Brand Support Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More

Brandthe Burning Vengeance

Brand Support Build Guide: Master the Fire Mage in the Bot Lane

Are you looking to dominate the bot lane with Brand, the fiery mage, as your support champion? Brand isn’t your traditional support, but his high damage output and crowd control abilities make him a terrifying presence in any game. In this guide, we'll walk you through the best Brand support build and strategy to maximize your effectiveness and secure victories for your team.

Brand is a fun, skillshot based champion, which I believe is underused currently this season. His ability to melt tanks that disregard Magic Resist will always put you top in team damage as a support! and is by far the highest damage dealing support as his Blaze is very strong with little Ability Power & items.

Why Choose Brand as Support?

Brand is an AP (Ability Power) mage whose skillset includes high-damage abilities, area of effect (AoE) control, and crowd control through his Sear (Q) stun. Though typically played in the mid lane, Brand support has become popular for his ability to apply pressure in the bot lane. He excels at poking enemies, bursting squishy champions, and turning fights around with his ultimate – Pyroclasm (R).

Brand Overview

Brand is an explosive AP (Ability Power) mage champion in League of Legends, known for his high-damage abilities and his passive, Blaze, which ignites enemies and deals burn damage over time. Once a man named Kegan Rodhe, Brand became consumed by the primal fire of the World Runes, transforming him into a being of pure flame. With his overwhelming crowd control and powerful area-of-effect (AoE) abilities, Brand excels in both mid-lane and support roles, punishing enemies who group too closely together.

Brand’s gameplay is focused on inflicting consistent burn damage, poking enemies from a distance, and devastating them in team fights with his ultimate, Pyroclasm (R), which bounces between targets, spreading havoc. His kit makes him a strong threat in both laning and team-fighting phases, offering aggressive players the tools to control the battlefield.

Brand Strengths & Weaknesses:

  1. Strengths
  • Can outtrade most lanes pre-Diamond, either giving your ADC a free lane or getting early kills
  • Is a teamfight Monster, and takes focus and pressure off of the adc through threatening huge damage and spread (can do the most damage in the game with 2-3 items)
  • Scales well and provides AoE slow/anti-heal team-wide most fights
  • Shreds tanks, squishies, and idiots alike.
  • Does well with gold from kills if you get them.
  1. Weaknesses
  • Dude is a squish sack early
  • No mobility
  • Does not provide a lot of utility to main carries directly (So become the main carry)
  • Main CC is a skill-shot stun that requires a global to prime. (We can argue is main CC is Rylai's/Ult slow, which it is, but stun can deny enemy kills/secure team kills as well)
  • Very susceptible to assassins.
  • Lot's of things counter his ult -> weak against Wind-walls, Braum shield, Samira, etc.
  • Stun only gets harder to land as you rank up, so your main tools and positioning need to adapt knowing that people avoid skills differently at that point.

Brand Tips and Tricks

  • Try and poke as often as you can with your Pillar of Flame (W), but make sure to keep an eye on your mana pool.
  • In team fights, try to cast your Ultimate Pyroclasm (R) when the enemy is bunched together so it can bounce between multiple champions and deal more damage.
  • If you’re struggling to lane against a champion with a hook or engage tool, the best time to harass them with your Pillar of Flame (W) is when their CC ability is down.

Brand Summoner Spells


Brand Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Brand Runes


Brand Abilities

Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame

Brand Ability Combos

  • Basic: Q + Flash
  • Basic: W + Q
  • Medium: Q + E + W
  • Medium: R + Q + W + E
  • Hard: Q + Flash + E + W + R
  • Hard: R + Q + Flash + AA + W + E

How to Play Brand

  1. Early game
  • Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your Pillar of Flame (W) as often as you can.
  • Post level 3, you’ll be able to use your basic combo to chunk the enemy down. When trading keep an eye on your mana bar though as you’ll be vulnerable when you’re out of mana.
  • At level 6 your kill pressure increases dramatically. Try to play aggressive and look for kills. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage.
  1. Mid game
  • Delay a team fight for as long as possible while you poke and harass the enemy with your Pillar of Flame (W). Once the enemy is low, you can commit to the fight.
  • Place vision around the mid lane and wherever you and your ADC are currently playing. This will increase your chances of surviving an all-in.
  • Stick with your ADC throughout the mid-game. If you’re alone, you’ll be an easy target for the enemy. Similarly, if your ADC is alone, they might try to collapse on them and kill them.
  1. Late game
  • As you’re a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight.
  • Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory.
  • Use your Ultimate Pyroclasm (R) on as many enemies as possible. Brand’s late-game damage is insane and as long as you’re able to use it on multiple champions at it bounces- you will deal lots of damage.


In conclusion, Brand stands out as one of the most powerful mages in League of Legends, with his ability to deal massive burst damage and control team fights with his fiery AoE spells. Whether played as a mid-laner or an aggressive support, Brand’s kit allows for punishing poke in the laning phase and explosive team fight potential. His versatility and high-damage output make him a rewarding pick for players who thrive in controlling the pace of the game with aggressive plays. Mastering Brand’s abilities and timing can easily turn the tide of battle in your favor, making him an unstoppable force in the right hands.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LOL, check out many helpful articles here!

Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Brand Support Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More

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