Best Supports to Pair with Smolder in League of Legends

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Smolderthe Fiery Fledgling

Smolder is a unique ADC with a playstyle that combines high sustained damage and aggressive all-ins. Smolder relies on stacking fire-based attacks to deal area-of-effect (AoE) damage, making him incredibly powerful in prolonged fights and team skirmishes. However, Smolder’s close-range playstyle leaves him vulnerable to crowd control and burst damage, so he needs supports that can protect him and enable his aggressive positioning. Here are the best supports to pair with Smolder to maximize his impact on the Rift.

The best supports to play with Smolder in LoL

Smolder is the latest ADC to set foot in Summoner’s Rift. The champion, despite having a relatively easy kit to master, requires strong fundamentals and a good understanding of how to play around his weak early game. Farming consistent stacks while not bleeding out advantage requires skills but also a good support.

In this list, we will be covering the five best supports for Smolder in its current form in LoL. The list can be dynamic and subject to changes, so we’ll make sure it’s always up to date. There are, however, some champions that have synergizing kits and will always work (unless they are incredibly weak in terms of numbers). Without further ado, let’s jump right into the best supports for Smolder.

Image Credit: Riot Games
Image Credit: Riot Games
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  1. Maokai
  • Maokai is an ideal support for Smolder, providing reliable crowd control and durability that helps Smolder thrive in aggressive trades. Maokai’s Q (Bramble Smash) and W (Twisted Advance) can easily lock down enemies, giving Smolder the time to stack his fire-based attacks and apply pressure. Maokai’s E (Sapling Toss) provides additional zoning and vision, which keeps Smolder safer during extended trades. With Maokai’s ultimate, Nature’s Grasp, Maokai can engage fights and create a safe zone for Smolder to dish out his damage. Together, this duo excels at creating long, drawn-out fights where Smolder can reach his full potential.
  • Mao'Kai
  1. Janna
  • Janna’s protective abilities make her a fantastic support for Smolder, helping him survive longer in fights and making up for his lack of defensive tools. Her Q (Howling Gale) and W (Zephyr) can peel for Smolder, preventing enemies from diving onto him. Janna’s E (Eye of the Storm) provides a shield and bonus AD, allowing Smolder to be more aggressive in lane and build his damage stacks. Her ultimate, Monsoon, is especially valuable for Smolder, as it can reset fights and allow him to reposition safely while continuing to stack his abilities. Janna’s protection and disengage tools make her a great pick for enabling Smolder to deal consistent DPS without getting overwhelmed.
  • Janna
  1. Milio Milio’s utility and ability to enhance ADCs make him a strong support for Smolder. His W (Cozy Campfire) increases Smolder’s attack range and provides healing, allowing Smolder to poke enemies from a safer distance while also extending his damage potential. Milio’s E (Warm Hugs) provides shielding, and his R (Breath of Life) can cleanse crowd control, which is crucial for Smolder, who can be easily focused down if caught. With Milio’s help, Smolder can play more aggressively, knowing he has a supportive buffer that keeps him alive and amplifies his damage output.

  2. Karma

  • Karma’s versatility and ability to both poke and shield make her an excellent support for Smolder. Her Q (Inner Flame) provides poke damage in lane, helping to wear down opponents so Smolder can jump in for the kill. Karma’s E (Inspire) provides movement speed and a shield, giving Smolder the freedom to chase down or escape from threats as needed. When empowered with her R (Mantra), Karma’s E offers a strong team shield, which can be game-changing in teamfights, allowing Smolder to position himself aggressively. Karma’s poke, shields, and utility make her a reliable partner for Smolder in both lane and late-game fights.
  • Karma
  1. Thresh
  • Thresh’s crowd control and playmaking potential create a perfect setup for Smolder’s aggressive playstyle. His Q (Death Sentence) can hook and immobilize enemies, giving Smolder the chance to stack his fire abilities safely. Thresh’s E (Flay) and R (The Box) provide additional crowd control, making it harder for enemies to escape or reach Smolder. Additionally, Thresh’s W (Dark Passage) lantern provides Smolder with an escape tool, letting him play forward with confidence. Together, Thresh and Smolder make a strong all-in duo capable of controlling the lane and setting up kills.
  • Thresh


Smolder’s aggressive, stack-focused playstyle thrives when he’s paired with supports who can protect, peel, or lock down enemies for him. Maokai and Thresh offer strong crowd control, allowing Smolder to safely deal his damage, while Janna and Milio provide shields and heals to sustain him in fights. Karma’s poke and utility give Smolder the tools to play more proactively and control the flow of the lane. With one of these supports by his side, Smolder can play to his strengths and take over teamfights, making this ADC a formidable presence on the Rift.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LoL, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng

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Updated 4mo ago

Best Supports to Pair with Smolder in League of Legends

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