Varus, the Arrow of Retribution, is a marksman in League of Legends known for his flexibility as both a poke and burst-heavy champion, especially when building lethality. With his strong range, poke, and crowd control, Varus can dominate the lane with the right support by his side. Whether you prefer Varus in an AP poke-oriented playstyle or an on-hit attack speed build, pairing him with the right support will amplify his strengths and compensate for his vulnerabilities. Here are the top supports to pair with Varus, each bringing different benefits to his gameplay.
The best supports to play with Varus in LoL
Varus has been a steady presence at the highest levels of play in the past two years. In recent months, however, his power has gone down as Riot killed his lethality build in favor of the on-hit one.
Just like any other ADC, Varus can become stronger or weaker depending on which champions are paired with him. Since it’s a process that usually takes time, we have compiled a full list of champions that are guaranteed to work with Varus in the current meta. We’re also going to explain why and how they are strong with him, so get ready for some analysis!

- Lulu
- Lulu is a fantastic support for Varus due to her ability to boost his attack speed and protect him during fights. Her E (Help, Pix!) provides a shield that helps Varus stay healthy in trades, while her W (Whimsy) can either buff Varus’s attack speed or disable enemy champions, depending on the situation. Lulu’s ultimate, R (Wild Growth), is also valuable, giving Varus additional health and creating a knock-up zone around him. This support choice works especially well with an on-hit build, where Lulu’s buffs maximize Varus’s damage output and survivability in prolonged fights.
- Lulu
- Thresh
- Thresh is a versatile support who pairs well with Varus’s poke and crowd control playstyle. His Q (Death Sentence) provides a hook and hard crowd control, allowing Varus to easily follow up with his Q (Piercing Arrow) or ultimate, R (Chain of Corruption). Thresh’s E (Flay) and R (The Box) provide additional crowd control to keep enemies in place, letting Varus maximize his damage. Additionally, Thresh’s W (Dark Passage) offers an escape tool, helping Varus reposition or avoid danger. Together, Thresh and Varus can control the lane with strong kill potential and keep enemies at a safe distance.
- Thresh
- Renata Glasc
- Renata Glasc brings unique abilities that synergize well with Varus’s poke and burst damage. Her Q (Handshake) provides a displacement and crowd control option, helping to keep enemies within range of Varus’s abilities. Renata’s W (Bailout) is especially useful for Varus, as it grants him increased attack speed and the potential to revive if he dies during the ability’s duration. This can be crucial in tight situations, especially when Varus dives into fights with his ultimate. Her R (Hostile Takeover) can also be game-changing, disrupting the enemy team and giving Varus more room to deal damage safely.
- Renata Glasc
- Braum
- Braum is an excellent choice for a more defensive and peel-oriented playstyle. His passive (Concussive Blows) synergizes well with Varus’s attack speed-focused builds, allowing them to stack stuns quickly in fights. Braum’s Q (Winter’s Bite) also slows enemies, giving Varus an easier time landing his Q or W (Blighted Quiver) empowered attacks. Additionally, Braum’s E (Unbreakable) is incredibly valuable for blocking incoming projectiles, helping to keep Varus safe from enemy skillshots and poke. Braum’s R (Glacial Fissure) provides an area knock-up and slow, creating opportunities for Varus to reposition or secure kills.
- Braum
- Seraphine
- Seraphine is a support who provides strong poke, sustain, and crowd control, making her a great partner for a poke-oriented Varus. Her Q (High Note) and E (Beat Drop) allow her to poke and root enemies, which Varus can follow up on with his own abilities. Seraphine’s W (Surround Sound) offers healing and shielding, helping Varus stay healthy during extended trades and skirmishes. Her ultimate, R (Encore), is especially powerful in teamfights, as it can charm multiple enemies, setting up the perfect opportunity for Varus to use his R (Chain of Corruption) and deal massive damage. This combo makes them a great choice for controlling fights from a distance.
- Seraphine
Varus can thrive in different playstyles, from poke-heavy lethality builds to sustained on-hit damage, and each of these support champions brings out unique strengths in his kit. Whether you prefer the aggression and utility of Thresh and Renata Glasc, the protection of Braum, or the sustain and crowd control of Lulu and Seraphine, these supports can help Varus shine and secure victory in the bot lane.
By pairing Varus with the right support, you can maximize his impact on the game, control the battlefield, and carry your team to victory.
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