About Tier List
I considered all of toplaners and part of characters that like to pop up sometimes on our beloved island! If you disagree with something and want to debate or put your anger out then dm me on @slaster08 on X ;)
From Best to Worst
Why is .... here, why isnt .... higher?
Feel free to ask bout your champion on @slaster08 but im gonna argument some of my maybe controversial picks down here!
Very strong champs
Sejuani - she is underrated character with a lot of cc, roam ability, engage and everything you need in a teamplay - in lower ranks from Iron - Gold she is mid but the higher you go, better she is!
Ornn - super tanky champion with damage to solo some of enemies and even if you just farm undertower you are helping your team by crafting their items - cant be useless as this champion
Jax and Darius - both champions always hold in the meta someway and give a lot to their team by being able to 1v9, take objectives and win lane without junglers help!
Good Pick champs
Poppy - I think she could be even higher but A is good spot for her - underrated champion that can cause a lot of trouble in teamfights or lane - huge damage combined with speed and durability - its just amazing - also in fight for a baron or drake she just can get out of enemy jungler with her R
Safe Option champs
Aatrox - as I dislike his gameplay and players so much he still is performing very good so I cant put him lower or higher
Zac - mad underrated champion, should be more of a roaming toplaner than jungler, just try him yourself
Niche but Good champs
Xin Zhao - our asian fighter just does a lot of damage and can easily escape or hunt down enemies on lane, good if you need a bruiser and assasin at once
Not a Good Option champs
Teemo - hes just bad, counters a lot of champions with Q but does terrible in late game or agaisnt people that can actually play, destroy the mushrooms - and all that he has left is his blind - just bad
Gnar - I love this little guy but he cant do anything - good R will end a teamfight quickly but on lane? thats actually sad - this champion has a lot of potential but doesnt has the support from developers to do it.
Goated brothers - Yasuo and Yone - toplane isnt their place, cant make use of W most times, lose every 1v1, cant come to help botlane - bad
Dodge champs
Most of characters here are just troll picks without anything to offer besides Akali - but she gets destroyed by bruisers and tanks just like a little girl..