Want to know the best supports to partner up with Xayah? Here are our best five picks to destroy the enemy bot lane.

Best supports to pair up with Xayah in LoL
- Rakan – there are no better supports with Xayah than him
It’s not a surprise to see Xayah’s partner Rakan as the no. 1 choice. The two were designed by Riot to be played together. Not only do they have matching kits but they also get additional effects on some of their spells. What’s great about this duo is that they can play both aggressively and defensively, and on top of that, they get a shared recall.
Unfortunately for the bot lane duos, Xayah and Rakan won’t be getting matching recall animations anymore going forward. That said, this won’t stop them from being the strongest bot lane pairing.
- Pyke – the best support after Rakan
If you don’t like playing Rakan, then Pyke can be your alternative with Xayah. The main reason is that he brings a good level of aggressiveness within the laning phase and he has enough single-target crowd control to burst down the target with her ADC. And given that Xayah can always self-peel with the ultimate, the chances of her getting caught at the start of a fight are quite slim.
Having said that, this bot lane duo requires great coordination and good playmaking on a squishy champion like Pyke. If a few plays are messed up, it can backfire quite quickly. Don’t first-time this duo in your ranked games.
- Lulu – the best enchanter support
If you’re not a big fan of tanky or engage supports, then we recommend trying out Lulu alongside Xayah. While the support champion hasn’t been in her strongest state this season, the champion does a great job at peeling her ADC and granting her even more tools to defend from enemy threats. The added shields paired with the ultimate will allow Xayah to survive almost every teamfight and put her into a position to dish out consistent damage with her feathers.
- Braum – kite back combination Even though Xayah shines mostly with engage supports, Braum is also a strong match with her. Unlike the other champions in this list, however, he’s mainly chosen to peel Xayah and put her into a better position to kite back the enemies during the teamfights.
This is because Braum has lots of crowd control to disrupt the enemies’ engage attempts while also protecting her from incoming skill shots. It’s not one of the strongest lane combinations but the real strength will emerge during the teamfights.

- Thresh – the most flexible after Rakan
When it comes to being versatile champions, there aren’t many that can beat Thresh. If it weren’t for the Xayah-Rakan extra effects, Thresh would probably be the best support for her.
Not only can Thresh engage with his hook, but he can also help Xayah disengage in case she gets focused. With both champions’ ultimates and Thresh’s Flay (E), it becomes extremely difficult to burst the ADC down.
If Xayah is badly positioned, Thresh can save her by throwing a lantern, or using it to bring herself with him toward the enemies. Overall, Thresh is a great support to play with Xayah, giving her high chances of solo carrying games!
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