Brand Jungle Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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Brandthe Burning Vengeance


Brand: The Burning Vengeance

Brand, the Burning Vengeance, is a fiery mage in League of Legends who excels at dealing sustained area-of-effect (AoE) damage. With his powerful abilities and scaling damage over time, Brand can melt through entire teams if left unchecked. His unique mechanics make him a strong pick for mid-lane and support roles, especially in team fights where he can maximize his AoE potential. In this article, we’ll explore Brand’s strengths and weaknesses, provide some tips and tricks for mastering him, and wrap up with key takeaways to dominate your games.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Brand

  1. Strengths:
  • Exceptional AoE Damage: Brand’s Blaze passive and abilities like Pillar of Flame (W) and Pyroclasm (R) allow him to deal massive damage in team fights, especially when enemies are grouped.
  • High Damage Over Time: Blaze stacks apply sustained damage that can punish enemies who underestimate the burn effect.
  • Strong Crowd Control: Sear (Q) provides a reliable stun when enemies are ablaze, making it a great tool for both offense and defense.
  • Mana Regeneration Mechanic: Killing enemies while they are ablaze restores mana, helping Brand sustain his pressure in extended fights.
  • Great Waveclear:His AoE abilities allow him to clear minion waves quickly, giving him lane priority and the ability to roam.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Immobility: Brand lacks any form of mobility, making him vulnerable to assassins and champions with gap closers.
  • Squishy: As a mage, Brand is inherently fragile and can be easily burst down if caught out of position.
  • Skillshot Reliance: Abilities like Sear (Q) and Pillar of Flame (W) require precise aiming, which can be challenging against agile opponents.
  • Dependent on Positioning: To maximize his AoE damage, Brand relies on enemies grouping together, which isn’t always guaranteed.

Brand Tips and Tricks

  1. Maximizing Blaze Passive:
  • Always aim to reach three stacks of Blaze on high-priority targets to trigger the detonation effect for massive AoE damage.
  • Use your abilities in quick succession to stack Blaze effectively.
  1. Ability Combos:
  • For a reliable stun, use Conflagration (E) to set targets ablaze before following up with Sear (Q).
  • In team fights, cast Pillar of Flame (W) after Conflagration (E) to deal enhanced damage to ablaze enemies.
  • Pyroclasm (R) is best used when enemies are grouped, as it can bounce between targets to apply maximum damage and slow.
  1. Positioning and Timing:
  • Stay at the backline in team fights to avoid being focused.
  • Use Sear (Q) defensively to peel for yourself or allies when under threat.
  1. Wave Management:
  • Use Pillar of Flame (W) to clear waves quickly and establish lane control.
  • Killing minions with Blaze will help sustain your mana, enabling you to stay in lane longer.
  1. Adapt to Matchups:
  • Against mobile champions, save your crowd control abilities for when they use their dashes.
  • Focus on poking with your abilities from a safe distance to wear down enemies.
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Brand Summoner Spells


Brand Runes


Brand Items

Scorchclaw Pup
Scorchclaw Pup
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
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Brand Ability Combos

  • W + E + Q: To do some short range damage W your target and instantly E Q.
  • E + Q + W: To perform your bread and butter combo instantly E Q your target then W after or as the stun lands.
  • E + FLASH + Q + W: When being engaged on, E and instantly Flash to create some distance between you and your target. Q then W.
  • E + W + R + Q + AA: To deal a bunch of AoE damage E W then instantly R Q and AA.
  • Q + E + W + R + AA: To surprise stun a target Q and quickly E before the Q hits. Then W R as quickly as you can and AA.
  • W + Q + E + R + AA: For a mid range stun combo W then Q E. Instantly use R right after and AA.
  • E + Q + W + R + AA + AA: For your basic post 6 combo E Q instantly then W R instantly and step forward so your R bounces to you then AA
  • E + R + FLASH + Q + W: While being engaged on E then instantly R. Flash during the animation and instantly Q W right after.
  • R + Q + E + W + AA: To get off a stun your target won't see coming use R Q instantly one after another then E before the Q lands. Use W while your target is stunned.
  • Q + FLASH + E + W: When outside normal range Q and Flash mid animation, then E before it lands followed by a W.

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your Pillar of Flame W as often as you can.
  • Post level 3, you’ll be able to use your basic combo to chunk the enemy down. When trading keep an eye on your mana bar though as you’ll be vulnerable when you’re out of mana.
  • At level 6 your kill pressure increases dramatically. Try to play aggressive and look for kills. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage.
  1. Mid game
  • Delay a team fight for as long as possible while you poke and harass the enemy with your Pillar of Flame W. Once the enemy is low, you can commit to the fight.
  • Place vision around the mid lane and wherever you and your ADC are currently playing. This will increase your chances of surviving an all-in.
  • Stick with your ADC throughout the mid-game. If you’re alone, you’ll be an easy target for the enemy. Similarly, if your ADC is alone, they might try to collapse on them and kill them.
  1. Late game
  • As you’re a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight.
  • Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory.
  • Use your Ultimate Pyroclasm R on as many enemies as possible. Brand’s late-game damage is insane and as long as you’re able to use it on multiple champions at it bounces- you will deal lots of damage.
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Brand’s fiery arsenal makes him a fearsome mage capable of obliterating enemies in team fights and controlling the battlefield with his AoE damage. While he requires good positioning and skillshot accuracy to excel, his high damage output and unique Blaze mechanic make him a rewarding champion for those who master him. Whether you’re looking to dominate the mid-lane or support your team with consistent damage, Brand is a fantastic choice to set your enemies ablaze and claim victory on the Rift. So, light up the battlefield and show your foes the true meaning of vengeance!

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LOL, check out many helpful articles here!

Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Created 2mo ago

Brand Jungle Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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