Twitch is a unique ADC in League of Legends, known for his stealth, high DPS, and incredible late-game potential. With his ability to ambush opponents and melt through teams with his ultimate, Spray and Pray, Twitch can dominate the game with the right support by his side. The ideal support for Twitch helps amplify his strengths by providing sustain, peel, or crowd control to protect him during skirmishes. Here are some of the best supports to pair with Twitch for optimal success in the bot lane.
The best supports to play with Twitch in LoL
If you play League, you probably love or hate Twitch. He’s the kind of champion who can make your game a nightmare or make you go into 1v9, fully carry mode. Thanks to his “sneaky” kit and impressive late-game damage, Twitch is able to blow up entire teams with good positioning.
Now that he’s one of the strongest ADC in the current meta, you always want to have the best supports possible with him, so you can take full advantage of his power and carry potential.
If you’re not sure which champions you should be playing with Twitch, we have compiled a list of the best supports that will work with him. We will be looking at the key strengths and weaknesses of these bot lane duos, so you know exactly what to expect going into Summoners’ Rift.

- Lulu
- Lulu is a classic support pick for Twitch, and for good reason. Lulu’s kit is filled with tools to enhance Twitch’s damage output and survivability. Her E (Help, Pix!) provides Twitch with a shield, while her W (Whimsy) gives him a burst of attack speed and movement speed, which can be a game-changer in fights. When Twitch goes invisible to set up an ambush, Lulu’s ultimate (Wild Growth) can protect him if he’s focused, allowing him to safely deal massive damage. Together, they create a deadly duo, as Lulu’s protection and utility complement Twitch’s need for both aggression and safety.
- Lulu
- Milio
- Milio is another excellent support for Twitch, offering range, healing, and protection. His W (Cozy Campfire) boosts Twitch’s attack range and gives him additional healing over time, making Twitch even more dangerous when trading in the lane or preparing for an all-in. Milio’s R (Breath of Life) also cleanses crowd control, which is invaluable for Twitch, who is vulnerable to hard CC. With Milio’s buffs, Twitch becomes harder to pin down and much more effective in extended fights, making them a strong duo for sustained DPS and poke.
- Milio
- Yuumi
- Yuumi provides Twitch with consistent healing, poke, and mobility, making her a great choice for those who want a more flexible and poke-oriented lane. When attached to Twitch, Yuumi gives him movement speed, allowing him to weave in and out of fights. Her ultimate (Final Chapter) provides crowd control that can help Twitch engage or disengage, which is especially useful when he’s ambushing enemies. Although Yuumi’s playstyle is somewhat passive in the early game, this pairing can scale exceptionally well and becomes extremely dangerous once they hit their power spikes.
- Yuumi
- Thresh
- Thresh brings crowd control, engage, and protection to Twitch’s playstyle, creating strong synergy between them. His Q (Death Sentence) can catch enemies off guard, allowing Twitch to jump in with his damage. Thresh’s lantern (Dark Passage) is also extremely useful for Twitch’s positioning, helping him escape tough situations or engage safely. Thresh’s E (Flay) provides peel, giving Twitch more safety in team fights, while his R (The Box) slows down enemies, making it easier for Twitch to stay safe while dealing consistent DPS.
- Thresh
- Senna
- Senna and Twitch make for a unique duo with great poke potential and sustain. Senna’s Q (Piercing Darkness) offers consistent healing and poke, keeping Twitch healthy while allowing him to farm and poke enemies in the lane. Her W (Last Embrace) roots enemies, setting up kills or forcing the enemy bot lane to play defensively. Additionally, Senna’s ultimate (Dawning Shadow) can provide Twitch with a shield across the map, giving him more security during fights. Together, they create a versatile lane with high scaling, making them an ideal choice for players who prefer a slower-paced early game that ramps up in the late game.
- Senna
Twitch can be a powerful ADC when paired with the right support who can amplify his strengths and provide him with protection. Lulu and Milio offer utility and buffs that allow Twitch to play aggressively, while Yuumi’s sustain and Thresh’s crowd control provide him with versatility and peel. Senna’s poke and sustain make her a good match for a scaling lane. With one of these supports by his side, Twitch can become a formidable threat on the Rift, sneaking up on enemies and taking them down with ease. Choose the support that best suits your playstyle, and watch Twitch melt the enemy team.
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