Lucian is one of the most popular ADCs in League of Legends, known for his high burst damage and ability to snowball the early game. With his versatile kit, he can apply heavy pressure in the bot lane, especially when paired with the right support. For Lucian, synergy with his support is crucial, as he relies on coordinated plays and quick engages. Here are the best supports to help Lucian shine on the Rift.
The best supports to play with Lucian in LoL
Lucian has always been a satisfying champion to play, especially for ADC players. There is nothing more enjoyable than kiting the hell out of the enemy teams, dashing and dodging all spells, all while dishing out damage.
Even though he might have an easy and friendly kit, Lucian takes lots of time to master and bring him to maximum potential. It requires great mechanical prowess, as well as good support partners to help him get into a position to snowball. Yes, because compared to other ADCs, Lucian needs to get ahead to carry the game: it’s almost imperative in the gameplan.
But which are the best supports to play alongside Lucian? We have compiled a list of the strongest champions that will work with him. We will be looking at the key strengths and weaknesses of these bot lane duos, so you know exactly where their power lies.

- Nami
- Nami is by far the most popular and effective support for Lucian, creating one of the most iconic bot lane duos. Her E (Tidecaller’s Blessing) gives Lucian additional damage and slows with each auto-attack, allowing him to fully utilize his passive, Lightslinger, for maximum burst. Nami’s crowd control abilities, including her Q (Aqua Prison) and R (Tidal Wave), make it easy for Lucian to follow up with his own damage, making this duo exceptionally strong in lane and during skirmishes.
- Nami
- Milio
- Milio’s ability to provide range and healing makes him an interesting support pick for Lucian. His W (Cozy Campfire) increases Lucian’s attack range, allowing him to play more aggressively and safely in the early game. Milio’s R (Breath of Life) also cleanses crowd control, giving Lucian more freedom to play forward without worrying about getting locked down. This combo excels when Lucian wants to poke down opponents and play a more sustained fight style.
- Milio
- Braum
- Braum and Lucian make for a synergistic, aggressive combo in the bot lane. With Braum’s passive (Concussive Blows), Lucian can easily proc stuns through his rapid attacks, maximizing their burst potential. Braum’s Q (Winter’s Bite) slows down enemies, giving Lucian the opportunity to hit multiple auto-attacks, while Braum’s E (Unbreakable) provides Lucian extra protection during trades. Together, this pair is very strong in close combat, making them an excellent choice for players looking for aggressive play and strong early-game power.
- Braum
- Yuumi
- Although unconventional, Yuumi works surprisingly well with Lucian. Her ability to stick to him while providing heals, movement speed, and extra poke allows Lucian to play more aggressively in lane. Yuumi’s ultimate, Final Chapter, roots opponents, making it easier for Lucian to burst down enemies. This duo focuses on mobility and sustain, and while they may lack hard engage, their poke and sustain can make them difficult to deal with.
- Yuumi
- Senna
- Senna and Lucian are a thematic and synergistic pairing, as their combined lore adds an extra layer of charm to their synergy. Senna’s poke and heal from her Q (Piercing Darkness) enable Lucian to stay healthy while trading aggressively. Her E (Curse of the Black Mist) provides them with a surprise element for engages or disengages, allowing Lucian to get in and out of fights quickly. Additionally, her ultimate (Dawning Shadow) complements Lucian’s all-in potential, making them a versatile duo with high kill pressure and range.
- Senna
Lucian’s playstyle is highly compatible with supports that offer crowd control, burst, and sustain. Nami’s buffing abilities make her the optimal choice for a high-burst duo, while Milio and Yuumi offer flexibility and sustain. Braum brings a powerful early-game combo, and Senna provides ranged support with poke and utility. Choosing the best support for Lucian depends on your playstyle and team composition, but with one of these champions by his side, Lucian can take over the bot lane and lead his team to victory.
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