Best Supports to Pair with Kog’Maw in League of Legends

Kog'Mawthe Mouth of the Abyss

Kog’Maw is one of League of Legends’ most iconic hyper-carry ADCs, capable of melting through tanks and squishies alike with his incredible late-game scaling and massive attack speed. However, Kog’Maw is also one of the most vulnerable ADCs, lacking reliable mobility and being highly susceptible to crowd control. Because of this, he requires a support who can protect him and amplify his potential as a late-game threat. Here are the best support champions to pair with Kog’Maw to help him thrive and become the unstoppable force he’s known to be.

The best supports to play with Kog’Maw in LoL

Kog’Maw has always been a rather unique champion. It’s been years since he was a meta champion, but some of his latest buffs have pushed him back into the mix.

On top of that, the upcoming mid-season changes in Patch 13.10 will likely favor his scaling nature, making him probably one of the strongest ADCs to play going forward.

While that is not confirmed yet, he’s already in a really good spot among the ADC pool. That said, Kog’Maw is one of those champions that desperately needs certain supports to empower him, or else he will be just a very squishy, immobile carry.

If you’re not sure which champions you should be playing with Kog’Maw, we have compiled a list of the best supports that are 100% guaranteed to work with him. We will be taking a look at the key strengths and weaknesses of all the different bot lane duos, so you know exactly what to expect.

Image Credits | Riot Games
Image Credits | Riot Games
  1. Lulu
  • Lulu is the perfect partner for Kog’Maw, providing him with everything he needs to survive and excel in both the laning phase and late-game teamfights. Her E (Help, Pix!) grants Kog’Maw a shield, giving him some extra durability when trading. Her W (Whimsy) gives him additional attack speed and movement speed, which synergizes perfectly with Kog’Maw’s rapid-fire, high DPS playstyle. Most importantly, Lulu’s ultimate (Wild Growth) can save Kog’Maw from being focused down by giving him bonus health and knocking back enemies. With Lulu by his side, Kog’Maw can safely play aggressively, knowing that she’ll have his back in any skirmish.
  • Lulu
  1. Milio
  • Milio is another excellent support for Kog’Maw, bringing sustain, range extension, and a strong anti-crowd control ultimate. His W (Cozy Campfire) increases Kog’Maw’s attack range and heals him, giving Kog’Maw the sustain he needs to survive poke and stay in lane longer. Milio’s E (Warm Hugs) grants shields and bonus movement speed, allowing Kog’Maw to kite more effectively and dodge skillshots. Milio’s ultimate (Breath of Life) cleanses crowd control, protecting Kog’Maw from stuns or roots that could otherwise result in his death. This duo has fantastic synergy, allowing Kog’Maw to reach his late-game power spike and unleash his full potential.
  • Milio
  1. Janna
  • Janna’s peel and defensive abilities make her a strong support for Kog’Maw, enabling him to stay alive in fights and poke safely. Her Q (Howling Gale) and W (Zephyr) slow and knock up enemies who try to get too close, providing Kog’Maw with much-needed safety and space to continue dealing damage. Janna’s E (Eye of the Storm) adds a shield and bonus attack damage, boosting Kog’Maw’s damage output while also protecting him from burst damage. Her ultimate, Monsoon, is invaluable for disengaging, allowing Kog’Maw to reposition and continue dealing damage from a safe distance. With Janna’s protection, Kog’Maw can play with confidence, knowing that she’ll be able to peel and protect him when needed.
  • Janna
  1. Braum
  • Braum’s durability and strong peel make him a fantastic partner for Kog’Maw, especially against aggressive bot lanes. His passive (Concussive Blows) and Q (Winter’s Bite) enable Braum and Kog’Maw to stun enemies, providing valuable crowd control for both offense and defense. Braum’s E (Unbreakable) can block incoming projectiles, protecting Kog’Maw from dangerous poke or damage from afar. Braum’s ultimate (Glacial Fissure) creates a knock-up and slow, giving Kog’Maw the space to kite and keep safe. With Braum by his side, Kog’Maw gains much-needed protection from divers and can play more confidently in teamfights.
  • Braum
  1. Soraka
  • Soraka’s healing and sustain make her an excellent support for Kog’Maw, allowing him to stay in fights and scale into the late game. Her W (Astral Infusion) provides consistent healing, which can keep Kog’Maw alive in extended trades. Soraka’s E (Equinox) can silence or root enemies who try to dive onto Kog’Maw, giving him the opportunity to reposition. Soraka’s ultimate (Wish) can heal Kog’Maw from anywhere on the map, making it harder for opponents to burst him down. Soraka’s focus on sustain enables Kog’Maw to survive the early game and farm up, allowing him to reach his late-game power spike where he becomes a major threat.
  • Soraka


Kog’Maw is a hyper-carry ADC who needs a supportive and protective partner to maximize his potential and keep him safe. Lulu and Milio bring buffs and mobility that let Kog’Maw play more aggressively, while Janna and Braum offer reliable peel to keep him safe from threats. Soraka provides the sustain Kog’Maw needs to survive the laning phase and reach his late-game power spike. With one of these supports by his side, Kog’Maw can become a true menace on the Rift, tearing through the enemy team with his powerful attacks. Choose the support that best fits your team’s needs and watch Kog’Maw carry you to victory.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LoL, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng

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Updated 2mo ago

Best Supports to Pair with Kog’Maw in League of Legends

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