Best Supports to Pair with Jhin in League of Legends

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Image Credit: Riot Games

Jhin, the Virtuoso, is a unique marksman in League of Legends known for his powerful, burst-focused playstyle, high range, and strong crowd control with his Deadly Flourish (W). His playstyle revolves around dealing heavy damage in a short window, controlling engagements, and hitting skillshots for follow-up kills. To fully maximize Jhin’s strengths, the right support champion can amplify his burst damage, provide crowd control, and create opportunities to land his skillshots. Here are the best support champions to pair with Jhin, each offering different ways to support and empower his gameplay.

Best 5 Supports to play with Jhin in LoL

  1. Xerath Xerath is a fantastic support for Jhin due to his long-range poke and crowd control. Xerath’s Q (Arcanopulse) and W (Eye of Destruction) allow for consistent poke damage in lane, helping Jhin weaken enemies from afar. More importantly, Xerath’s E (Shocking Orb) can stun targets, making it easier for Jhin to land his W (Deadly Flourish) and root them, setting up deadly follow-up damage. Together, they can poke enemies down and burst them from a safe distance, creating a lane that’s difficult for enemies to approach without taking significant damage.
  1. Lux Lux is an ideal support partner for Jhin due to her strong poke, shielding, and crowd control. Her Q (Light Binding) provides a root that gives Jhin the perfect setup to land his W, creating a devastating combo that can chunk down or even eliminate squishier targets. Lux’s E (Lucent Singularity) provides additional poke and zoning, while her shield, W (Prismatic Barrier), helps Jhin survive in trades. When Lux and Jhin reach level 6, their ultimates synergize well, with Lux’s Final Spark (R) adding extra burst damage alongside Jhin’s Curtain Call (R) for powerful, coordinated long-range sniping.
  1. Karma Karma offers versatility that pairs excellently with Jhin’s burst and positioning-focused playstyle. Her poke with Q (Inner Flame) helps Jhin control the lane, and her E (Inspire) provides him with a shield and speed boost to reposition or chase down targets. Additionally, Karma’s crowd control from her W (Focused Resolve) can root enemies, creating an opportunity for Jhin to land his W for extra crowd control and follow-up damage. Karma’s ultimate-empowered abilities further enhance Jhin’s damage and survivability, making her a balanced support choice that can enable both offensive and defensive plays.
  1. Pyke Pyke is an aggressive support who brings high kill potential to the lane, ideal for Jhin’s burst-heavy playstyle. His Q (Bone Skewer) hooks enemies in, allowing Jhin to follow up with his W to root them, creating a deadly combo that can burst down squishier champions. Pyke’s E (Phantom Undertow) provides additional crowd control with a stun, while his R (Death from Below) can help secure kills and snowball the lane. Pyke’s aggressive kit lets him set up for Jhin’s abilities and chain crowd control, making them a high-threat duo capable of securing early kills.
  1. Bard Bard’s unique playstyle and mobility make him an interesting and effective partner for Jhin. His Q (Cosmic Binding) can stun enemies against walls or nearby units, giving Jhin a chance to land his W and lock down targets from a distance. Bard’s E (Magical Journey) provides unique mobility, enabling Jhin to reposition or chase down enemies with ease. Additionally, Bard’s R (Tempered Fate) can set up for Jhin’s Curtain Call (R) by freezing enemies in place, making it easier to snipe them with his ultimate. This combination of crowd control, mobility, and setup potential makes Bard a strong choice for Jhin players who enjoy a dynamic and creative playstyle.


Jhin thrives when paired with supports who can either poke down enemies, set up crowd control, or provide unique utility. Whether you prefer the poke and crowd control of Xerath and Lux, the versatility of Karma, or the aggressive all-in potential of Pyke, each support brings something special to enhance Jhin’s gameplay. With the right support champion, Jhin can become an unstoppable force in the bot lane, controlling fights and securing kills with ease.

With the right support by his side, Jhin can fully unleash his potential and take control of the game. Each of these champions complements his strengths, enabling him to land his abilities and dominate in teamfights and skirmishes alike.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LoL, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng

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Updated 4mo ago

Best Supports to Pair with Jhin in League of Legends

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