Kai’Sa, Daughter of the Void, is a versatile marksman in League of Legends, known for her ability to dive into fights, burst down enemies, and escape with high mobility. Her kit scales well with both attack speed and burst builds, making her adaptable to different team compositions. However, Kai'Sa’s need to dive in close to deal maximum damage makes her reliant on supports who can help her engage, protect her during risky plays, or provide crowd control to lock down her targets. Here are some of the best supports to pair with Kai'Sa, each offering tools that enhance her aggressive, high-damage playstyle.
The best supports to play with Kai’Sa in LoL
If you like playing ADCs and love making sweet outplays, then Kai’Sa is the champion for you. Ever since she was released to League of Legends, she became one of the most popular champions.
Not only because she is strong, but she also has a satisfying kit to play with. That being said, if you’re looking to extract Kai’Sa’s maximum potential, you have to play her alongside specific supports who can share great synergy with.
For that reason, we have created a list of the five best supports that will work with her. By looking at their key strengths and weaknesses, you will know which duos you should be playing in every single match.

- Nautilus
- Nautilus is one of the best supports for Kai’Sa because his crowd control and tankiness allow him to set up kills and protect her in the middle of teamfights. His Q (Dredge Line) can hook and pull enemies toward him, creating an opening for Kai'Sa to follow up with her burst damage. Nautilus’s E (Riptide) provides additional area-of-effect slow, while his R (Depth Charge) guarantees a knock-up on high-priority targets, giving Kai'Sa a window to dive in or reposition with her ultimate, Killer Instinct. With Nautilus by her side, Kai'Sa can play more aggressively, knowing she has a reliable initiator and peel to help her secure kills.
- Nautilus
- Thresh
- Thresh’s versatility as a support makes him a perfect match for Kai'Sa. His Q (Death Sentence) allows him to hook enemies and set up plays, while his W (Dark Passage) provides Kai'Sa with an escape option, especially helpful when she dives deep with her ultimate. Thresh’s E (Flay) offers additional crowd control, slowing and knocking back enemies to keep them in range of Kai'Sa’s attacks. His R (The Box) can zone enemies or trap them, letting Kai'Sa safely dish out damage. Thresh’s mix of utility and crowd control makes him a well-rounded choice, helping Kai'Sa stay safe while creating plenty of kill opportunities.
- Thresh
- Rell
- Rell brings heavy crowd control and durability, making her a great support for an aggressive champion like Kai'Sa. Her W (Ferromancy – Crash Down) allows her to engage on the enemy team, while her E (Attract and Repel) can stun enemies between her and Kai'Sa. With her Q (Shattering Strike) and passive (Break the Mold), Rell can deal decent damage while debuffing enemies, creating openings for Kai'Sa to capitalize on. Her ultimate, R (Magnet Storm), pulls enemies together, allowing Kai'Sa to use her abilities and Killer Instinct to dive into clumped targets and maximize her burst damage. Rell’s ability to soak up damage and initiate fights helps Kai'Sa play confidently and focus on her targets without hesitation.
- Rell
- Blitzcrank
- Blitzcrank’s hook-based, high-impact playstyle pairs well with Kai'Sa’s burst and dive capabilities. His Q (Rocket Grab) can pull enemies into Kai'Sa’s range, providing an instant kill opportunity if executed correctly. Blitzcrank’s E (Power Fist) knocks up the enemy, making it easier for Kai'Sa to land her abilities. His ultimate, R (Static Field), silences nearby enemies and provides additional damage, making him a strong initiator in teamfights. While Blitzcrank lacks the peel of other supports, his aggressive playstyle and strong pick potential can help Kai'Sa get early kills and snowball through the game.
- Blitzcrank
- Pyke
- Pyke is an unconventional but effective support for Kai'Sa, especially if you enjoy a high-risk, high-reward playstyle. His Q (Bone Skewer) hooks enemies and brings them closer, allowing Kai'Sa to follow up with damage. Pyke’s E (Phantom Undertow) provides a dash and stun, helping to lock down enemies for Kai'Sa to burst down. His ultimate, R (Death from Below), executes low-health targets, allowing them to secure kills quickly and snowball together. Pyke’s aggressive playstyle and reset potential pair well with Kai'Sa’s burst, allowing them to execute enemies efficiently and keep the pressure on in bot lane.
- Pyke
Kai'Sa’s success on the Rift depends on supports who can initiate fights, provide crowd control, and protect her as she dives in. Whether you prefer the strong initiations from Nautilus and Blitzcrank, the versatility of Thresh, the high control of Rell, or the aggressive kill pressure with Pyke, each of these champions complements Kai'Sa’s strengths and enhances her high-mobility, high-damage playstyle. With the right support, Kai'Sa can dominate the bot lane and become an unstoppable force in teamfights, carrying her team to victory.
Pairing Kai'Sa with one of these supports will allow her to fully utilize her toolkit and create plenty of opportunities to carry the game.
Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LoL, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng