates a powerful zoning tool that slows and damages enemies who try to engage. Thresh’s protection and crowd control let Ashe play more aggressively in lane and teamfights, knowing she has strong peel by her side.
- Thresh
Ashe benefits greatly from supports that can provide protection, crowd control, or sustain. Lulu and Seraphine amplify Ashe’s poke potential and provide valuable shields and buffs to keep her safe and effective in fights. Braum and Thresh offer strong peel and crowd control, making it easier for Ashe to stay alive and deal consistent damage. Meanwhile, Senna offers sustain and poke, making them a powerful long-range duo. By pairing Ashe with the right support, you can unlock her full potential as a reliable DPS carry capable of controlling the battlefield and dishing out damage from a safe distance.
Choosing the best support for Ashe allows her to maximize her crowd control and kiting abilities, letting her become a powerful asset to the team and a threat to her opponents.
Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LoL, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng