Blitzcrank Support Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More

Blitzcrankthe Great Steam Golem


Blitzcrank is one of the most iconic support champions in League of Legends, known for his game-changing crowd control abilities and unmatched playmaking potential. As a tanky support with incredible catch potential, Blitzcrank can easily swing the momentum of a game with his well-timed hooks and engages. Whether you're looking to dominate lane or set up your team for success with crucial picks, Blitzcrank is a great choice for players who enjoy being aggressive and making high-impact plays. In this guide, we’ll cover the best builds, runes, and strategies to maximize your effectiveness as Blitzcrank support.

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Why Should I Play Blitzcrank?

Blitzcrank, the Great Steam Golem, is, undoubtedly, one of the most iconic support champions within League of Legends, now incredibly useful with his game-changing hooks and disruptive presence on the Rift. If you're someone who likes playing champions with a game-changing differential in their gameplay on their own during some kind of moment in the game with a well-timed ability, look no further than Blitzcrank. The combination of his crowd control, tankiness, and the possibility of catching enemies out of position makes him an overall highly impactful pick and even more so in the support role.

Probably one of the most popular reasons Blitzcrank is played is because of his powerful engage potential. His Rocket Grab is one of the most feared abilities in all the game, able to yank an enemy champion from safety into the midst of your team. A well-landed hook is instantly able to turn the tide of a fight in your favor by catching out a key enemy carry or setting up a team fight on your terms. This alone is a constant threat presence that forces enemies to be very careful with their positioning, as any mistake will mean certain death.

Blitzcrank also happens to be great at team disruption, which makes him a potent champion in the laning phase and in team fights. His Power Fist knocks up the target upon the next auto-attack, adding more crowd control and generally making it fiddly for enemies to either retreat or be in a good enough position to counterattack. This, coupled with his Rocket Grab, allows Blitzcrank to chain his crowd control fairly easily and hold enemies down for pretty extended periods of time. Additionally, his Static Field/R causes immense AOE damage and silences all enemies, which mean that they are unable to cast their abilities, so your team gains an overwhelming advantage in fights.

Another reason to play Blitzcrank would be he has the ability to zone and control the map. His presence alone would give the enemies the urge to avoid parts of the map simply because they know that any second a hook might appear. This works most effectively during the laning phase, where Blitzcrank can create pressure simply by standing in a bush, therefore making it dangerous for the bot lane enemy to approach the minion wave or engage in fights. The zoning potential follows into the mid and late game, where Blitzcrank will have opportunities to catch enemies in jungle corridors or near objectives such as Dragon or Baron Nashor.

Another relevant factor that makes Blitzcrank a strong pick is his tankiness. He will gain a large shield when his health falls below a certain threshold with his passive Mana Barrier, which gives him survivability in cases of burst damage and allows him to survive such instances to keep fighting. This makes him a very reliable frontline champion who can absorb damage for his team while continuing to disrupt the enemy. He can itemize tanks, making him even more resistant and difficult to focus by enemies in the thick of their team, making a ruckus and space for allies.

Another reason players like Blitzcrank is his thematic appeal. A sentient steam-powered golem, Blitzcrank's design showcases this powerful, mechanical force on the Rift. His sense of style and quirky personality make him an agreeable champion to play, with all his visual effects and sound effects. Blitzcrank's identity is one of a never-stopping, relentless force showing in the gameplay, where his hooks and crowd control can turn around a game in an instant.

Finally, Blitzcrank provides a very expressive playing experience for those kinds of players aiming for Champions with high-risk, high-reward options. Lining up an important hook in a tense game feels amazingly good—especially if it's one that sets up a game-winning play. Blitzcrank is a champion whose playstyle rewards accuracy, timing, and strategic thinking for a continuous opportunity of growth and improvement. Whether it's catching an enemy out of position, peeling for your carries, or just initiating a team fight, Blitzcrank provides a very dynamic and high-impact experience that can lead to victory for your team.

In a nutshell, Blitzcrank is an extremely useful and disruptive kind of support champion who excels in catching enemies off guard and is good at controlling the battlefield and tanking damage for his team. It's game-changing hooks, crowd control, and tankiness make him a very desirable addition to any kind of team composition. If you are someone who likes playing champions that turn the tide of a fight with one skill, then Blitzcrank is the champion for you.

Blitzcrank Overview

Blitzcrank is a highly aggressive tank support in League of Legends, designed to disrupt enemy formations and create game-changing opportunities for his team. His kit revolves around his signature ability, Rocket Grab (Q), a long-range hook that pulls an enemy toward him, setting up devastating combos. Blitzcrank excels at catching out-of-position enemies, initiating fights, and peeling for his team with his crowd control.

His passive, Mana Barrier, grants a shield based on his mana, giving him extra survivability in risky situations. Overdrive (W) boosts his movement speed, allowing him to engage or disengage quickly, while Power Fist (E) adds bonus damage and a knock-up effect to his auto-attacks. Finally, his ultimate, Static Field (R), deals AOE magic damage and silences enemies, making it a versatile tool for both initiating and disrupting.

Blitzcrank is most effective in the early and mid-game, where his ability to catch opponents off-guard can lead to game-changing plays. However, he requires precise timing and positioning, as missing key hooks can leave him vulnerable. Blitzcrank is a great pick for players who enjoy playing an aggressive, high-risk, high-reward style of support.

  1. Strengths
  • Game-Changing Hooks
  • Strong Crowd Control
  • High Engage Potential
  • Zoning Power
  • Tankiness
  • Map Control
  • Fun and Engaging Playstyle
  1. Weaknesses
  • Skill Shot Reliant
  • High Risk, High Reward
  • Limited Utility If Behind
  • Mana Dependent
  • Vulnerable to Kiting
  • Lack of Sustained Damage
  • Predictable Playstyle

Blitzcrank Tips and Tricks

  • Holding off from using your Rocket Grab (Q) until the enemy has used a dash or their movement ability will make landing your Rocket Grab (Q) easier.
  • In team fights, don’t Hook Rocket Grab (Q) the enemy tank if possible. Try and Hook Rocket Grab (Q) a squishy champion or carry instead. Especially don’t Hook Rocket Grab (Q) somebody who can engage or who has CC like Amumu.
  • Know your matchups. When laning against someone who can engage like Alistar, Leona or Nautilus, never try to Hook Rocket Grab (Q) them. Hooking Rocket Grab (Q) them will make it easier for them to get onto your ADC. Try and Hook Rocket Grab (Q) the ADC if instead.
  • Blitz' main combo is Q>E>R
  • Your Q to E combo actually leaves time for the enemy to get out due to how slow your autos are, so make sure to use W inbetween if you want to confirm the combo. R's passive damage is actually very large, and not even using R and just autoing the opponent might be more in your favour.
  • Q is extremely powerful and can shoot through walls, if the enemy flashes or destroys a ward and you have the mana and the sheer steel balls to shoot wildly, hit Q and pray you land it.

Blitzcrank Summoner Spells


Blitzcrank Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Blitzrank Runes


Blitzcrank Abilities

Rocket Grab
Power Fist
Rocket Grab
Power Fist
Static Field

Blitzcrank Ability Combos

  • Basic: Q + W + E + AA
  • Medium: Flash + Q + W + E + R + AA
  • Medium: W+ Flash + R + Q + AA + E + AA

How to Play Blitzcrank Support

  1. Early Game

You are weakest during the laning phase. here you are unable to use Blitz' true power of becoming a nuke and must play carefully. Gain CS, and if you can, Q the enemy laner under your turret into E for a free and easy kill!!!!. Build ludens so that you can have enough mana to play and have decent AP. Also, do not be afraid to Q, however,while the range is not infinite, it is very long, so make sure to use that to your advantage.

  1. Mid Game

Finally, after building ludens, sorc boots and rabadons to have insane AP you are able to absolutely destroy any opponent you come across. The jungler ganks you, onetapped, the mid walks up, dragged under tower and DESTROYED! The supp dare walk up to you and gets hit with a Q and gets taken down quickly. This is when you can truly become powerful before late-game and all hell breaks lose. If you truly wish, you can roam to help your teammates, however, you are AP Blitzcrank, they do not need your help. Venture down lane, gathering kills and destroying all you can see. But make sure to roam and get kills to complete your bounty hunter rune, as that will give you the gold advantage to slam even harder. If you are losing by now, it is time for you to sit back and relax, wait for your teammates and then hit that juicy Q so that you may get the easiest kill of your life.

  1. Late Game

Hopefully by now you have managed to build void staff and shadow flame. Once they see how hard you have dominated your lane, they will surely build MR out of sure terror and fear, however that will not help them, as void staff will tear that apart. Shadowflame will also assist in this, and help you bully even harder with it's passive. If the game lasts long enough for you to build lichbane, congrats, you have truly achieved peak Tactical Nuke Build, now you should be able to 100-0 anyone instantly, and if you cannot, that is suprising! They must be super tanky. Make sure to report them. Simply help with objectives and roam into lame ocassioanly to terrify the laner and eat them and deny their CS. You by now have become a true horror for the enemy team. Just your Q deals 1k damage.



Blitzcrank is a high-impact, aggressive support champion capable of turning the tide of battle with his signature hook and crowd control. His ability to catch out-of-position enemies with Rocket Grab (Q) can easily lead to kills or set up crucial objectives for his team. Blitzcrank’s Power Fist (E) and Static Field (R) further enhance his team-fighting potential, making him a serious threat in both skirmishes and full team engagements.

While Blitzcrank is a champion that thrives on making bold plays, his effectiveness depends heavily on precise timing and positioning. When played well, Blitzcrank can dominate the laning phase and snowball the game, providing your team with both vision and control of the map. However, missing a hook or overextending can leave you vulnerable, so it’s essential to balance aggression with caution.

If you're looking for a support champion who can create opportunities, initiate fights, and change the course of the game with a single hook, Blitzcrank is an exciting and rewarding pick. With the right build and game sense, you can make a huge impact in your matches.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Blitzcrank Support Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More

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