Best Supports to Pair with Tristana in League of Legends


Tristana is a high-damage ADC with strong scaling, high mobility, and the ability to secure kills with her explosive playstyle. Her W (Rocket Jump) lets her dive onto enemies or escape sticky situations, and her E (Explosive Charge) provides strong burst damage, especially when combined with her auto-attacks. With the right support, Tristana can capitalize on her aggressive playstyle to dominate the bot lane. Here are the best support champions to pair with Tristana to make the most of her early-game potential and secure leads.

The best supports to play with Tristana in LoL

Tristana is one of the oldest champions in the entire game. Released in the alpha version of LoL, the Yordle Gunner is an iconic champion in the bottom lane. She was a popular champion in the first era of the competitive League, with world-class ADC players like Rekkles carrying their own teams to victory.

Her kit has remained pretty much the same throughout the years, making her an easy-friendly champion to pick up and learn. Having said that, Tristana needs great partners in the bottom lane to destroy the enemies.

If you’re not sure which champions you should be playing with her, we have compiled a full list of champions that are guaranteed to work with Tristana, explaining the key strengths and weaknesses of these bot lane duos.

Image Credits | Riot Games
Image Credits | Riot Games
  1. Nautilus
  • Nautilus is a powerful partner for Tristana thanks to his hard crowd control and tankiness. His Q (Dredge Line) can easily initiate fights, allowing Tristana to jump in and apply her Explosive Charge for heavy burst damage. Nautilus’s follow-up CC with his passive (Staggering Blow) and ultimate (Depth Charge) makes it difficult for enemies to escape Tristana’s relentless attack. Together, this duo creates a highly aggressive lane that can secure early kills and build momentum, putting Tristana on a path to quickly snowball into the mid and late game.
  • Nautilus
  1. Thresh
  • Thresh’s versatility and crowd control make him a fantastic support for Tristana. His Q (Death Sentence) and E (Flay) can lock down opponents, giving Tristana an easy opportunity to engage or reposition. Thresh’s W (Dark Passage) is particularly valuable for Tristana, as it allows her to play more aggressively and gives her a safe escape route if things go wrong. Additionally, Thresh’s ultimate (The Box) provides extra zoning and slows, making it easier for Tristana to keep up the pressure and secure kills. This duo is strong for players who want flexibility and control in both aggressive plays and defensive maneuvers.
  • Thresh
  1. Blitzcrank
  • Blitzcrank’s ability to hook opponents with his Q (Rocket Grab) creates a great opening for Tristana to dive in and deal massive damage. When Blitzcrank successfully lands a grab, Tristana can quickly follow up with her Rocket Jump and apply her Explosive Charge, potentially bursting down squishy targets. Blitzcrank’s E (Power Fist) provides an additional knock-up, making it harder for enemies to escape. With Blitzcrank’s R (Static Field) silencing and damaging enemies, this pair has strong kill pressure in the early game and can quickly snowball a lead if they land key hooks.
  • Blitzcrank
  1. Leona
  • Leona’s high durability and reliable crowd control make her one of the best supports for aggressive ADCs like Tristana. Her E (Zenith Blade) and Q (Shield of Daybreak) provide consistent stuns, allowing Tristana to follow up with her damage and easily position for kills. Leona’s ultimate (Solar Flare) adds another layer of crowd control, locking down multiple enemies or isolating a target, creating perfect openings for Tristana to jump in and deal explosive burst damage. This duo is ideal for players who want to dive in and play aggressively, as Leona’s tankiness lets her peel for Tristana if needed while keeping the pressure on the enemy.
  • Leona
  1. Rell
  • Rell is a unique support who brings tankiness, crowd control, and disruption to the lane, which works well with Tristana’s dive-heavy playstyle. Rell’s W (Crash Down) allows her to initiate and control fights effectively, giving Tristana the opportunity to jump in with her Rocket Jump. Rell’s E (Attract and Repel) can stun enemies, making it even easier for Tristana to focus down targets. When Rell uses her ultimate (Magnet Storm) to pull enemies together, it sets up a powerful moment for Tristana to apply her Explosive Charge and potentially secure multi-kills. Together, Rell and Tristana can turn the bot lane into a highly dangerous zone for the enemy.
  • Rell


Tristana shines when paired with supports who can lock down enemies and give her the freedom to jump in and deal burst damage. Nautilus and Leona provide strong initiation and durability, while Thresh and Blitzcrank offer flexibility and high kill pressure. Rell’s disruptive abilities work perfectly for chaotic fights that let Tristana clean up easily. With one of these supports by her side, Tristana can take control of the bot lane, secure kills, and scale into a late-game powerhouse. Choose the support that fits your playstyle and dominate the Rift with this explosive ADC duo.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LoL, check out many helpful articles here! Good luck to you! - Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

Best Supports to Pair with Tristana in League of Legends

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