Best Supports to Pair with Kalista in LoL

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Kalista, known for her high mobility and unique playstyle, is a champion who requires good synergy with her support to maximize her potential in the bot lane. Her ultimate, Fate’s Call, allows her to pull her support and throw them into the enemy team, creating exciting playmaking opportunities. However, not all supports work well with Kalista; certain champions amplify her strengths and make her even deadlier. Here are the top supports that pair exceptionally well with Kalista in League of Legends.

The best supports to play with Kalista in LoL

When it comes to mechanically difficult marksmen, Kalista is probably one of the ones that come to mind. She has a rather unique kit, fully revolved around her passive which turns her into a kiting machine. That being said, she requires a high level of proficiency and not many have that.

Paired with the fact that she cannot be buffed or she would be too oppressive in professional play, Kalista has always been in a weird spot among the ADC pool. While she’s in a balanced state currently, she needs to have specific supports to draw out the maximum potential.

To help you out, we’ve created a list of the best supports to play alongside Kalista. They are guaranteed to work, and we’re going to explain what makes them strong together. Make also sure to check out all the other best supports list, so you know which are the right pairings for all the ADC you play or main.

Image Credit: Riot Games
Image Credit: Riot Games
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  1. Thresh
  • Thresh is often considered Kalista’s best partner due to their incredible synergy. Thresh’s hook (Death Sentence) offers Kalista excellent engage and pick potential. The chain of abilities Thresh has, including his lantern (Dark Passage), helps Kalista stay mobile and escape sticky situations. Additionally, Thresh’s tankiness and crowd control work perfectly with Kalista’s ultimate, allowing him to be thrown into the enemy team to set up big plays.
  • Thresh
  1. Nautilus
  • Nautilus is another fantastic support for Kalista, bringing a lot of crowd control and a tanky front line. His Q (Dredge Line) is a powerful engage tool, allowing Kalista to follow up with her Rend (E) stacks for high damage. Nautilus’s passive also immobilizes enemies, giving Kalista more time to deal damage safely. When paired with Kalista’s Fate’s Call, Nautilus can become an unstoppable force, diving into the enemy backline to create pressure.
  • Nautilus
  1. Pyke
  • For players who love aggressive, high-risk, high-reward gameplay, Pyke is an exciting choice. Pyke’s ability to hook (Bone Skewer) and execute low-health enemies with his ultimate (Death From Below) complements Kalista’s playstyle well. Pyke is ideal for taking advantage of Kalista’s ability to reposition quickly and dish out damage. While this duo may lack sustain, their snowball potential is enormous, making them a terrifying combo when ahead.
  • Pyke
  1. Leona
  • Leona’s tanky nature and hard crowd control make her a solid support for Kalista. Leona’s ability to engage fights with Zenith Blade (E) and her ultimate (Solar Flare) works well with Kalista’s attack range and consistent damage. Her durability allows her to withstand a lot of pressure in lane, letting Kalista focus on dealing damage. Fate’s Call works well with Leona’s kit, providing her an opportunity to go all-in and lock down enemies.
  • Leona
  1. Renata Glasc
  • Renata Glasc may not be a traditional pick, but her unique kit complements Kalista in a way few other supports can. Renata’s W (Bailout) offers Kalista a second chance in close fights, giving her extra time to take down enemies even when she’s low. Renata’s ultimate (Hostile Takeover) can disrupt the enemy team, giving Kalista room to stack her Rend without worrying about immediate retaliation. Their synergy relies on careful positioning, but in the hands of skilled players, this duo can be incredibly strong.
  • Renata Glasc


Each support on this list brings a unique set of tools that can amplify Kalista’s strengths and cover her weaknesses. Whether you prefer Thresh’s playmaking, Nautilus’s tankiness, Pyke’s aggression, Leona’s crowd control, or Renata’s utility, pairing one of these champions with Kalista can lead to powerful synergy in the bot lane. Consider your playstyle and team composition, and choose the support that best suits your Kalista game for a winning experience in Summoner’s Rift.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LoL, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng

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Updated 4mo ago

Best Supports to Pair with Kalista in LoL

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